Kevin Rudd In Canberra With Two Days To Go

Rudd wanted Clinton team boss meeting

LEAKED emails reveal Kevin Rudd reached out to Hillary Clinton’s team on multiple occasions as he tried to drum up support for his failed UN bid.

Turnbull accused of keeping a ‘bully’

Turnbull accused of keeping a ‘bully’

BILL Shorten has lashed out at Malcolm Turnbull for keeping ‘bully’ Attorney-General George Brandis while the Solicitor-General was ‘tormented into resignation’.

IBM messes up Census but no one’s sacked

IBM messes up Census but no one’s sacked

NO one at IT giant IBM has been sacked or disciplined over the botched census, but its managing director has unreservedly apologised for the shutdown.

Labor fury over Gleeson resignation

Labor fury over Gleeson resignation

JUSTIN Gleeson’s resignation as solicitor-general after a feud with the Attorney-General has infuriated Labor MPs, who say George Brandis should be sacked.

Rural Qantas flight makes history

Rural Qantas flight makes history

A QANTAS A330 has soared into the history books, making the first ever international passenger flight from Toowoomba’s two-year-old airport to Shanghai, China.

‘Parental leave crackdown hurts mums’

‘Parental leave crackdown hurts mums’

LABOR said it will never vote for the government’s planned crackdown on parental leave payments because it punishes 80,000 new mothers.


Public feedback ‘Malcolm Turnbull is in trouble’

LABOR says the latest Newspoll which puts the PM’s approval rating lower than Tony Abbott’s when he was ousted shows the government is in disarray.