World News


  1. Meet the likely next PM

    Bill English is the definition of a safe pair of hands and his likely appointment will cause few ripples in New Zealand or elsewhere.

  2. What's next for NZ politics?

    NZ Prime Minister John Key is leaving as a leader, and not in defeat, and now the next election looks more promising for Labour.

  3. 10 years on from Fiji's coup

    Beverley O'Connor speaks to Fijian-born academic Professor Brij Lal, who was expelled from Fiji in 2009 and still can't return.

  4. Standing Rock protests

    Standing Rock activists get a massive win, with the US Army announcing it will block the way for the controversial project.

  5. Merkel's bid for backing

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel will take one of the biggest gambles of her 11-year reign as she seeks party endorsement.

  6. Why do we have monarchs?

    There are still 43 countries that recognise monarchs as their heads of state. How are the world's remaining monarchies enduring?

  7. Mixed Blessings

    Iraqi Christians survey the wreckage of the Islamic State group's rampage.

  8. Cambodia's slave labour

    There could be tens of thousands of slaves in brick factories across Cambodia, a human rights organisation estimates.

  9. PNG villager's logging fight

    A PNG villager's battle to stop logging around his home has won an award and the chance to lobby the US Government for help.

  10. Italy's mafia women

    Married at 13 and pregnant by 15, Maria Concetta Cacciola's story offers an insight into the life of a woman born into the 'Ndrangheta.

  11. Shock British by-election

    In a year of global political earthquakes, the Richmond Park by-election is barely a blip — but was it a sign of a Brexit backlash?

  12. Hong Kong crackdown

    Hong Kong MP Nathan Law predicts his possible political demise to the ABC hours before Government legal action begins.

  13. Italy votes on reform

    Italians go to the polls this weekend to answer a high-stakes referendum question that has huge implications.

  14. Coping post-US election

    Americans are wrestling with the anxiety felt about the election of Donald Trump the same way they always have.

  15. Populist fears in Italy

    Italian MP Marco Fedi says he's worried about the impact of populist politics ahead of this weekend's referendum in Italy.

  16. Saving a Cambodian forest

    A family living in a house in the heart of an ancient Cambodian forest fear that without taking action now, it will all be destroyed.

  17. Melbourne protest aftermath

    A man says within hours of attending a protest in Melbourne against a visit by an Ethiopian MP, some of his family were arrested.

  1. Thousands march against S. Korean president

    Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans have rallied in Seoul for the sixth straight weekend of protests demanding the resignation of scandal-tainted President Park Geun-hye.

    The march came after three opposition parties introduced a bill for parliament to impeach Ms Park, who could become the first democratically elected leader to leave office early in disgrace.

  1. Thousands rally in Jakarta

    Tens of thousands of Indonesians rally in the centre of the capital Jakarta, calling for tolerance and unity.

  2. Trump Taiwan phone call

    Donald Trump's phone chat with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen was simply a "courtesy call", Mike Pence says.

  3. Hong Kong crackdown

    Hong Kong's youngest MP, Nathan Law, predicts the possible demise of his political career to the ABC .

  4. PNG withdraws finance offer

    Landowners at Papua New Guinea's biggest resources project are threatening to create "chaos".