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Background is a definitive, comprehensive resource focusing on the life and writings of American novelist and poet Richard Gary Brautigan (1935-1984). Information from diverse sources is archived and cross-referenced here, providing a three-dimensional bibliopedia (a bibliography and encyclopedia) about Richard Brautigan, the writer, and the man.

Use the links below to access further information about this website.
Overview provides information and resources for each of Richard Brautigan's ten novels, his ten collections of poetry, his collection of stories, his collected works, his audio recordings, his numerous essays and other non-fiction writings, and speciality publications of his works. Annotated and/or full text reviews and criticism are provided for each Brautigan publication.

Various bibliographies, biographical information, and a family genealogy are provided.

Chronologies for each decade of Brautigan's life, as well as memoirs, tributes, sound files, images, and links to additional internal and external resources help contextualize Brautigan's life and works and provide an accounting of his continued inspiration for creative efforts by others who interpret his work, or create their own in response.

Different search technologies (indexes, a site map), along with information about this website help find specific information about Brautigan, his life, and his writings.

The purpose of is to collect, preserve, organize, present, and add value to a freely-available rich body of knowledge concerning Richard Brautigan, his writings and life.

Rich content related to Brautigan, his writings, and life is collected, or donated, from around the world.

Since many of Brautigan's writings are out of print and many secondary sources related to his writing(s) remain obscure, hard-to-find, or unavailable, this website serves to provide an archival infrastructure for this content so that it may be expanded and accessed over time.

The information collected here is annotated, discussed, and linked along obvious or heretofore unknown connections in order to both create and communicate its meaning and value within a larger body of knowledge.

This archive is structured and curated to preserve and present its content in an effective and efficient Internet context easily accessible by all users.

The addition of value comes through the generation of new sources of information and knowledge, or new ways of looking at or using existent information sources. Additionally, value is derived from the preservation and promotion of Brautigan's legacy as a writer whose works continue to provide broad inspiration to scholars, artists, musicians, readers, and other creative people.

Free is educational and noncommercial. It is intended for teaching, scholarship, and research. No charge is levied for using the content of this website, and no attempt is made or implied regarding commercial duplication and/or dissemination of any of the works or information referenced herein.
Changed name to

Richard Brautigan: Essays on the Writings and Life (McFarland) published, using materials collected as part of this website.

Name changed again, this time to Brautigan Bibliography and Archive to better reflect evolving archival mission of website to collect, preserve, organize, present, and add value to a freely-available rich body of knowledge concerning Richard Brautigan, his writings and life.

Name changed to Brautigan Bibliography plus+ to reflect emphasis on collecting, preserving, and presenting information about Brautigan's life, as well as his works.

All content from Richard Brautigan: An Annotated Bibliography, plus additional research materials, placed online. Website called The Brautigan Bibliography and was conceived as a definitive and comprehensive compilation of information about the works of Richard Brautigan. Website online and active, November 2005.

Master's thesis published as Richard Brautigan: An Annotated Bibliography (McFarland, 244 pages), and was generally recognized as an exemplary Brautigan reference.

My master's thesis, "Richard Brautigan: An Annotated Bibliography," focused on collecting all current primary and secondary references to Brautigan and his works.

Spring 1982
I met Richard Brautigan, as a student in his creative writing class at Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. We became friends outside of class and pursued together what Richard called "the pursuit of the Great American Good Time."

My first exposure to Richard Brautigan; a gift, from my sister, of his book Trout Fishing in America.


Much of this information has been compiled collaboratively, working with its original authors, or others who knew Richard Brautigan professionally or personally. Thanks to . . .

Richard Brautigan, who, over several nights, and afternoons, of "cool drinks" in the Eagles Club in downtown Bozeman, told me a bit about himself and his work.

Richard Bleiler, a reference librarian at the University of Alabama at Birmingham told me a Brautigan bibliography was a worthy research project.

Steve Wilson at McFarland Press told me he was happy to publish Richard Brautigan: An Annotated Bibliography and Richard Brautigan: Essays on the Writings and Life.

Folks around the world, who, after Richard Brautigan: An Annotated Bibliography went out of print and was no longer available, inspired me to move all my research online and publish this bibliography myself.

Christian Nelson, publisher and editor of Kumquat Meringue, convinced me to continue compiling and cross-linking references to Brautigan and his work, especially when I despaired that anyone would be interested.

Keith Abbott, Robert Creeley, Kenn Davis, Helen Donlon, Doug Grose, Steve Heilig, William (Gatz) Hjortsberg, Richard Hughey, Alastair Johnston, Greg Keeler, Ted Latty, Steven Moore, James Musser, Craig Showalter, Michael Sloan, Erik Weber, and Fred Wright shared their own work and resources and helped me provide a lot more information about Brautigan's life.

Liviu Bleoca (Romania), Éric Dejaeger (Belgium), Jonas Ellerström (Sweden), Birgit Ferran (Spain), Mark Gilbert (Australia), Kazuko Fujimoto Goodman (Japan), Jan Rune Holmevik (Norway), Hans-Peter Kraus (Germany), Jen Leibhart (Australia), Rob McLennan (Canada), Kevin Ring (England), Neil Schiller (England), Martin Stein (Germany), Walter Franceschi (Italy), Enrico Monti (Italy), and Marco Zapparoli (Italy) made valuable contributions, often with regard to Brautigan's work in translation.

Denis R. Robillard, a great Canadian poet, was extremely generous to share his research of fellow Canadian, Marcia Pacaud, a subject of several Brautigan poems. He also shared information about Charles Plymell and Ontario poet Patrice Desbiens (Dans Lapres Midi Cardiaque, published in Sudbury, 1985) both of whom referred to Brautigan in their own work. Finally, Denis contributed his own poetry to my occasional literary magazine, Change, modeled after a similar venture by Brautigan.

John M. Rose, devoted hours and hours to proofread the entire He called it a labor of love. I call it a gift and certainly appreciate his time and effort!

Greg Miller, an avid Brautigan collector, provided images of the many Brautigan signatures and inscriptions in his collection, along with the stories that accompany them. They add an interesting dimension to this work and I appreciate his willingness to share them.

Jan Jorgenson, a determined genealogical researcher, ferreted out the records that helped solve many of the myths and mysteries surrounding Brautigan's family and early life in the Pacific Northwest. Thanks, Jan, for your time and effort and help with this project!

My wife Dene calls "John's Obsession" but never complains about the hours I spend researching and working on it. In fact, she encourages me and often facilitates my efforts in numerous ways. I am honored by her support.

Finally, there are many many people around the world who read and use Some write to share their thoughts, to discuss ideas for Brautigan-related projects they would like to undertake, to seek help locating someone mentioned in the bibliography, or to ask for further information. Others I never hear from but I know you are out there.

I appreciate the support each of you lends this effort. Brautigan continues to inspire and interest fans, readers, and scholars around the world and I am pleased that we can connect through

If you can add additional information, correct mistakes, or provide other information that will benefit the efforts of this project, please contribute.

Thank you, all of you!

The contents of (this website) includes copyrighted material in the form of images, text excerpts, and audio and video samples. The inclusion of such materials in this website is for criticism, scholarship, and/or research—all non-commercial purposes and constitutes fair use, as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law.
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  1. The purpose and character of use
    The purpose of this website is to promote research and learning opportunities regarding author Richard Brautigan, his life, and his works. The copyrighted material used is intended to raise questions, drive analysis, and provide substantiation for analytical claims. Furthermore, its use is transformative in that it involves repurposing and recontextualizing the original material in order to illustrate points, connections, or concepts associated with Richard Brautigan, his life, and works not readily available, or possible, in any other place, resource, or format. No attempt, stated or implied, is made here to seek commercial, economic, or other gain from the use of this work in any fashion. This website receives no funding of any kind from any source to offset its cost of maintenance and operation. All efforts associated with this website are strictly for nonprofit education purposes.

  2. The nature of the copyrighted work
    Much of the copyrighted work found within this website orignally appeared in small, ephemeral publications that are, in many instances, long out of print, or otherwise not readily available. Other works are more current, but again, are not readily available for nonprofit educational use. Free or public-domain examples, other than those noted, have not been located for this copyrighted material. The copyrighted work herein is not to be found in any one place, resource, or format for criticism, comment, reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research, other than this website. Proper citations for the original source(s) are found throughout this website.

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    The copyrighted materials used herein are all excerpted portions from larger journal articles, book chapters, etc. They are utilized herein outside their original context. Their use herein is limited compared to their original context but at the same time transformative as described above. Use of these copyrighted materials is not intended to substitute for the purchase of any books, publishers' reprints, or periodicals where said materials were first published or copyrighted. Use of these copyrighted materials is not seen to detract from the original work in any way, but rather to point readers/users toward the original publication source itself.

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    The use of copyrighted material herein does not limit the copyright owners' rights to distribute their original work in any way, or to seek new publication venues. As stated above, many of these copyrighted materials have long disappeared from the attention of educators, researchers, critics, and commentators. Compiling, collecting, connecting, and transforming them within this website increases their potential for notice, utilization, and market value. Furthermore, all conclusions derived from examining these sources are the opinions of the author. All copyrighted works are cited throughout the website, and no profit will be derived from the publication of this website.
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Users of this website are asked to respect the various original and current rights and protections granted the original authors, use any materials herein only with the express permission of the respective copyright owner, and properly acknowledge said permission.

Although I make no claim with regard to the work of others contained in this website, I do claim copyright for the substantial amount of original scholarship and other material(s) represented by my efforts as author, developer, and curator of the website. Your use of this material should reflect and credit its original source, please. Fair use does not include claiming any work or materials in this website as your own, or using it without proper credit or citation.

John F. Barber

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Much of the information in has been gathered through collaborative efforts with folks who knew or respected Richard Brautigan.

As a Brautigan fan, your comments, suggestions, corrections, and additions are welcome, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Please contact me at the email address below.

John F. Barber
