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Current Issue of The Guardian

November 2, 2016 - click here for index of articles.

Stop the workplace carnage – Touch one, touch all!

Statement by the CC, CPA: The war on workers has turned even more deadly recently. The needless deaths of five workers in three weeks on construction sites across Australia has put the human cost of the government and employers’ policies into tragic perspective. Well organised union jobs are safe jobs; non-union jobs can be deadly jobs.  more ...


Editorial – Slavery: Genesis of capitalism

Since 1983 December 2 has been recognised as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery that had been adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. They dedicated this day to the awareness of contemporary forms of slavery such as extreme labour exploitation, human trafficking, forced recruitment of minors for use in armed forces and forced marriages.  more ...

“Save Our Hospitals” – Privatisation rejected

The NSW state government recently revealed that the redevelopment and running of Maitland and Wyong hospitals, along with a number of other regional hospitals, would be handed over to a private operator. In effect they would become private, for-profit hospitals with a contract with the state government to provide some, as yet unspecified, service to public patients. Public patients will become an add-on at the very hospitals that were originally built to meet the needs of the local community.   more ...

In solidarity with Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution

The Central committee of the Communist Party of Australia sends a message of solidarity to President Nicolas Maduro during these crucial times for the Bolivarian Revolution.  more ...

UN blasts Australia’s immigration policy

Australia’s bid for a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission may be rejected because of a range of human rights issues within Australia, and in particular because of the government’s treatment of asylum seekers detained indefinitely offshore on Nauru and Manus Island under Australian immigration policies.  more ...

Remote media in Yirrkala

About 160 remote media workers and industry partners from across Australia gathered in Yirrkala on Yolngu country in Arnhem Land for the 18th National Remote Indigenous Media Festival.  more ...

Necessity and progress

October 30 marked the anniversary date of the foundation of the Communist Party of Australia in 1920. It was an historic event and signalled the formation of a party taking Marxism as its guide.  more ...

Socialism, necessary today and for the future

The October Revolution is the major event in the historical process of emancipation of the exploited, the oppressed, the workers and the peoples, a process which has been marked by important revolutionary events from the days of primitive society, through slavery, feudalism and capitalism.  more ...

Corporate profits over public health

With the obligations it has imposed on member countries of the trade body to recognise and strengthen patent protection on pharmaceuticals, the World Trade Organisation’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS implemented more than 16 years ago) is denying patients in the developing world access to life-saving essential medicines. The countries of the South now find themselves ranged against Northern governments and powerful pharmaceutical lobbies in their fight, at the WTO and beyond, to ensure public health takes precedence over corporate profits.  more ...

Culture & Life – The free press – hurrah!

The publicists employed by capitalism are fond of trumpeting the virtues of a “free press” which capitalist countries supposedly enjoy. Journalists employed by capitalist media, however, know that their much vaunted freedom depends on the goodwill of media proprietors, the political tolerance of advertisers (who control the purse strings) and just what the capitalist state will let them get away with.  more ...

Quote of the Week

I venture to think that the Allied declaration that they are fighting to make the world safe for freedom of the individual sounds hollow, so long as India, and for that matter, Africa, are exploited by Great Britain, and America has the Negro problem in her own home.

Mahatma Gandhi, 1942

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, November 1, 2016

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