Video 2mins 1sec

Police have been involved in a dramatic shooting in the centre of Adelaide after a man allegedly abducted a woman and her two children, threatening a 3-year-old with a gun. The incident happened last night in the city where the man was seen arguing with the woman and then leaving with her, the toddler and a 9-month-old baby in the car.

In what an officer describes as a "very high-risk" incident, SA Police forcibly stop a car containing a man and a pregnant woman and two young children he allegedly abducted, smash a window and shoot him.

The operator of five Adelaide nursing homes and retirement villages is worried the RSL will sell them off if it takes control of its board as expected at a meeting this afternoon.

The media has been blocked from joining a Supreme Court visit to the site of the new Royal Adelaide Hospital on Tuesday to look at five alleged building defects.

Leaked documents reveal the South Australian Opposition is considering a pre-election commitment to spend up to $150 million and upgrade the Oaklands road and rail crossing in Adelaide.

Analysis of agricultural exports shows commodities already trading with China, Japan and Korea are the biggest winners from the early years of free trade agreements.

An Adelaide man convicted in connection with a $10-million drug bust in 2012 avoids jail after a judge finds him integral to the family's olive production business.

Country Health SA announces it will commission an independent review into the Mount Gambier Hospital following concerns raised by two unions.

A robber who mistakenly targeted a banking advice centre instead of a bank and fled with just $5 from a staffer's wallet could face a maximum life sentence, an Adelaide court hears.

Want to avoid sunburn this summer? Why not download a smartphone app designed by the Cancer Council.

Street artists get another chance to strengthen Port Adelaide's identity with unique murals, as part of economic renewal efforts for the area.

Claims about 100 teachers are at work without current background clearances are incorrect, South Australia's Education Department says.

The owners of South Australia's electricity network are taking their fight to charge customers more to the Federal Court, with South Australian Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis seeking legal advice over the move.

Mundulla's Vida Maney is determined to enter as many contests at the local show as years she has been alive, and welcomes competition from the younger generations.

Hundreds of ASC workers are holding a two-day strike in South Australia following stalled negotiations over an enterprise bargaining agreement, and focusing their protest on Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne.

Newly minted Australia opener Matt Renshaw takes great satisfaction from his grinding second-innings knock in the Adelaide Test, which lasted 137 balls and yielded 34 runs.

Usman Khawaja's match-winning batting display in Australia's third Test against South Africa shows that at least outside Asia, he has arrived as a senior player to be counted on, writes Geoff Lemon.

Steve Smith says the new faces in Australia's winning XI brought a new energy to the ailing side following an excellent consolation victory over South Africa in Adelaide.

Australia wins the third Test against South Africa by seven wickets after a disciplined bowling effort and brisk chase in Adelaide.

A local company left out of pocket when a key contractor for the Clipsal 500 car race went into administration is refused payroll tax relief by the South Australian Government.

Australia cruises to a seven-wicket consolation win over the Proteas in Adelaide. Look back at how the action unfolded in our live blog.

A snake catcher warns of increased snake activity in South Australian towns and cities over summer, after removing several dangerous reptiles from Adelaide's CBD.

The South Australian Government calls on the public to give feedback on long-awaited plans for the redevelopment for the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site in the CBD.

As the sun began to set on day three in Adelaide, Grandstand commentary duo Gerard Whateley and Chris Rogers called the cricket from atop Adelaide Oval's roof.