Successful leaders know what made them who they are

Highly accomplished people have an inner voice that they heed. King Arthur would have understood.
Highly accomplished people have an inner voice that they heed. King Arthur would have understood.

Can you identify the one person, event or influence that made you who you are as a leader and person? Over the past decade, I've posed this question to 100 of the people I've represented as chairman of the Washington Speakers Bureau, including former US secretaries of states Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice; former NFL quarterback Terry Bradshaw; and news correspondent Tom Brokaw. I wanted to know what they considered their turning points – the moments and influences that still inspire and motivate them.

I found that the turning points fell into three broad categories:


Forty-five people identified a person as their most enduring influence. For Madeleine Albright it was her father, a man with far-ranging intellect whose career as a Czechoslovak diplomat was short-circuited twice: by the German occupation during World War II and by the postwar Communist takeover. After the family moved to the US, he became a professor and lived in cramped faculty housing – quite a step down from an ambassador's residence – but worked at his job cheerfully and diligently. Albright says that being secretary of state was challenging, but she never had trouble focusing: "I just had to picture my father in his flooded basement study, working away with his feet up on bricks."

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says she never had trouble focusing: "I just had to picture my father in ...
Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says she never had trouble focusing: "I just had to picture my father in his flooded basement study, working away with his feet up on bricks."

For Brokaw, who had been student body president and an athlete in high school, but who then dropped out of college twice, the key influence was a strict and caring political science professor.

For basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, it was his mother, who had only an eighth-grade education. Her homespun advice to always "get on the right bus … filled with good people" became his moral cornerstone.


Forty people identified an event such as a failure, an injury or a death as their turning point. For former US Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, the defining characteristic, at first, was his height. "I am 4 feet 11 inches and have always been short," said Reich. He was bullied at school and learned to find someone bigger who could act as a protector. One of the people who watched out for him was an older kid named Michael Schwerner.

Years later, in 1964, Schwerner and two other young civil rights workers were murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi, by the Ku Klux Klan – a crime that shocked the country and horrified Reich, who had just graduated from high school. The event galvanized Reich, setting him on a course of public service and social justice. "Mickey protected me," said Reich, now a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. "I, in turn, feel a responsibility to protect others."

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a troublemaker at school, but his father's stroke gave him the discipline ...
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a troublemaker at school, but his father's stroke gave him the discipline that eventually took him to Downing Street. Stefan Rousseau

For Tony Blair, a troublemaker in school, the defining moment was his father's stroke, which ended the elder Blair's promising political career and gave his son the discipline that eventually made him Britain's prime minister.


Fifteen people considered environments such as a place, time or experience as the most powerful influence. For Rice it was the love of reading and education passed down through her family, beginning with her great-grandmother, Julia Head, who learned to read as a slave on an Alabama cotton plantation.

Rice's grandfather, born in 1892 to Head and her sharecropper husband, was determined to go to college and later became a minister. One day he brought home nine leather-bound, gold-embossed books – the works of Shakespeare, Hugo and others – that cost $US90, a huge sum at the time.

Brendan Todd's wife Rachael holding their son Oliver stands next to former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.
Brendan Todd's wife Rachael holding their son Oliver stands next to former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. AP

"My grandfather believed in having books in the home," Rice told me. "And, more important, he believed in having his children read them." In 1981, when Rice received her doctorate in political science, her father gave her the remaining books from her grandfather's set. They're now on her mantel.

Colin Powell's enduring influence comes from a neighbourhood in the South Bronx called Banana Kelley, where he grew up among caring family members and a multilingual community of hard-working people. "I owe whatever success I've had to … Banana Kelley," he says.

Successful leaders are self-aware. For some, like Powell or Albright, identifying and owning the turning points in their lives comes easily. But for many it can be difficult. It took several painful conversations for Bradshaw to get at his. As the No. 1 NFL draft pick by the Pittsburgh Steelers, he paid little heed to his coaches, goofed off in practice and exhibited a bravado that masked his insecurity as a southern country boy in a northern city.

But as the losses piled up on the field, he could no longer sustain his devil-may-care facade. One night he broke down crying in his apartment, prayed and heard a voice telling him to get real. "I went to practice the next day," he said, "and I set out cultivating a new attitude." He went on to become one of only three quarterbacks to have won four Super Bowls.

Highly accomplished people have an inner voice that they heed. By recognising their lives' defining moments, they better understand their strengths and weaknesses as leaders. And this understanding gives them energy and passion that they continue to draw on. We may not all have careers that match these people, but we can strive to grasp – and harness – the important turning points in our lives and careers.

Bernie Swain is the founder and chairman of Washington Speakers Bureau.

Harvard Business Review