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Consumer affairs

When the public side with the powerful over press freedom, we all lose

When the public side with the powerful over press freedom, we all lose

Governments of all stripes are hostile to the media. What is different in Victoria during the COVID-19 pandemic is a significant section of the public is too.

  • by Osman Faruqi


Gadgets were on the way out. Then 2020 happened.

Gadgets were on the way out. Then 2020 happened.

Seven months of shattered plans, coronavirus lockdowns and rapidly improvised new normals have converted jaded consumers around the world into frantic gadget freaks.

  • by John Herrman
Sport supplement shake-up to follow federal government intervention

Sport supplement shake-up to follow federal government intervention

Some pre-workout, weight loss and recovery supplements popular with gymgoers and dieters could be ripped off the shelves within weeks.

  • by Michael Koziol
Solomon Lew turns the screws on Myer

Solomon Lew turns the screws on Myer

If Myer’s Christmas is a disappointment, an EGM is all but inevitable, and with it calls for a board spill and an overhaul of management.

  • by Adele Ferguson
Melbourne's rental vacancy 'highest on record' as unemployed move back home
Victoria residential property

Melbourne's rental vacancy 'highest on record' as unemployed move back home

Melbourne’s rental vacancy rate has more than doubled since this time last year. Tenants who lost work during the COVID-19-related recession have been moving out of rental properties and in with family and friends.

  • by Jim Malo