Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil review: Melina Marchetta's first crime novel

This was published 3 years ago

Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil review: Melina Marchetta's first crime novel

Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil
VIKING, $32.99

In 1992 Melina Marchetta published her first novel, Looking for Alibrandi. A coming-of-age story about a young Australian girl of Italian heritage, Alibrandi tackled serious issues head on: ethnicity, religion, sexuality and suicide, as well as intergenerational conflict. Much lauded and awarded, the book became a film that scooped the pool at the AFI awards in 2000, including a best screenplay trophy for the versatile Marchetta.

Melina Marchetta surprises readers with a switch to literary crime.

Melina Marchetta surprises readers with a switch to literary crime.

Since Alibrandi, Marchetta has ventured down a number of different genre paths, from young-adult fiction, to fantasy and now crime, although one of the more intriguing aspects of Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil is just how many of the issues raised in Alibrandi resurface here. This is a crime novel in which anxieties about growing up now include the global threat of terrorism, and while teenagers continue to play an axiomatic role, the focus is more firmly on their parents, who are also doing it tough.

Detective Inspector Bashir (Bish) Ortley of London's Metropolitan Police has been recently suspended for uncharacteristically lashing out, although he was nicknamed the Hulk at boarding school. He is drinking too much while mourning the death of his son and the disintegration of his marriage. So far so genre conventional.

<i>Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil</i> by Melina Marchetta.

Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil by Melina Marchetta.

Then comes the complication: a call from a former school chum who is now something hush-hush in the Home Office. A bus carrying a group of schoolchildren on a language tour has been blown up in northern France and Bish's headstrong daughter Bee, who signed herself up for the trip without her parents' consent, is known to have been on board.

With his widowed mother, Saffron, in tow, the desperately hung-over Bish dashes across the Channel to arrive at the chaotic blast site, and immediately slips into his former professional role. While Bee has survived relatively unscathed, some other young people with whom she has become close have died or been seriously injured.

These hectic opening scenes are heart-wrenching as Bish and Saffron mediate between the French police and distraught parents, while dealing with the shocked and grieving teenagers. They also provide the opportunity for Marchetta to do what she does best, giving us the low-down on the secret lives of the teens on the bus that are more complicated than anyone might ever imagine.

To Bish's surprise and dismay, a young suspect has already been identified: Violette Le Brac Zidane, the granddaughter of the man held responsible for killing 23 people in a terrorist bomb blast 13 years earlier. Bish was involved in this case, and responsible for removing Violette from the care of her mother, Noor, who is now serving a life sentence for her involvement in the crime.

To complicate matters further, Violette and Bee have been sharing a room, although Bee is cagey about the precise nature of their relationship, especially when the elusive Violette disappears with a younger boy in tow.

Once back on British soil, Bish is recruited by the Home Office to find Violette, a quest that involves visiting Noor in prison and coming to the realisation that he has been implicated in an appalling miscarriage of justice stemming from racial tensions that stretch back to World War II.

Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil is a multi-layered book with a big heart that accords every character we encounter – and there are many – a backstory that serves to illustrate just how profoundly people's lives may be shaped by the forces of history over which they have no control. Marchetta does this seamlessly, while her characters spring to life on the page.

Take Bee, who oscillates from childlike neediness to wearing what her father characterises as her "sod off" earphones to escape his scrutiny. And then there's Bish himself. When Violette asks who Bish is really working for, Bee reassures her with the comment, "I think he's working for you Violette. I think my dad wants to save every kid in England because he couldn't save his own."

Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil is a beautifully conceived crime novel that continues to resonate long after you reach the last page. It's also a book every parent should read.

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