The Black Voice

Cover of The Black Voice

Partial online archive of The Black Voice, the information arm of the United Black Workers, an organization of workers at the Ford Mahwah Assembly plant in New Jersey in the early 1970s.

No pain no gain

Track / Image by Monica Kostas

The fifth installment in Recomposition's 'Politics on the Field' series comes to us from Chicago where Kingsley Clarke discusses his love of track and field, a view into youth coaching of the sport, and the class and racial dynamics that exist today.

Fighting the far right

A brief article by Benjamin from First of May Anarchist Alliance about the resurgent far right in the United States and how defeating Trump at the polls is not an adequate response.

On Sojourner Truth Organisation: some thoughts

We were asked to write about how we relate to the 1970s American revolutionary group, Sojourner Truth Organisation (STO). Amongst other things, they were involved in workplace organising and developed thinking around race and white skin privilege.

Democratic Socialists of America & Libertarian Socialism

1983 Debate from the Workers Solidarity Alliance magazine "ideas & action" on whether or not anarcho-syndicalists and libertarian socialists should participate in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

From issue # 3, Spring 1983

Alfred Olango and the hatred of solidarity

Sending the police to deal with mental health crises is bad for everyone, so why does it continue to happen?

Modern day slavery in the USA

US prison labourers

Since the 45th Anniversary of the Attica prison riots – September 9th, 2016 – an estimated 24,000 people have been on strike in the USA. If you haven’t heard of the strike you are not alone. It has mostly been ignored by the mainstream media and even much of the Left. This is because the strikers are made up of a group who usually don’t feature in strikes: prison workers.

The Bernie Sanders Paradox: When Socialism Grows Old

Murray Bookchin's 1986 article analyzing Bernie Sanders' Burlington Vermont mayoral campaign and the aftermath is equally relevant in relation to his 2016 presidential campaign. Also includes a response from Brian Higgins and rejoinder from Murry Bookchin from the next issue.

Crystal-gazing the amber fluid and other Wobbly poems

A short book of poetry by anarchist artist Carlos Cortez, a long-time member of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Bloodshed in Bayonne

October 8, 2016 is the 100th anniversary of the strike at Standard Oil’s Bayonne, N.J., refineries. In the course of the ten-day strike, 4 people were killed and 86 wounded. The free press demonstrated collusion between the corporation and the city authorities in what John Reed described as a police riot. Yet, not a word of this is mentioned in the Rockefeller biographies.