2016 IBT Election Campaign


TDU is organizing to win new leadership and a new direction by electing the Teamsters United Slate in the International Union election.

Teamster members can defeat Hoffa and Hall but only if we build a grassroots network to educate and involve Teamster members— and turn out the vote!

Get Involved

Resources for Campaign Volunteers:

How We’ll Win: Hoffa has won re-election three times. Here’s why Hoffa will be beat in 2016.

Teamster Election Timeline: Get a breakdown of the election stages from now until the ballot count.

Becoming a Convention Delegate: Convention Delegates have the power to put the Teamsters United slate on the ballot. Find out more about becoming a Convention Delegate.

Showing 1 reaction

  • posted about this on Facebook 2016-09-06 22:16:24 -0400
    2016 IBT Election Campaign ballots coming in October time to oust Hoffa and Hall

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