
Missing diver found 30 nautical miles from dive site

A diver has been found alive about 30 nautical miles from where he disappeared, more than 15 hours after going missing.

Police held grave concerns for the 68-year-old man, who went missing during a solo diving trip to the Yongala wreck, east of Townsville, on Sunday, before he was found on Monday.

A diver is missing at the Yongala dive site off Townsville.
A diver is missing at the Yongala dive site off Townsville. 

A police spokesman said the man was relatively healthy when found, even managing a wave for rescuers.

He was found about 30 nautical miles away from the dive site, police said.

Police were alerted to the missing diver about 6.45pm Sunday, sparking an air and sea search that on Monday morning included six aircraft and vessels from Volunteer Marine Rescue, the coastguard and police on Monday.



An air and sea search is under way for a diver missing off the Queensland coast for more than 12 hours.

Police hold grave concerns for his safety.

Six aircraft, volunteer marine rescue, the coastguard and police are combing the waters near Russell Island, east of Townsville, for the missing man.

The 68-year-old went diving solo on Sunday at the Yongala dive site on Sunday and police were alerted that he was missing about 6.45pm.

About 8.45pm on Sunday, searchers found an empty vessel at the dive site.
