For most businesses, a big summer of trade normally means one thing - a strong year. But an increasing number of business owners are discovering a summer surge in sales can actually have an unwanted side-effect.

The culprit is employee fraud, and with the incidence and different methods of fraud on the rise, the seasonal conditions during the summer trade period present the perfect conditions for it to occur.  

The increased volume of activity leads to dramatic changes in what is normally a very stable and controlled environment, leaving the door open for fraud. 

At this time of year, many businesses are madly scaling-up their operations to meet the increased demand the summer months bring. This means bringing transient employees into the business to cope the temporary surge in activity, as well as relaxing some of the normal processes to make the business more adaptable.

One of the big issues with a temporary workforce is that as an employer, you have far less knowledge on their history and background, meaning many business owners take a ‘leap of faith’ when bringing them into the business.

But for many seasonal businesses, this up-scaling is essential because if they fail to capitalise on the strong demand and meet financial targets at this time of year, it becomes impossible for them to meet annual profit targets.

The increased volume of activity leads to dramatic changes in what is normally a very stable and controlled environment, leaving the door open for fraud. 

Opportunistic employees, whether they’re transient or long-serving, suddenly have an opening to override standard controls and may be tempted to find a way around or ignore standard processes.

And it’s not just seasonal businesses or those that experience a summer surge who are at risk. At the other end of the scale, many service oriented businesses are scaling back at this time of year and that means lower staff numbers, which also increases the risk of fraud.

Many businesses don’t understand that it is actually long-serving employees who are more likely to commit fraud because they have a strong knowledge of processes and systems and how to get around them.

So as a business owner, what ‘warning signs’ should you be looking for? The first thing to acknowledge is that any business is at risk, no matter how strong or trusted you think your staff are. That means you must have a focus on controls. It’s also important to recognise that fraud can take many forms, false invoicing and stealing cash or inventory through to understating annual leave balances or manipulating pay-roll rates.

The actual warning signs are many and varied, but some of the ‘red flags’ include looking out for inconsistent results with expectations or trends, key people never taking leave, a lack of documentation for transactions and a failure to complete timely reconciliations.

The only way to protect yourself is to be vigilant and have in place measures to continually monitor your workplace environment.

Ensure you have in place good processes for reconciling payments and cash collections and implement standard IT logs for changes to core data inputs such as payroll.

Segregate key duties such as payments, reconciliations and payroll to avoid the risk of a single employee manipulating processes or data.

Train your staff in fraud awareness and put in place policies to address fraud and conduct pre-employment screening and employee screening on a regular basis. If you need to hire transient employees, make sure they have a tax file number so you are able to track them.

You could also think about enforcing compulsory annual leave for employees who are reluctant to take leave and ensuring everyone in the business takes an active interest in monitoring fraud.

Engaging a specialist to conduct an objective review of internal controls can also be an effective way of managing employee fraud because it provides an independent assessment and comparison to best practice.

Leo Tutt is head of the audit focus group at William Buck Chartered Accountants and Advisors