Trump’s Daughter Avoided Kissing Him After The Debate (UPDATE: Maybe Not)

This looked uncomfortable, but it might not have been as bad as we initially thought.

10/10/2016 3:06 PM AEDT | Updated 26/10/2016 4:09 AM AEDT

Tiffany Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter from his second marriage, appeared to turn away when Trump tried to kiss her after the debate on Sunday night.

However, it also looks like Trump may have just been reaching to shake someone’s hand to the right of his daughter, prompting an awkward interaction between the two Trumps.

And contrary to some claims, Trump’s older daughter Ivanka did kiss him, as shown in CNBC’s footage from the debate hall.

The awkward interaction came after new audio this week revealed Trump bragging about sexual assault on a hot mic recording in 2005. He said he could kiss women whenever he wanted thanks to his immense power.

The reality TV star defended his behavior toward women during Sunday’s night debate, claiming his remarks were “just words” and did not reflect his actions.

Whether the public believes Trump’s explanation remains to be seen. But apparently, Tiffany Trump is not leaving anything to chance.

This story has been updated to reflect the ambiguity of the encounter. An earlier version of this story said Tiffany Trump avoided her father’s kiss. Upon further review, it appears Trump may have been reaching out to shake someone else’s hand.

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.


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