Road test: A Vogue editor trials Dyson’s new Supersonic hair dryer

Road test: A Vogue editor trials Dyson’s new Supersonic hair dryer
Image credit: Sonny Vandevelde /

Is it worth the hype?

To say our interest was piqued when a beauty tool created by the guys who made our vacuum cleaners hits the market is an understatement.

So when Team Vogue got a chance to test drive the Dyson Supersonic there was nothing to do but say ‘yes please’ and head straight to our bathrooms.

The hair
To give a truly honest opinion, this writer felt the need to give you (the reader) a rundown on what we’re working with in terms of hair. Relatively thick, but definitely not curly, the user of this Dyson Supersonic is more of a ‘leave the house and air dry’ type of girl than hair dryer devotee. But that’s not to say I’m not familiar with the ins and outs of such a styling tool. Am I a professional? No. Would I offer my friends unsolicited hair drying advice? Sure. 

The product
First things first, this hair dryer is light. So no arm torture here. Plus, light weight means it won’t bite into any baggage allowances. 

Next thing I noticed was how quiet this hair dryer was. Literally just a hum.

Aside from also looking like something Judy Jetson would have used – which we think is cool – this machine comes with a tonne of attachments; smoothing and diffusing (good for those with curls) so whatever your hair requires it, there are options.

The compliments 
No word of a lie, the amount of compliments received after using the Dyson were so high the investment seemed worth it. Looking like you’ve been to the salon without actually going is a big plus if you ask me. 

The verdict
Honestly, if you’re someone who does their hair every day or is just looking for a hair dryer that will last you - this is the one. This writer has to admit that heat damage doesn't seem to be a concern here and that realistically, using this hair dryer daily wouldn't create problems re dry hair. In fact, we would even go so far as to assume this could be a great product for hair if you struggle with getting it soft and keeping it healthy. Yes, it’s an investment but when it comes to hair we never suggest skimping. 

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