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Demographic information

A survey conducted in early 2009 revealed the following characteristics of Antiwar.com readers:


  • Male 88%
  • Female 12%


  • 18-25 3%
  • 26-35 13%
  • 36-45 18%
  • 46-55 22%
  • 56-64 26%
  • 65+ 18%

Total Household Income

  • Less than 25k 16%
  • 25-49k 24%
  • 50-74k 20%
  • 75-99k 17%
  • 100-199k 18%
  • 200k + 6%

Education Level

  • High School 6%
  • Attended College 19%
  • 4-year degree 33%
  • Post graduate degree(s) 42%

Political & Social Activity

  • Volunteered for a political/social cause 55%
  • Donated money to a political/social cause 79%
  • Directly contacted an elected official about an issue 66%
  • Written to a newspaper or magazine about an issue 56%
  • Organized a political event 18%
  • Participated in fund raising for a political cause 25%
  • Blogged 28%
  • Participated in an online discussion forum 50%

Online purchases made within the last year

  • Books 88%
  • Electronics 45%
  • Music, CDs 50%
  • Videos, DVDs 43%
  • Travel 43%
  • Clothing, Accessories 41%
  • Software 44%
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