Juan Cole


Global affairs, Environment, Human Rights, Progressive Politics, Poetry & Literature, Pop Culture, Spirituality

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
ઑક્ટોબર 2008 જોડાયા

@jricole એ અવરોધિત છે

શું તમને ખાતરી છે કે તમે આ ટ્વીટ જોવા માંગો છો? ટ્વીટ જોવાથી @jricole અનાવરોધિત નહી થવાય.

  1. This Gawker/Thiel story should scare the bejesus out of all of us.

  2. US-Backed Kurds begin Campaign against ISIL in Northern Syria -

  3. Why total Victory for Russia and Assad is a Pipedream: ISIL strikes in deep in Regime ... -

  4. Trump accepts Climate Change threat . . . to his Golf Course -

  5. The Pentagon's War on Accountability: At $600 Bn a Year, Why aren't any Wars being Won? -

  6. Best piece of writing in a long time on the ongoing conflict between the security forces and the in .

  7. US-leaflets dropped on Raqqa: “The time you've been waiting for has arrived. It's time to leave ar-Raqqa.”

  8. Also worth remembering that Netanyahu admitted to derailing Oslo:

  9. 55 years ago today, I was arrested in the Jackson, MS bus station for using a "whites-only" restroom.

  10. E.U. parliament to debate the effect of U.S. Iran policy on European businesses and banks.

  11. You can now read on our website 's piece The Kurds: A Divided Future? in Arabic

  12. Sanders donor flock to Canova's campaign against establishment figurehead Wasserman Schultz

  13. Ayatollah Jannati is the new chairman of the assembly that can elect a new supreme leader for Iran.

  14. What could go wrong in having no Arab, Sunni force to fight ISIS to take Sunni dominated Raqaa? Will we never learn!

  15. Cairo: Graffiti protesting police brutality, 2011

  16. Please support her- hero of the Tunisian revolution & has a voice like an angel!

  17. "the cooperative system contributes approximately 80% to Rojava’s economy and the private sector represents 20%"

  18. As a prime example of how ignorant is he would have to ban Kurds from the USA because they are Muslims.

  19. Not a statistical anomaly or natural variation. Time for massive mobilization to address this existential threat

  20. Israel: Netanyahu reiterates opposition to French peace initiative -

  21. Fruits of Perseverence: Dem Platform Committee to Feel the Bern -

  22. As they Liberate Villages from ISIL, Kurds drawing Syrians into Feminist Democracy -

  23. If all our fossil fuel was burned, the Earth could be as warm as when dinosaurs roamed.

  24. Most Americans (57%) say it would be better if the U.S. just dealt with its own problems

  25. At least 41 were killed in Aden two explosions.

લોડ થવામાં થોડોક સમય લાગશે તેમ જણાય છે.

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