WA News

Perth snake handler makes mid-Melbourne Cup day rescue, fascinator and all

It may be the race that stops a nation but one pesky snake in the Perth Hills apparently had other ideas.

The dugite decided to slither its way into a Lesmurdie backyard on Tuesday afternoon, leading WAtoday to uncover quite possibly Perth's most dedicated snake catcher, Lisa Harrap.

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Snake catcher snares dugite in Melbourne Cup get-up

It may be the race that stops the nation but if you're a snake catcher you can't really put your job on hold.

Ms Harrap, like many Australians on Melbourne Cup day, was enjoying a luncheon with work colleagues when she got the call that a snake had been found in a couple's backyard. 

Rather than pass on the job, she made a quick exit from The Cavern in Kalamunda to rescue the reptile – snake-print dress, fascinator and all - but ditched her high heels for an equally fashionable pair of gumboots.

"It was after the race, I'd had dessert, so it was ok," Mr Harrap joked.

"I was planning on coming back [to the luncheon] but by the time I had caught the snake, I was a bit sweaty from walking up and down hills in the regional park to be able to release it in a safe spot."


In a video Ms Harrap filmed of the dugite's release, she says, "and yes I'm wearing a fascinator and a snake outfit cos it's Melbourne Cup day". 

The dugite was found in the Lesmurdie backyard after likely retreating from recently burnt bushland across the road.

Lisa Harrap rescuing the snake while ironically dressed in a snake-print dress.
Lisa Harrap rescuing the snake while ironically dressed in a snake-print dress.  Photo: Supplied

Ms Harrap said the home owners wanted it removed quickly as they had a young granddaughter who regularly played outside and a chicken coup.

"I had high heels on, I wasn't planning on catching a snake," she said.

The dugite was later released into bushland.
The dugite was later released into bushland.  Photo: Supplied

"Luckily I keep some gumboots in the car just in case I do have a call-out because as it gets into summer you're not necessarily wearing jeans and runners.

"Everything else I have in my car, I always have my snake gear ready to go."

Ms Harrap and her partner are both qualified reptile relocators and manage their own business, Perth Hills Reptile Removal.  
