17/11/2016 7:27 PM AEDT | Updated 17/11/2016 11:02 PM AEDT

This Woman Is Battling Breast Cancer And She Was Just Proposed To On The Project

Yes, Paris Hilton snapchatted the whole thing.

Channel Ten
Tara wasn't the only one in the room tearing up.

The Project took a turn for the sweetest on Thursday night when an audience member proposed to his girlfriend, who is currently battling breast cancer.

Before cutting to an ad break, The Project co-host Carrie Bickmore gave a shout out to Tara and wished the Aussie woman good luck as she finishes her final rounds of chemotherapy.

Tara's boyfriend, Jarryd, who sat beside her spoke with pride about his girlfriend before getting down on one knee.

"Tara is probably the strongest, toughest person I've ever met. She is the best mum, the best partner, she is my best friend, we make the best team," Jarryd told the audience and panel.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Tara. Will you marry me."

You can watch the entire moment here, or on Paris Hilton's Snapchat.

Yes, you read that correctly. Hilton, who was on the panel to chat about her latest fragrance said she got teary backstage and couldn't resist capturing the moment.

The moment was extra sweet for Bickmore, who tweeted about it after the show. The Project co-host lost her late-husband Greg Lange to brain cancer in 2005 and has since set up her foundation Beanies for Brain Cancer.

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