Why Grant King is the right choice for the Business Council of Australia

Grant King is a good choice to lead the BCA's reflection and redirection.
Grant King is a good choice to lead the BCA's reflection and redirection. Peter Braig

"It was a French philosopher who said the public often prefers the simple lie to a complex truth," Grant King assessed just ahead of the last day of his 22 years as chief executive of Origin Energy and its antecedent business within Boral. "The nature of public policy and public debate today reflects that observation."

King's reflections on the enduring prescience of Alexis de Toqueville have taken on relevance renewed with his unanimous election as the new president of the Business Council of Australia.

While it has its supporters, there is a body of opinion that says the BCA is an organisation in desperate need of renewal, re-assessment and recovery of relevance. A host of its big ticket membership, assessed either as individual corporations or as industry sectors, continue to fail some of the basic challenges of our times.

Business more vulnerable than ever

From bankers to oil and gas drillers, from retailers to electricity generators, licences to operate have been threatened by real and imagined failures that have left business ever more vulnerable to the uncertain vicissitudes of our retail political age.

King, no doubt, has his detractors. Origin has been accused of being home to an excessively robust and hierarchical business and it has been forced to deny allegations of bullying by at least one former executive. He is regarded as a distant personality by some, who might well be stretched by the demands of an office as necessarily public as leadership of the BCA.

But those claims and views sit very much at odds with a public persona that makes King, in my view, such a good choice to lead the BCA's reflection and redirection.

The King we see is the owner of a serious and absorbent intellect that is constantly focused on medium and long outcomes. He is the father of remarkable achievement at Origin, a power business that was born out of the shifting sands of national competition policy and that grew big enough to afford the expensive uncertainty of leading a $24 billion liquid natural gas project in Queensland.

"Public debate is a lot harder today," King told The Australian Financial Review. "Taking good, long-dated public policy forward is more difficult than it was back when the NEM (National Electricity Market) was created (in 1998), for example. I doubt anyone in the public had a view one way or the other about the creation of a new national power manager or how it was going to work. But it was an extraordinary, far-sighted achievement managed by people that started with a base of knowledge that enabled them to accurately anticipate outcomes.

"It was the case in the past that policy could be translated into real progress. The NEM is a prime example, a remarkable achievement for those that designed and then created the national electricity market. It is just that bit horrifying today how people feel like you can pull a few levers to get desired outcomes without understanding for a moment how the changes might skew outcomes.

"For example, adopting state-based renewables targets in an industry that has already over-invested in capacity and was already trading on a national industry basis makes no sense whatsoever. This process can only happen efficiently if there is alignment between the states and where there is a clear and agreed start and end point."

King observed that managing a business is never as simple as it might be made to look. Again, his reference point was power.

"Making sure everything goes right 99.9 per cent of the time so that you can turn on the power where and when you want it with a flick of the switch, that is taken for granted. But it is a very difficult thing to do. So many things have to go right. The customers has every right to expect that certainty. But achieving it is not that simple. There is no silver bullet in these things. It is a lot of components being bought together every day."

Picking 'winners'

Outside of shaping policy with too little appreciation of broader structural impacts, the other thing governments need to avoid is the relentless desire to own individual sectoral outcomes rather than the policy that would shape effective markets.

"Government likes to pick winners," he noted. "It is part of [the] necessities of the electoral cycle. They like to be active and say, 'We have picked another winner'. But they are not really good at it. Renewables are a case in point: It has been put through a boom-bust cycle by governments and their (public) need to be seen to respond. Activity has been enormous but it has not been sustainable. Subsidies have been offered and withdrawn, industries have crashed as rapidly as they have risen.

"The pull forward on solar (for example) through offering huge subsidies that are iniquitous in my view. Renters subsidised a home owner every time a solar panel went on a roof. That was government trying to pick winners. The underlying policy of decarbonisation is a particular and important public good. But in picking solar as a winner, the outcomes are distorted. The right path is to set a firm policy that aims to direct rational effective markets to the fulfilment of that public good."

King was corralled to these reflections by the recall of commentary he offered at a Brisbane university a few years back. Having observed that we "live in a world where shouting has become a lot easier than listening" he assessed the "first challenge for us as a community is to learn to talk about issues and discuss them in a way that gets to some deeper understanding" about problems and their solutions.

"Policy should be based on facts, should be based on evidence," he said. "It should be the result of substantial review by people who know what they are talking about."

"It is very, not just frustrating, but very damaging for confidence and for long-term investment when… one is subject to laws and regulations which are what I call 'indeterminate'.

"How often do we see the law being used to prevent something happening in ways the people had never anticipated? So it is important that the people that write laws and regulations do so with a wisdom and a knowledge and an experience that will create the right outcomes."

These are the strengths and demands that will shape the King era at the BCA. We are in for interesting times.

Exxon stalled by wildcat Mulacek

Pretty much every step in InterOil Corporation's near 20-year progress from the Yukon to Papua New Guinea via New York and Singapore has been Boy's Own stuff. So it should probably not have come as the surprise that it has that the company's disappearance into ExxonMobil might be delayed by the same bloke who started the thing back in 1997 with the purchase of a shuttered Alaskan oil refinery that somehow ended up landing near Port Moresby.

InterOil was supposed to pass into history in September with a Yukon court's approval of the results of a shareholders' meeting that saw 80 per cent of owners endorse the company's takeover by the word's biggest oil company, ExxonMobil. It had won a bid-off for InterOil, offering $US2.2 billion in scrip and some cash upside that grows with the proved resource of InterOil's prize asset, the Elk-Antelope gas find in PNG's Gulf country.

While Yukon's Supreme Court signed off on the deal, completion was stalled by an appeal court, which accepted an invitation to review that decision and ordered a stay on closure until a decision could be made.

That invitation was offered by Phil Mulacek, the bloke who found that collection of tin in Alaska and who led InterOil until he was bounced out of the business by an unexpectedly independent board in July 2013. Ever since he has been an increasingly activist shareholder biting at the heels of new management.

Like most, we imagined Mulacek's intervention would end in honorable defeat. We were wrong.

On Friday, the court accepted Mulacek's complaint about the quality of information provided to shareholders that so overwhelming supports the Exxon bid. While we are waiting to see the published judgment, it is understood that InterOil has been ordered to upgrade its data flow and to hold another meeting.

The early word from InterOil is that this all means completion will be delayed until maybe February next year. And given there is a December drop-dead date on closure of the Exxon deal and these are volatile times in big oil markets and the political economies that host them, that introduces a whole new layer of risk to a transaction that most had already banked as a deal well done.