89,000 Total Readership

BOSS is Australia’s premier magazine for business leaders and high-achievers – and those who wish to learn from them.

Launched in March 2000, BOSS has grown to be the magazine of choice for the upper echelons of the Australian business community and those who aspire to lead.

BOSS has a core focus on management and corporate culture, but its motivating force is the desire to build a community of interest and knowledge around the latest ideas in leadership and the workplace, in Australia and internationally.

BOSS is designed for a discerning reader, those who are at the most senior levels of organisations and those aspiring for success and improvement. It’s the magazine with special access to the top Australian corporate executives and reveals their winning strategies.

Supporting and complementing the magazine’s print edition are a strong online presence that include social media communities on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

View for BOSS Magazine ad specs.

Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT | People 14+ for the 12 months ending August 2016 | Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly August 2016.


Nerissa Corbett
Brands and Audiences Director, Prestige
Fairfax Media
+61 (02) 9282 2096 Email Nerissa Corbett
Angela Tesoriero
Brands and Audiences Manager, Prestige
Fairfax Media
+61(02) 9282 1939 Email Angela Tesoriero