2CC has announced Chris Coleman will replace Marcus Paul on the radio station's drive program.

2CC has announced Chris Coleman will replace Marcus Paul on the radio station's drive program. Photo: Suppled

Chris Coleman will replace 2CC drive show host Marcus Paul after he quit the show suddenly this week.

Station manager Michael Jones said Coleman would bring a "strong journalistic approach" and had a wealth of experience in talk and commercial radio.

"He's a well-seasoned radio guy. I think he's going to be very relatable," he said.

Marcus Paul, former 2CC radio host, who resigned on Wednesday.

Marcus Paul, former 2CC radio host, who resigned on Wednesday.

Coleman, who went to St Edmund's College, grew up in the ACT and spent 15 years working for ABC Local Radio in Wagga Wagga, Dubbo, the Riverina and Canberra.

He also spent stints on commercial radio in Orange, Muswellbrook and Wagga Wagga.

2CC's Canberra Live with Chris Coleman will start on Tuesday following Paul's resignation on Wednesday, in the midst of the crucial ratings survey period.

Paul did not give reasons for his resignation except to say: "It's a shame that some issues couldn't be resolved".

"The decision was mine and I just feel that it's time to move on to other areas including broadcast journalism in other capacities," he said.

Paul said on Wednesday he had been considering the move for a couple of weeks and had made his final decision on Wednesday morning.

Paul had offered to see out the ratings survey period - about two more weeks - but "I was told that I had to go today", he said.

Mr Jones said Coleman had worked for the station on a casual basis in recent months and he didn't think the new role would be a difficult transition.

"There's always a settling in period and I think with his experience he'll be able to settle into the Canberra news environment very quickly."