Juan Cole


Global affairs, Environment, Human Rights, Progressive Politics, Poetry & Literature, Pop Culture, Spirituality

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Csatlakozott 2008. október

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  1. This Gawker/Thiel story should scare the bejesus out of all of us.

  2. US-Backed Kurds begin Campaign against ISIL in Northern Syria -

  3. Why total Victory for Russia and Assad is a Pipedream: ISIL strikes in deep in Regime ... -

  4. Trump accepts Climate Change threat . . . to his Golf Course -

  5. The Pentagon's War on Accountability: At $600 Bn a Year, Why aren't any Wars being Won? -

  6. Best piece of writing in a long time on the ongoing conflict between the security forces and the in .

  7. US-leaflets dropped on Raqqa: “The time you've been waiting for has arrived. It's time to leave ar-Raqqa.”

  8. Also worth remembering that Netanyahu admitted to derailing Oslo:

  9. 55 years ago today, I was arrested in the Jackson, MS bus station for using a "whites-only" restroom.

  10. E.U. parliament to debate the effect of U.S. Iran policy on European businesses and banks.

  11. You can now read on our website 's piece The Kurds: A Divided Future? in Arabic

  12. Sanders donor flock to Canova's campaign against establishment figurehead Wasserman Schultz

  13. Ayatollah Jannati is the new chairman of the assembly that can elect a new supreme leader for Iran.

  14. What could go wrong in having no Arab, Sunni force to fight ISIS to take Sunni dominated Raqaa? Will we never learn!

  15. Cairo: Graffiti protesting police brutality, 2011

  16. Please support her- hero of the Tunisian revolution & has a voice like an angel!

  17. "the cooperative system contributes approximately 80% to Rojava’s economy and the private sector represents 20%"

  18. As a prime example of how ignorant is he would have to ban Kurds from the USA because they are Muslims.

  19. Not a statistical anomaly or natural variation. Time for massive mobilization to address this existential threat

  20. Israel: Netanyahu reiterates opposition to French peace initiative -

  21. Fruits of Perseverence: Dem Platform Committee to Feel the Bern -

  22. As they Liberate Villages from ISIL, Kurds drawing Syrians into Feminist Democracy -

  23. If all our fossil fuel was burned, the Earth could be as warm as when dinosaurs roamed.

  24. Most Americans (57%) say it would be better if the U.S. just dealt with its own problems

  25. At least 41 were killed in Aden two explosions.

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