Senate Extends Idiotic Iran Sanctions by 99-0 Vote!

Forget that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) agreed between Iran and the so-called P5+1 consisting of the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, and the European Union has by all accounts been one of the few real foreign policy successes in the eight years of an otherwise war-dominated the Obama Administration. Forget that the promise of normalizing trade relations with Iran would produce untold wealth – and jobs – for both the US and Iran. Forget that the Europeans are flocking in droves to resume lucrative trade with Iran, despite president-elect Trump’s inexplicable Iranophobia. Forget that as the “Germany of the Middle East,” Iran brings to the table “80 million people, an educated workforce, and a proud tradition of manufacturing”and a potential economic bonanza for its partners.

Nope. The US Senate is proof that habitually ingesting mainstream media “fake news” is extremely harmful for your mental health.

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Tell the Washington Post: ‘Smearing is not reporting.’


To: Martin Baron, Executive Editor, The Washington Post

Smearing is not reporting. The Washington Post’s recent descent into McCarthyism – promoting anonymous and shoddy claims that a vast range of some 200 websites are all accomplices or tools of the Russian government – violates basic journalistic standards and does real harm to democratic discourse in our country. We urge The Washington Post to prominently retract the article and apologize for publishing it.



Ron Paul on the Coming Fall Of Aleppo: Victory For Whom?

Over the past week, the Syrian military has re-taken more than 40 percent of the territory in east Aleppo that had for several years been controlled by the rebels. Most believe that this last large population center not controlled by the government will soon return to government control. After this, the nearly six year insurgency would likely soon be completely defeated. Meanwhile Secretary of State John Kerry is reportedly desperately attempting to make an agreement with the Russian government to halt the Syrian army advance into rebel-held east Aleppo. The Obama Administration fears a new US policy toward Syria would be launched by the incoming Trump Administration and is eager to preserve a flicker of the regime-change project in Syria. What happens next? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Conference Video: The American Conservative ‘Foreign Policy in America’s Interest’

From the TAC website:

On November 15, 2016, The American Conservative gathered leading scholars, journalists, and policy experts to discuss the future of U.S. foreign policy in the wake of the 2016 election. Former U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Navy Jim Webb delivered a keynote address at the conference, “Foreign Policy in America’s Interest: Realism, Nationalism, and the Next President”, held at George Washington University in downtown Washington, DC. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), a Congressional critic of unauthorized military interventions, also made remarks, while other political analysts and foreign-policy experts discussed what type of mandate Donald Trump will have as he takes office and how the new administration should handle relations with Russia. A final discussion with prominent historians and scholars reflected on what 2016 means for the country’s longstanding commitment to intervention and globalism.

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More Fake News: Who’s On The Washington Post Blacklist?

Though its main source remains anonymous, the Washington Post claims to have uncovered a vast conspiracy of more than 200 alternative news outlets – such as the Drudge Report, Zero Hedge, the Ron Paul Institute,, and others – who have worked as Russian propaganda tools to defeat Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump as the next president. Kooky…or dangerous? Our take in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.