VCE student Georgia Lee
media_cameraVCE student Georgia Lee

Town town, big impact

VCE student Georgia Lee loves the close-knit community of Birchip in northwest Victoria, where netball and footy help galvanise the friendly town of 822 people.

“But I’m also aware that for some people, it can have its limitations,” Georgia says.

Her younger sister Tess has a genetic disorder, which affects her intellectually and physically.

“I’ve seen students like Tess, who aren’t so athletically inclined, find themselves excluded, unable to participate, and increasingly isolated.”

Georgia, a year 12 student at Birchip P-12 School, volunteers three times a week at Workshop, a lunchtime program that offers students art and craft activities, homework assistance and conversation.

“Lunch times are never a problem if you love sport,’ Georgia says.

“But if not, it can be lonely. Workshop is about making sure everyone has somewhere to spend lunch, and someone to spend it with.”

Birchip P-12 School later years manager Russell Christie says Georgia has inspired students of all abilities and circumstances to be more involved in school life.

“Georgia recognises that staying connected is a critical factor in a student’s success at school,” Christie says.

Georgia says long periods of drought can affect the wellbeing of young people, and affect their social life.

“You have obligations to help your parents, who might be struggling,’ Georgia says.

As president of the Youth Group, Georgia organised the 2015 Rampage, a drug and alcohol-free music event for young people in Buloke Shire.

“Small rural communities don’t have access to a lot of services or facilities, particularly for young people,” she says.

media_cameraGeorgia Lee plays, coaches and umpires at Birchip-Watchem Netball Club.

When the local council decided not to fund the 2015 Rampage, Georgia raised funds through an Easter egg hunt and donations from local businesses. She enlisted nearby towns to promote the event, and more than 300 people attended.

“Kids really look forward to Rampage; it’s a day they can relax and connect with other people their age,” she says.

“If you live in a city there’s so much to do, but in a small town like Birchip, you’re travelling further to see your friends, you’re rely on volunteers to make things happen.”

Georgia has focused this year on mentoring younger youth group members, and “create a ripple effect through the student body so it (inclusiveness) becomes the status quo”.

As school captain, she has looked at ways of reducing student truancy.

“Using the student council to look at an issue like truancy has meant we’ve been able to tackle bigger issues, beyond casual clothes days and lunchtime activities,” Georgia says.

The school is changing its attendance policies, based on data Georgia gathered as the student council’s public relations officer last year.

Georgia’s Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholarship this year follows the Birchip Lions Club Youth of the Year award last year and an Australian Defence Force Leadership Award two years ago.

Sport is also an important part of her life. She plays, coaches and umpires at Birchip-Watchem Netball Club, and volunteers at club events.

“Actions speak louder than words,” she says of her leadership style.

The VCE Leadership Awards are co-ordinated by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The awards recognise the efforts of VCE students in promoting leadership and participation in their school and community. Finalists receive a three-month subscription to the Herald Sun, and a 12-month digital subscription. On November 21, one winner will also receive a computer donated by Lenovo Australia. Students in government, Catholic and independent schools may apply for the annual awards at the VCAA website.