Here's Why The Jaw-Dropping Final 4 Words In 'Gilmore Girls' Make Perfect Sense

Shook like Shira Huntzberger.

27/11/2016 10:00 AM AEDT | Updated 1 hour ago
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So you’ve already finished binging Netflix’s “Gilmore Girls” and now you’re at a loss for words. The final four, to be exact. 

After almost a decade of suspense, fans have finally been clued in to the “Gilmore” endgame when the highly anticipated revival, “A Year in the Life,” was released on Friday. 

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read ahead if you’ve had something better to do than dedicate the last 48 hours to “Gilmore Girls.”

After taking a journey with the Gilmore women through winter, spring, summer and fall, the closing moments of the series find Lorelai and Rory at the Stars Hollow gazebo right where they started. 

“Mom,” Rory says.

“Yeah?” Lorelai responds.

“I’m pregnant.”

They turn toward each other and the episode cuts to black.

Let us repeat. The final four words are: “Mom?” “Yeah?” “I’m pregnant.”

Throughout the series, Lorelai’s and Rory’s lives are drawn in comparison to one another, as the mother-daughter duo have supported each other through stolen yachts, broken engagements and a 24-hour dance marathon. That’s why the final four words bring the characters full circle by having Rory’s journey mirror Lorelai’s. 

When we first met Lorelai at the beginning of the series she was 32, the same age as Rory at the end of the revival. We’re unlikely to see another season of “Gilmore Girls” soon, but the ending puts Rory in the same place her mother once was: raising a child without the help of a father. 

Rory’s romantic entanglements also fall quite close to Lorelai’s own history. The biggest question the revival refuses to answer is, of course, the paternity of Rory’s child, if she in fact chooses to have one. Excluding an unexpected sexual dalliance with a “Star Wars” creature, Rory presumably has only sex with one man over the course of the year: Logan Huntzberger. 

Yes, she could have slept with her oft-forgotten boyfriend Paul and probably not remembered it, but him being the father is an unlikely outcome. Right before she tells Lorelai about the pregnancy, Rory receives a breakup text from Paul and is mostly unfazed by the news. Logan, on the other hand, shares a night with Rory at the beginning of “Fall” which makes sense considering the timeline of the pregnancy.  

Here’s where things get really interesting. By the end of the series, Logan essentially becomes a proxy for Rory’s own father, Christopher, a rebellious son of a hugely wealthy family who eventually learns to fall in line with his family’s wishes. The comparison is driven home when Rory goes to her father’s office in the series’ final chapter to ask how he felt about Lorelai raising his daughter as a single mother. Much like Logan, Rory surmises that Christopher will never be there for her in the ways that she’s always deserved. 

But just as Christopher was never meant to be with Lorelai, the revival offers up the possibility that Rory’s fan favorite former boyfriend, Jess, still has feelings for Stars Hollow’s prodigal daughter. The last time we see Jess in the revival, he gazes at Rory with eyes that betray the chill exes status they’ve both agreed upon. There’s love there and it’s not going away anytime soon.

If we’re following this logic, then Jess, the nephew of Lorelai’s now-husband, Luke, is Rory’s soulmate. Lorelai spent seven seasons deciding between Luke and Christopher, but, as she admits in the revival, it was Luke all along. 

So brace for impact, everybody. If the series is trying to drive home how Rory will always follow in Lorelai’s path, we can deduce that Logan is the father, but it’s Jess who will ultimately become her partner in life. 

I mean, wouldn’t you? 

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