Peter Dazeley via Getty Images
Just one 330ml can of fizzy drink can contain more than the daily recommended amount of sugar, a study has found. Sugar content in carbonated sugar-sweetened beverages such as ginger beer and cola...
Gary Waters
The doctor-patient relationship isn’t like finding the best latte.
George Shelley Productions
Seniors aren't asexual, they're just older than you.
vchal via Getty Images
The relationship may have to do with a person’s gut bacteria.
A powerful fusion of music and technology.
Dean Mitchell via Getty Images
The inspiration for this project is a bit of a tear jerker.
Getty Images/iStockphoto
They are preventing new and expecting mums from seeking help.
These seemingly harmless conditions can signal real health issues.
oculo via Getty Images
There are ways to make the world a better place.
Tetra Images
Yes, the stockings work. And no, they're not just for people with varicose veins.
Getty Images
Human biology is not evolving at the same rate as the society we live in.
jarun011 via Getty Images
A combination vaccine and immune system stimulant appears to suppress virus levels in tests on monkeys.
Jonathan Ernst / Reuters
The comments came in his first interview since winning the presidential election.
Getty Images
Mental health is now treated as seriously as good technique.