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CCTV: inspector 'body-slams' teen girl

CCTV shows ticket inspectors appearing to pick up a girl and slam her to the ground at Flinders Street Station. (No audio)

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An online petition calling on Metro to address the use of violence by ticket inspectors after a teenage girl was body-slammed has attracted more than 18,000 signatures in less than 24 hours.

Many of the signatories to the petition on website have alleged witnessing other aggressive acts by inspectors and called on Metro to better train officers in how to peacefully defuse confrontations.

Daniel A'Vard, a 32-year-old environment consultant from Thornbury in Melbourne's inner-north, said he started the petition after watching security footage of the incident involving the 15-year-old girl.

"I firmly believe that if we don't stand up and say something when we see something unacceptable then we are tacitly accepting it," he said.

By just before 4pm on Tuesday the petition, which calls on Metro to call the officer to account for his actions and provide anti-violence training and workplace counselling to all ticket inspectors, had attracted more than 18,000 signatures since being created on Monday afternoon.

The footage of the girl being picked up by the officer at Flinders Street Station on July 31 and slammed to the ground after hitting an officer in the face, was released to Greens leader Greg Barber though a freedom-of-information request.

Mr A'Vard said he was horrified at the level of physical violence taken against a young person even if the ticket inspector was acting in self-defence.

"It was something I wouldn't expect to see in Melbourne. I definitely wouldn't expect to see a person of authority in uniform to be behaving in that way towards a teenager who was unarmed," he said.

Mr A'Vard plans to deliver the petition to Metro and has requested to meet with the company. He said he believed the incident and surrounding publicity would have also been traumatic for the officer involved and acknowledged he had not heard his side of the story.

A Transport Department investigation found the officer had acted reasonably.

One signatory to the petition said he was a former train driver who was shocked by the level of violence carried out by Metro employees, and another said they were a transit officer who had witnessed similar incidents.

"Eighty per cent are good but some take law in their hands," they wrote.

A Metro spokeswoman said the company did not have any comment about the petition.