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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    6. svi

    All religions may be same in showing the path to whatever is the respective faith in god, but not all religions believe that all religions are equal. You must know and teach your children about the Religion, which asks for its followers to kill non-believers and they actually do

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  2. These are estimates. How many Muslim families that have less than for children?

  3. In a democracy people get the govt that they collectively deserve.

  4. Poništi
  5. The manufactured Muslim victimhood is leading to real attacks in innocent Hindus across India.

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    6. svi

    जिस ताहिर हुसैन के पापों पर पर्दा डालने के लिए ने एड़ी-चोटी का जोर लगाया था, उसके बारे में दिल्ली की अदालत ने कहा कि वह साजिश में शामिल होने के साथ ही दंगों में सक्रिय रूप से शामिल था।

  7. 6. svi

    Apologists for Jihadis. via

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  8. 6. svi

    Delhi and Haryana Police has played it to the book. AAP's Punjab Police has been wrckless, blatantly violating the law in carrying out the hit job on orders from Kejri. the Punjab Police Officers will pay the price.

  9. 6. svi

    This is the fourth AAP leader, who has been charged in the anti-Hindu communal acts.

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  10. 6. svi

    This is what the court said today on AAP's councilor Tahir Hussain's role in the anti-Hindu riots of Delhi. On the day AAP is doing a pressor to label BJP Gundon ki party in the aftermath of Bagga fiasco by Punjab Police.

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  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    Where Marlena appeals people to vote for even goons, if it helps to defeat BJP. All their new politics is reduced to defeat Modi

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  12. 6. svi

    Three parallel expressway in the Doab of Western UP. There should be one more in the terai, from Gorakhpur to Dehradun.

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  13. 6. svi
  14. 6. svi

    UP Govt's Ganga Eway is on left bank of Ganga, this one from Gadkari will be on right bank. And we have Yamuna-Agra-Lucknow eway, which is on the left bank of Yamuna, between Ganga & Yamuna. Plains will have dense population and high speed connectivity of rail, road, freight

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  15. 6. svi

    Punjab Police has no jurisdiction in Delhi, and yet it's coming after critics of Delhi CM, who live in Delhi. If he had Police having jurisdiction over New Delhi, where we have our Parliament, PMO, Union Govt...

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  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    6. svi
    Odgovor korisniku/ci

    This is what I have been telling all this time. He will create major International scene. He almost srcewed our ties with Singapore.

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    5. svi

    The next three lords

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  18. 6. svi

    None in the Media establishment will call Kejriwal fascist for victimizing his critics like Kumar Vishwas, Bagga etc. And imagine what Kejri would have done to Union Ministers if he had the Delhi Police

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  19. 6. svi

    The valley still has more seats than Jammu. Stop being a tool for Rawalpindi's propaganda

  20. 5. svi

    US markets in free fall


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