The Bakunin Cannabis Engine
Processing the Revolution
Image: By Punkerslut, Made with Graphics by Jakob Montrasio, CC BY 2.0
The Current B.C.E. Version Number:
The Bakunin Cannabis Engine (BCE), version 2.56, is responsible for producing most of the webpages on Here are some of the main menus of the areas where the BCE is fully operational :
The Video Library of Revolution and Social Justice:
The Music Library of Revolution and Social Justice:
The Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice:
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
The CopyLeft and Open Source Center:
The Bakunin Cannabis Engine (BCE) proudly uses the following Open Source technologies :
Linux is an Open Source, operating system. It can run Open Source code, whether it is the simple software on an user's end machine or the complicated software used in servers.
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CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux operating system designed to be compliant with Red Hat Linux architecture. It is the operating system of choice for the Bakunin Cannabis Engine.
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Apache HTTP Server is an Open Source, web server. It is used to deliver web pages to users by most of the Internet, including the Bakunin Cannabis Engine.
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PHP ("Personal Home Page" / "Hypertext PreProcessor") is a Linux shell, scripting language that can run on top of the Apache Server. The Bakunin-Cannabis Engine is programmed entirely in this language.
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Although originally developed by Rasmus Lerdof and the open source community, the PHP project has been purchased by the Zend company in Israel, a country with a horrendous record of human rights violations against the Palestinian people. To join a movement to boycott products from Israel, see
ImageMagick is an Open Source application for altering images, and its functionality is directly available within PHP. It is used by the Bakunin-Cannabis Engine to scale, modify, and perform artistic effects upon images, as well as to provide a wealth of information about those images. Its use can best be seen at the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
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FPDF ("Free PDF") is a 100% PHP-based, native generator of PDF documents. It is used by the Bakunin-Cannabis Engine to generate PDF documents, such as at the CopyLeft and Open Source Center.
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Sun., 01 September, 2013. H: 16, M: 45, S: 05. Time Zone: America/Chicago (CDT).
* Corrected a small error with the display of the artwork ID within the breadcrumb trail at the top of an artwork page for the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Corrected a minor bug with the in-system handling of "contributing-artwork" related database entries.
* Corrected a minor bug that prevented the correct amount of video/music contributed by a user added to the libraries, which was caused by a format mishandling of a space in the username.
* Created a 404/301 (Page-Not-Found/Page-Redirection) scheme. Check it out by loading up a page that doesn't exist.
* Corrected some minor typos on the "Music by Tag" page of the Music Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Corrected a minor bug in the display of the highest-level image for alternate images within the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Corrected some display errors with HTML Title mouse-over values on the images of the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* There is a "Newest Additions" area that displays the newest entries added to the Graphics, Video, and Music Libraries on the front page of the particular media-type.
Mon., 01 July, 2013. H: 09, M: 35, S: 27. Time Zone: America/Chicago (CDT).
* Handled some small bugs in the mouse-over values for icons in the Graphics/Video/Artwork Libraries.
* Built a self-contained, internal backup-system, specific to the Bakunin-Cannabis Engine, which is going to make everything more efficient, for user file requests and administrative duties.
* Slightly improved handling for animated GIF files in the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Improved the total handling of the files of the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice so that it would be more efficient and extensible within the ext2/3 Linux file system.
* Improved the total handling of the versions of the licenses within the CopyLeft and Open Source Center, to add better adaptability and extensibility.
* Corrected some minor typos and string display issues on the directory-based view of the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Improved the security for administrative user management.
* Improved the image histogram handling of GIF files within the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Some minor improvements have been made to the CopyLeft and Open Source center's multiple document format, with improved support for PDF's, stylized text, and unusual characters.
* A message informs the user when they have javascript disabled on the music/video pages, since this would prevent them from viewing the media.
* The music/video/artwork viewing page now contains a small, text-only list of the directories available for that media type at the bottom of the page.
* Users can now select a user account image.
* Improved handling for browsing a user's uploaded artwork, videos, music, etc..
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, an image with effects performed on it will have five, random icons displayed on the side panel with effects/filters done to them.
* Improved the graphic design for the main page of the CopyLeft and Open Source Center.
* A small sample of random text displays for a random license, random version on the author page within the CopyLeft and Open Source Center.
Wed., 03 April, 2013. H: 18, M: 36, S: 01. Time Zone: America/Chicago (CDT).
* Some of the titles were not properly displaying for artwork when looking at artwork sorted by the user who uploaded it. This has been corrected.
* Improved the encoding speed and functionality for description data accessed from the google API for Youtube video entries in the Video/Music Library of Revolution and Social Justice. This includes properly hyperlinking "https://" and "ftp://" url's, whereas before only "http://" url's were properly hyperlinked.
* Updated the new front page for the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice to improve the display of artwork titles underneath the Random Directories/Tags selections.
* Handling of deleted video entries within Youtube has been improved for the Video and Music Libraries of Revolution and Social Justice.
* In the Video and Music Libraries of Revolution and Social Justice, the front page didn't display the Top Video's tags. This has been corrected, and the tags have been properly hyperlinked.
* In the Video and Music Libraries of Revolution and Social Justice, the front page didn't hyperlink and display the count for the top video's uploader and directory. This has been corrected.
* The Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice's front page would display the top video's directory and uploader, but it would not hyperlink the value's nor would it indicate the contents count of those folders. This has been corrected.
* User's About/Details info is displayed when you hover the mouse over the user's name for the main page of the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* The description and keywords for the Graphics Library directories are now viewable on hovering the mouse over the icon of the artwork for the main Graphics page.
* The About/Ideals of the User are now available for the six random graphics displayed on the front page of the Graphics Library with mouse-over.
* The description and keywords for a directory are now viewable on mouse-over for the two random directories displayed at the top of the front page of the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* The directory title is now displayed next to the top six, random images of the front page of the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Improved the Tag, Classification, License, and Directory Listings of graphics for the Graphics Library so that holding the cursor over the icons gives "Untitled" in the title field if there is no title and the directory title along with part of the description and keywords, as well.
* Improved the handling of the Classifications Listings for the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, the mouse-over value for the directory title of the image page for an image now gives the description and keywords of the directory.
* Improved the "Artwork by Tag" page within the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice so that each page would display a random image with linked tags at the top of the page.
* Improved the "Artwork by Classification" page within the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice so that each page would display a random image with a list of both linked tags and linked classifications at the top of the page.
* Improved the "Artwork by License" page within the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice so that each page would display a random image with a list of both linked licenses and linked tags at the top.
Wed., 27 February, 2013. H: 19, M: 11, S: 41. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, I corrected an error that caused only some of the scaled image formats to be converted to their proper format.
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, a small bug was causing scaled image size listings to be listed out of order. This has been corrected.
* The front page for the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice has been recoded to resemble the front pages for the Video/Music Libraries of Revolution and Social Justice. The old version of the page is still available within the bottom link section of the Graphics Library.
Thu., 21 February, 2013. H: 19, M: 24, S: 33. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* Some of the images returned by the Google API for Youtube gave images with incorrect default height-x-width parameters. No response or fix from a bug report has been received, so I just rewrote the HTML code to do a browser-based stretch/skew on the fly for badly encoded images within the Music/Video Library of Revolution and Social Justice. This turned out to be the best of several different experimental approaches, because it is resistant to the unusual and unexpected variations found within the Google API.
* Updated the Video and Music Library of Revolution and Social Justice so that the front-page would display two random Tag directory contents just below the two random channel directory contents.
* Rewrote the front-pages of the Video and Music Libraries of Revolution and Social Justice so that there is graceful handling of video/music entries for links that have since been removed by Youtube. The same type of handling has been adapted to the random videos that display at the top of every music/video category, the entries listed in each music/video category, the recommended videos/music sidebar selection for each video and music entry, and for the view music/video by tag directory listing entries.
* Improved the processing of the user account public page by rewriting the code so that video/music data is grabbed through Google's data API on-the-fly as the user is loading the page instead of grabbing the data all at once and then displaying the results.
* A small bug in the front pages for the Music/Video Library of Revolution and Social Justice was sometimes causing only one "music/video by tag" box to display instead of the intended two. This has been corrected.
Fri., 15 February, 2013. H: 17, M: 42, S: 13. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* A small bug was preventing proper navigation for the page listings of the "Video by Tag," "Music by Tag", and "Graphics by Tag" pages. This has been corrected.
* Updated the public user account pages so that each user's video/music collection was viewable from the user's page.
* User account security has been improved in terms of user permissions.
* User account security has been improved in terms of user activity management within the Video Library and the Music Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
Fri., 01 February, 2013. H: 19, M: 08, S: 46. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* Added the Video Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* Added the Music Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
Thu., 31 January, 2013. H: 18, M: 33, S: 35. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, I had programmed it originally to display 12, random icons of images in each gallery's top-information section. Somehow, I had misprogrammed it, but it has been corrected and is functioning fine now.
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, I corrected the mouse-hover value for images with an empty title to actually display "Untitled" instead of simply nothing.
* Improved the displaying of usernames for crediting artists whose artwork appears throughout the site but originates from the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* The main site menu was not properly displaying for the user account page and the user account's artwork page. This has been corrected.
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, I corrected a minor bug in the handling of the main image selection for image galleries.
* Corrected a small error in the user account system where a user without any uploaded artwork would have a page full of errors for their "view uploaded artwork" page.
Sat., 19 January, 2013. H: 17, M: 02, S: 03. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* Fixed a minor bug with the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice where images with tags that had dashes and symbols in them would not have their icons properly displayed in the "View-Artwork-by-Tags" category.
* Fixed the properly casing for the list of tags available for each image in the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice.
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, I improved memory processing with the image statistics and hash data.
* In the CopyLeft and Open Source Center, the HTML Title tag for licenses listed the wrong number of versions available for that license. This has been fixed.
* Editing an old image that was uploaded previously in the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice would have edited the database in such a way that it made statistics and hash-generation impossible (hence why there was the unusual note on those pages: "We're sorry, but there there has been an error with this function! Please contact the system administrator."). This error has been fixed.
* The Effects performed on images (charcoal, sketch, oilpaint, etc.) was so harddrive and processor intensive that sometimes the script would exit without completing all reformatings and resizings of the effected image. A failsafe has been locked into to regenerate the various image formats and effects on the fly if a user requests the page for it.
* Some small updates have been added to the internal change-log management to improve its efficiency.
* Fixed a minor bug in the CopyLeft and Open Source Center where detailed information about the license author was not being displayed.
* CopyLeft and Open Source Center: Rewrote the code for the listings of each author's licenses so that it would guarantee alphabetical listings.
* Improved reliability with the database handling for license authors in the CopyLeft and Open Source Center.
* Improved some aesthetic, tabling touches within the CopyLeft and Open Source Center.
* Wordwrapping author URLs in the CopyLeft and Open Source Center was implemented already, but its effect was blocked by some NOBR tags. They have since been removed.
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, editing old images with image alts caused only the BMP format to be created for its icon set. This has been edited to include all formats.
Fri., 11 January, 2013. H: 19, M: 41, S: 22. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* Graphics Library: File sizes were added in the previous update for the resized icon links, if you hovered your mouse cursor over the link. This was not added to the page where you viewed images with artistic effects performed upon them, but now it has.
* Graphics Library: An error in the images with artistic effects performed upon them caused the images not be properly converted to non-jpg formats. This has been corrected.
* Graphics Library: Corrected a minor bug that prevented all of the image gallery links from properly generating in sitemap.
* Graphics Library: There was a minor bug that caused duplicate, resized image to be linked under the available image formats for about half of the images. This bug has been fixed.
* Bakunin-Cannabis Engine: Advanced management, backup, etc., options implemented for the Change-Log Options of the main BCE page.
Tue., 08 January, 2013. H: 19, M: 32, S: 26. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* Bakunin-Cannabis Engine (BCE) page (this page) with Change-Log now available and linked directly by the sub-engine, main menus.
* Standardized contact page was made that all of the BCE sub-engines use.
* In the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, the file size is now displayed for the rescaled image links in the HTML title tag (displayed by hovering the mouse cursor over the icon links).
Sun., 06 January, 2013. H: 18, M: 18, S: 42. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* System change-log management has been created.
Sat., 05 January, 2013. H: 19, M: 07, S: 04. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* Initially, the image histograms were disabled because they were too CPU-intensive, but I created a work around where if it looks like the computer can't do it, it grabs a smaller, scaled version of the original image to produce the histogram data on. All images now have histogram data available.
* CopyLeft and Open Source Center: Extended the functionality to "View Licenses by Date Added" to Mobile Version.
Fri., 04 January, 2013. H: 18, M: 59, S: 15. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* For the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, some of the links for scaled icons of artistic-effected images pointed to the original image icons instead of the artistic-effected images. This has been corrected.
* Also for the Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice, I have reprogrammed the sitemap script to provide wider and better coverage of all pages available within the library.
* Added "Date Published" and "Date Added" fields to each of the licenses in the CopyLeft and Open Source Center.
* CopyLeft and Open Source Center: Added functionality to "View Licenses by Date Added."
Tue., 01 January, 2013. H: 10, M: 35, S: 04. Time Zone: (US-CST).
* The Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice is officially released to the public.
* The CopyLeft and Open Source Center is officially released to the public.
The Bakunin-Cannabis Engine: