Socialist Party of America History and Geography

Key maps: votes, membership, newspapers, and elected officials

Courtesy Mapping American Social Movements Project, University of Washington. Find an interactive version at
Here are two dozen maps and charts exploring the geography of Socialist Party activity.

2001-02: California Prisoner Hunger Strike

1909: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Strike

Two years before the horrific fire that claimed 146 garment workers, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was the focal point for a struggle that encompassed the entire garment industry of the city of New York

1996-8: Sierra Blanca Community Opposes Nuclear Waste Site

History of the campaign against building a nuclear waste disposal site in a Texan town. The campaign was notably in that it mobilised people across the US and Mexico and that the $55 million deal was supported by State Governor George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Don't Make A Wave: The Campaign Against Nuclear Testing on Amchitka Island

Article on the history of the campaign to stop nuclear weapons tests on the Alaskan Island on Amchitka. The campaign would lead to the founding of Green Peace.

Looking back on Obama's deportation regime

The Obama administration's approach to illegal immigration was to severely enforce penalties for immigration related crimes. This approach led to record deportation numbers and an unprecedented explosion in the immigrant prisoner population.

Looking back at Obama’s bailouts: HAMP

Former Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner

As Obama leaves office, a quick look back at a little known chapter in his administration reveals much about his presidency.

The Texas-Vermont-Maine nuclear dump: bringing environmental racism home

Article from 1998 on the dumping of nuclear waste from Vermont and Maine in Texas. The article details the involvement of Bernie Sanders in sponsoring the bill that led to the dump being authorized.

“No Humans Involved”: An Open Letter to my Colleagues

Sylvia Wynter

A letter by Sylvia Wynter written in response to the Los Angeles riots in 1992.

The German coast uprising of 1811

A modern painting of the 1811 revolt

A short history of possibly the largest slave uprising in the United States, in Louisiana in 1811, written by Rhae Lynn Barnes.