Petugas Resmob Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsel menembak mati Sultan alias Karim, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah beraksi di Jalan Urip Sumohardjo, Panakkukang, Makassar, Sabtu (19/9/2015) malam. Dua timah panas polisi tepat mengenai rusuk kiri dan betis tersangka. POJOKSULSEL/ARNY
Video Maling/Begal Motor Tertangkap, Kualat, Lucu [Compilation]
Video Maling/Begal Motor Tertangkap, Kualat, Lucu [Compilation] - Funny Stunt Compilation - Gini Akibatnya Orang Yang Sok Jagoan | Dapatkan video terbaru dari bakpwow_TV dengan Klik SUBSCRIBE!
bakpwowTV adalah sebua channel youtube yang selalu berbagi video menarik seputar teknologi IT dan seputar lingkungan. Selamat menyaksikan!
Sadis Begal Tembak Korbannya Di Balas Tembakan Oleh Polisi Sampai Tewas
begal depok
begal motor di bogor
begal motor di depok
begal di depok
begal lampung
begal motor di lampung
begal lampung
begal ancam depok
begal bekasi
begal bandung
begal bogor
begal depok tertangkap
begal metro
begal di juanda
begal 86
begal hitam putih
begal indramayu
begal jabung
begal jakarta
begal korban
begal tewas
begal sadis
maling dikeroyok
maling digebukin
maling motor dilempar sep
Penggerebekan Menegangkan Kampung begal Lampung Utara - Menyingkap Tabir 3/4/2015
Simak Menit ke 10:55 Polisi menangkap penjahat yang suka malak di jalanan umum, tau gak gan senjatanya apa? Pistol,Celurit,Borgol buset kalah dah polkis. Alhasil tu Penjahat Di DOR pahanya buat kenang-kenangan.
Tribal Area yang ada di Indonesia mungkin bisa disematkan ke Lampung, sebab di daerah ini penjahat,kejahatan,senjata api, dan Narkoba seolah bebas berkeliaran. Bahkan ada sebuah desa dipim
begal disiang bolong ke tangkap basah di sukarame deket iain raden intan bandar lampung
kejadian di komplek jl karimun jawa sukarame bandar lampung
Pengejaran Begal Motor Yang Berakhir Dengan Tewasnya Sang Begal, Terekam CCTV
Pengejaran Begal Motor Yang Berakhir Dengan Tewasnya Sang Begal, Terekam CCTV
Begal Motor di Betung Banyuasin sudah sangat meresahkan masyarakat. Berikut aksi polisi yang melakukan pengejaran sang begal motor yang terekam CCTV. Akhirnya begal motor itu tewas jatuh tersungkur terkena tembakan polisi.
Brimob di Ditembak Begal, Polisi Acak Acak Kampung Begal Di Jabung - Berita Terbaru
Brimob di Dor Begal, Polisi Acak Acak Kampung Begal Di Jabung - Berita Terbaru
Thanks for Subscribe and Share
Begal Dibakar di Madura
86 Penangkapan Aksi Pelaku Begal di Depok - Ipda Winam Agus
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF
Video Tutorial UHF NET:
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel:
Netmediatama Official Page
Polisi Dikira Begal, Pemotor Kebut Kebutan di Jalanan Yogyakarta - 86
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF
Video Tutorial UHF NET:
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel:
Netmediatama Official Page
Jambret & Begal Tertangkap di Hartaco Indah Tamalate Makassar [31 Oktober]
Sabtu Siang 31 Oktober 2015
2 kawanan JAMBRET (1 kabur) tertangkap saat akan mengambil barang curian di perumahan hartaco indah, Jalan Daeng Tata Raya, Parang Tambun Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar.
Gila para begal beraksi pada tahun baru dan pakaian hitam yg menjadi korbannya. Kejadian waktu Malam Tahun Baru Di BTP
Tolong Bagikan Video ini supaya tersangkanya cepat terungkap
NB : yang pake baju hitam korbannya Kepala dibacot dan tangan robek ...
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
ASLI ! Video BEGAL KEBAL Terbang Dan Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
11 Maret 2015
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus
86 Pengerjaran Rutin Sidoarjo Rawan Begal Part 1 Ipda Hafid Dian
86 merupakan tontonan yang segar dan dapat memacu adrenaline yang ditayangkan di NET. TV setiap hari pukul 21:00 WIB. Tidak hanya kita dapat mengikuti aksi polisi Indonesia dalam penggerebekan, tetapi kita juga diajak untuk menyaksikan kejadian yang sesungguhnya terjadi di lapangan serta melihat sedikit sisi lain dari kehidupan pribadi polisi sebagai manusia biasa dan kedekatan mereka dengan kelua
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Begal Nyaris Tewas Dihajar Warga di Pabentengan Gowa
Begal Nyaris Tewas Dihajar Warga di Pabentengan, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, September 2015.
Video Begal Kebal Peluru, 1 Polisi mati Puluhan Kewalahan Menangkapnya.
Video penyergapan dan perlawanan begal kebal peluru yang dikenal bernama komplotan Ahat. Akhirnya Polisi berhasil menyarangkan 8 peluru ke tubuh pimpinannya Ahat, dan 2 anak buahnya juga tewas di tempat, 1 Polisi mati dan beberapa luka".
Begal Diamuk Massa di Flyover Makassar (Video:Herry Saputra/Facebook)
MENEGANGKAN, Penggerebekan Kampung Begal Motor Lampung Utara Polisi Gelontor Tembakan
MENEGANGKAN, Penggerebekan Kampung Begal Lampung Utara Polisi Gelontor Tembakan - Menyingkap Tabir 3/4/2015
begal di bakar masa
begal depok
begal motor di bogor
begal motor di depok
begal di depok
begal lampung
begal motor di lampung
begal lampung
begal ancam depok
begal bekasi
begal bandung
begal bogor
begal depok tertangkap
begal metro
begal di juanda
begal 86
begal hitam putih
begal indramayu
Raja Begal Tewas Mengenaskan, Diarak Massa & Didor polisi [Begal Sadis]
Petugas Polisi dari kesatuan Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsul menembak mati Karim alias Sultan, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah sedang beraksi di jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Panakkukang, Makassar, pada Sabtu (19/9/2015). petugas menembak tersangka tepat mengenai rusuk kiri dan betis.
Sebelumya ia diarak oleh ratusan massa di tengah jalan dengan kondisi lemah tanpa perlawanan, massa di tahan oleh aparat un
Petugas Resmob Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsel menembak mati Sultan alias Karim, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah beraksi di Jalan Urip Sumohardjo, Panakkukang, ...
Petugas Resmob Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsel menembak mati Sultan alias Karim, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah beraksi di Jalan Urip Sumohardjo, Panakkukang, Makassar, Sabtu (19/9/2015) malam. Dua timah panas polisi tepat mengenai rusuk kiri dan betis tersangka. POJOKSULSEL/ARNY
wn.com/Video Detik Detik Raja Begal Makassar Ditembak Mati Pojoksulsel.Com
Petugas Resmob Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsel menembak mati Sultan alias Karim, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah beraksi di Jalan Urip Sumohardjo, Panakkukang, Makassar, Sabtu (19/9/2015) malam. Dua timah panas polisi tepat mengenai rusuk kiri dan betis tersangka. POJOKSULSEL/ARNY
- published: 19 Sep 2015
- views: 18356
Video Maling/Begal Motor Tertangkap, Kualat, Lucu [Compilation]
Video Maling/Begal Motor Tertangkap, Kualat, Lucu [Compilation] - Funny Stunt Compilation - Gini Akibatnya Orang Yang Sok Jagoan | Dapatkan video terbaru dari ...
Video Maling/Begal Motor Tertangkap, Kualat, Lucu [Compilation] - Funny Stunt Compilation - Gini Akibatnya Orang Yang Sok Jagoan | Dapatkan video terbaru dari bakpwow_TV dengan Klik SUBSCRIBE!
bakpwowTV adalah sebua channel youtube yang selalu berbagi video menarik seputar teknologi IT dan seputar lingkungan. Selamat menyaksikan!
wn.com/Video Maling Begal Motor Tertangkap, Kualat, Lucu Compilation
Video Maling/Begal Motor Tertangkap, Kualat, Lucu [Compilation] - Funny Stunt Compilation - Gini Akibatnya Orang Yang Sok Jagoan | Dapatkan video terbaru dari bakpwow_TV dengan Klik SUBSCRIBE!
bakpwowTV adalah sebua channel youtube yang selalu berbagi video menarik seputar teknologi IT dan seputar lingkungan. Selamat menyaksikan!
- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 61
Sadis Begal Tembak Korbannya Di Balas Tembakan Oleh Polisi Sampai Tewas
begal depok
begal motor di bogor
begal motor di depok
begal di depok
begal lampung
begal motor di lampung
begal lampung
begal ancam depok
begal bekasi
begal ban...
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begal motor di depok
begal di depok
begal lampung
begal motor di lampung
begal lampung
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begal bekasi
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begal 86
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- published: 22 Jul 2015
- views: 105
Penggerebekan Menegangkan Kampung begal Lampung Utara - Menyingkap Tabir 3/4/2015
Simak Menit ke 10:55 Polisi menangkap penjahat yang suka malak di jalanan umum, tau gak gan senjatanya apa? Pistol,Celurit,Borgol buset kalah dah polkis. Alhasi...
Simak Menit ke 10:55 Polisi menangkap penjahat yang suka malak di jalanan umum, tau gak gan senjatanya apa? Pistol,Celurit,Borgol buset kalah dah polkis. Alhasil tu Penjahat Di DOR pahanya buat kenang-kenangan.
Tribal Area yang ada di Indonesia mungkin bisa disematkan ke Lampung, sebab di daerah ini penjahat,kejahatan,senjata api, dan Narkoba seolah bebas berkeliaran. Bahkan ada sebuah desa dipimpin oleh "Penjahat" dengan koleksi senjata api yang begitu menghawatirkan.
pada tayangan inilah kita di hadapkan pada realita sebenarnya yang terjadi di lampung utara, polisi dengan kekuatan penuh bergerak menyusuri desa untuk menangkap para penjahat.
Miris melihat begitu tak berdayanya polisi selama ini menghadapi para penjahat lampung utara.
Anggota melakukan penyisiran dibeberapa wilayah diantaranya Tanah Miring, Sekala Berak, Abung Timur, Abung Surakarta, Abung Semuli, dan Abung Selatan, dengan kekuatan penuh anggota melakukan pengepungan dan pengeledahan dirumah-rumah yang dicurigai sebagai pelaku kejahatan.
Dari operasi ini aparat berhasil mengamankan 18 tersangka pelaku kejahatan dan beberapa barang bukti berupa 4 unit mobil, 26 unit sepeda motor tanpa surat, puluhan jenis senjata tajam dan senjata api, 4 set alat judi koprok dan berbagai alat pengguna narkoba.
wn.com/Penggerebekan Menegangkan Kampung Begal Lampung Utara Menyingkap Tabir 3 4 2015
Simak Menit ke 10:55 Polisi menangkap penjahat yang suka malak di jalanan umum, tau gak gan senjatanya apa? Pistol,Celurit,Borgol buset kalah dah polkis. Alhasil tu Penjahat Di DOR pahanya buat kenang-kenangan.
Tribal Area yang ada di Indonesia mungkin bisa disematkan ke Lampung, sebab di daerah ini penjahat,kejahatan,senjata api, dan Narkoba seolah bebas berkeliaran. Bahkan ada sebuah desa dipimpin oleh "Penjahat" dengan koleksi senjata api yang begitu menghawatirkan.
pada tayangan inilah kita di hadapkan pada realita sebenarnya yang terjadi di lampung utara, polisi dengan kekuatan penuh bergerak menyusuri desa untuk menangkap para penjahat.
Miris melihat begitu tak berdayanya polisi selama ini menghadapi para penjahat lampung utara.
Anggota melakukan penyisiran dibeberapa wilayah diantaranya Tanah Miring, Sekala Berak, Abung Timur, Abung Surakarta, Abung Semuli, dan Abung Selatan, dengan kekuatan penuh anggota melakukan pengepungan dan pengeledahan dirumah-rumah yang dicurigai sebagai pelaku kejahatan.
Dari operasi ini aparat berhasil mengamankan 18 tersangka pelaku kejahatan dan beberapa barang bukti berupa 4 unit mobil, 26 unit sepeda motor tanpa surat, puluhan jenis senjata tajam dan senjata api, 4 set alat judi koprok dan berbagai alat pengguna narkoba.
- published: 03 Apr 2015
- views: 1157
Pengejaran Begal Motor Yang Berakhir Dengan Tewasnya Sang Begal, Terekam CCTV
Pengejaran Begal Motor Yang Berakhir Dengan Tewasnya Sang Begal, Terekam CCTV
Begal Motor di Betung Banyuasin sudah sangat meresahkan masyarakat. Berikut aksi p...
Pengejaran Begal Motor Yang Berakhir Dengan Tewasnya Sang Begal, Terekam CCTV
Begal Motor di Betung Banyuasin sudah sangat meresahkan masyarakat. Berikut aksi polisi yang melakukan pengejaran sang begal motor yang terekam CCTV. Akhirnya begal motor itu tewas jatuh tersungkur terkena tembakan polisi.
wn.com/Pengejaran Begal Motor Yang Berakhir Dengan Tewasnya Sang Begal, Terekam Cctv
Pengejaran Begal Motor Yang Berakhir Dengan Tewasnya Sang Begal, Terekam CCTV
Begal Motor di Betung Banyuasin sudah sangat meresahkan masyarakat. Berikut aksi polisi yang melakukan pengejaran sang begal motor yang terekam CCTV. Akhirnya begal motor itu tewas jatuh tersungkur terkena tembakan polisi.
- published: 23 Oct 2015
- views: 11430
Brimob di Ditembak Begal, Polisi Acak Acak Kampung Begal Di Jabung - Berita Terbaru
Brimob di Dor Begal, Polisi Acak Acak Kampung Begal Di Jabung - Berita Terbaru
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Brimob di Dor Begal, Polisi Acak Acak Kampung Begal Di Jabung - Berita Terbaru
Thanks for Subscribe and Share
wn.com/Brimob Di Ditembak Begal, Polisi Acak Acak Kampung Begal Di Jabung Berita Terbaru
Brimob di Dor Begal, Polisi Acak Acak Kampung Begal Di Jabung - Berita Terbaru
Thanks for Subscribe and Share
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 100
wn.com/Tkp Ringkus 4 Remaja Begal Sadis
- published: 17 Sep 2015
- views: 5086
86 Penangkapan Aksi Pelaku Begal di Depok - Ipda Winam Agus
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Pad...
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF
Video Tutorial UHF NET:
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Acara TV dengan kualitas terbaik di Indonesia.
PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA adalah bagian dari kelompok usaha INDIKA GROUP. Nama INDIKA sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Industri Multimedia dan Informatika. Saat ini, melalui PT. Indika Multimedia, INDIKA GROUP bergerak di bidang usaha Event Organizer, Promotor, Broadcast Equipment, Production House dan Radio.
Sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi, PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA didirikan dengan semangat bahwa konten hiburan dan informasi di masa mendatang akan semakin terhubung, lebih memasyarakat, lebih mendalam, lebih pribadi, dan lebih mudah diakses dimanapun.
Program-program tersebut kami sajikan agar dapat ditampilkan dalam berbagai platform sehingga para pengguna dapat menikmati informasi dan hiburan secara tidak terbatas.
Kami meluncurkan sekaligus mengembangkan sebuah media yang berfokus pada tayangan hiburan dan berita. Kami berharap, kehadiran kami bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi bangsa Indonesia menuju Indonesia yang lebih maju.
wn.com/86 Penangkapan Aksi Pelaku Begal Di Depok Ipda Winam Agus
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF
Video Tutorial UHF NET:
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel:
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Acara TV dengan kualitas terbaik di Indonesia.
PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA adalah bagian dari kelompok usaha INDIKA GROUP. Nama INDIKA sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Industri Multimedia dan Informatika. Saat ini, melalui PT. Indika Multimedia, INDIKA GROUP bergerak di bidang usaha Event Organizer, Promotor, Broadcast Equipment, Production House dan Radio.
Sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi, PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA didirikan dengan semangat bahwa konten hiburan dan informasi di masa mendatang akan semakin terhubung, lebih memasyarakat, lebih mendalam, lebih pribadi, dan lebih mudah diakses dimanapun.
Program-program tersebut kami sajikan agar dapat ditampilkan dalam berbagai platform sehingga para pengguna dapat menikmati informasi dan hiburan secara tidak terbatas.
Kami meluncurkan sekaligus mengembangkan sebuah media yang berfokus pada tayangan hiburan dan berita. Kami berharap, kehadiran kami bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi bangsa Indonesia menuju Indonesia yang lebih maju.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 215
Polisi Dikira Begal, Pemotor Kebut Kebutan di Jalanan Yogyakarta - 86
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Pad...
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF
Video Tutorial UHF NET:
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel:
Netmediatama Official Page
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Twitter : https://twitter.com/netmediatama
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NET. Terms & Conditions
Acara TV dengan kualitas terbaik di Indonesia.
PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA adalah bagian dari kelompok usaha INDIKA GROUP. Nama INDIKA sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Industri Multimedia dan Informatika. Saat ini, melalui PT. Indika Multimedia, INDIKA GROUP bergerak di bidang usaha Event Organizer, Promotor, Broadcast Equipment, Production House dan Radio.
Sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi, PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA didirikan dengan semangat bahwa konten hiburan dan informasi di masa mendatang akan semakin terhubung, lebih memasyarakat, lebih mendalam, lebih pribadi, dan lebih mudah diakses dimanapun.
Program-program tersebut kami sajikan agar dapat ditampilkan dalam berbagai platform sehingga para pengguna dapat menikmati informasi dan hiburan secara tidak terbatas.
Kami meluncurkan sekaligus mengembangkan sebuah media yang berfokus pada tayangan hiburan dan berita. Kami berharap, kehadiran kami bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi bangsa Indonesia menuju Indonesia yang lebih maju.
NET. Terms & Conditions
wn.com/Polisi Dikira Begal, Pemotor Kebut Kebutan Di Jalanan Yogyakarta 86
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda:
| Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Palangkaraya - 27 UHF | Padang - 35 UHF | Denpasar - 39 UHF | Pelaihari - 60 UHF
Video Tutorial UHF NET:
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel:
Netmediatama Official Page
Homepage : http://www.netmedia.co.id
Twitter : https://twitter.com/netmediatama
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia
NET. Terms & Conditions
Acara TV dengan kualitas terbaik di Indonesia.
PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA adalah bagian dari kelompok usaha INDIKA GROUP. Nama INDIKA sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Industri Multimedia dan Informatika. Saat ini, melalui PT. Indika Multimedia, INDIKA GROUP bergerak di bidang usaha Event Organizer, Promotor, Broadcast Equipment, Production House dan Radio.
Sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi, PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA didirikan dengan semangat bahwa konten hiburan dan informasi di masa mendatang akan semakin terhubung, lebih memasyarakat, lebih mendalam, lebih pribadi, dan lebih mudah diakses dimanapun.
Program-program tersebut kami sajikan agar dapat ditampilkan dalam berbagai platform sehingga para pengguna dapat menikmati informasi dan hiburan secara tidak terbatas.
Kami meluncurkan sekaligus mengembangkan sebuah media yang berfokus pada tayangan hiburan dan berita. Kami berharap, kehadiran kami bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi bangsa Indonesia menuju Indonesia yang lebih maju.
NET. Terms & Conditions
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 2429
Jambret & Begal Tertangkap di Hartaco Indah Tamalate Makassar [31 Oktober]
Sabtu Siang 31 Oktober 2015
2 kawanan JAMBRET (1 kabur) tertangkap saat akan mengambil barang curian di perumahan hartaco indah, Jalan Daeng Tata Raya, Parang T...
Sabtu Siang 31 Oktober 2015
2 kawanan JAMBRET (1 kabur) tertangkap saat akan mengambil barang curian di perumahan hartaco indah, Jalan Daeng Tata Raya, Parang Tambun Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar.
wn.com/Jambret Begal Tertangkap Di Hartaco Indah Tamalate Makassar 31 Oktober
Sabtu Siang 31 Oktober 2015
2 kawanan JAMBRET (1 kabur) tertangkap saat akan mengambil barang curian di perumahan hartaco indah, Jalan Daeng Tata Raya, Parang Tambun Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar.
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 941
Gila para begal beraksi pada tahun baru dan pakaian hitam yg menjadi korbannya. Kejadian waktu Malam Tahun Baru Di BTP
Tolong Bagikan Video ini supaya tersangk...
Gila para begal beraksi pada tahun baru dan pakaian hitam yg menjadi korbannya. Kejadian waktu Malam Tahun Baru Di BTP
Tolong Bagikan Video ini supaya tersangkanya cepat terungkap
NB : yang pake baju hitam korbannya Kepala dibacot dan tangan robek ...
wn.com/Lagi Lagi Begal Sadis Di Makassar Beraksi Malam Tahun Baru
Gila para begal beraksi pada tahun baru dan pakaian hitam yg menjadi korbannya. Kejadian waktu Malam Tahun Baru Di BTP
Tolong Bagikan Video ini supaya tersangkanya cepat terungkap
NB : yang pake baju hitam korbannya Kepala dibacot dan tangan robek ...
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 4635
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Beg...
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
wn.com/Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
Polisi Berondong Tembakan Peringatan Ke Warga Yang Halangi Penangkapan Begal Lampung.
- published: 05 Feb 2015
- views: 296
ASLI ! Video BEGAL KEBAL Terbang Dan Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
11 Maret 2015
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilan...
11 Maret 2015
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
wn.com/Asli Video Begal Kebal Terbang Dan Hilang Didepan Polisi Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung
11 Maret 2015
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
Live Di TV ! BEGAL Ini KEBAL Dan Terbang Hilang Didepan Polisi ! Buron Jakarta, Mampus Di Lampung !
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 6475
wn.com/3 Begal Terjaring Razia Jakarta Timur
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 46
86 Pengerjaran Rutin Sidoarjo Rawan Begal Part 1 Ipda Hafid Dian
86 merupakan tontonan yang segar dan dapat memacu adrenaline yang ditayangkan di NET. TV setiap hari pukul 21:00 WIB. Tidak hanya kita dapat mengikuti aksi poli...
86 merupakan tontonan yang segar dan dapat memacu adrenaline yang ditayangkan di NET. TV setiap hari pukul 21:00 WIB. Tidak hanya kita dapat mengikuti aksi polisi Indonesia dalam penggerebekan, tetapi kita juga diajak untuk menyaksikan kejadian yang sesungguhnya terjadi di lapangan serta melihat sedikit sisi lain dari kehidupan pribadi polisi sebagai manusia biasa dan kedekatan mereka dengan keluarganya. 86 memperlihatkan pekerjaan polisi Indonesia mulai dari kegiatan yang ringan, seperti mendisiplinkan pengguna lalu lintas, sampai kasus berat kepolisian.
wn.com/86 Pengerjaran Rutin Sidoarjo Rawan Begal Part 1 Ipda Hafid Dian
86 merupakan tontonan yang segar dan dapat memacu adrenaline yang ditayangkan di NET. TV setiap hari pukul 21:00 WIB. Tidak hanya kita dapat mengikuti aksi polisi Indonesia dalam penggerebekan, tetapi kita juga diajak untuk menyaksikan kejadian yang sesungguhnya terjadi di lapangan serta melihat sedikit sisi lain dari kehidupan pribadi polisi sebagai manusia biasa dan kedekatan mereka dengan keluarganya. 86 memperlihatkan pekerjaan polisi Indonesia mulai dari kegiatan yang ringan, seperti mendisiplinkan pengguna lalu lintas, sampai kasus berat kepolisian.
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 2847
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
wn.com/Rekaman Cctv Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
Rekaman CCTV Begal Dihajar Masa
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 42
Begal Nyaris Tewas Dihajar Warga di Pabentengan Gowa
Begal Nyaris Tewas Dihajar Warga di Pabentengan, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, September 2015....
Begal Nyaris Tewas Dihajar Warga di Pabentengan, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, September 2015.
wn.com/Begal Nyaris Tewas Dihajar Warga Di Pabentengan Gowa
Begal Nyaris Tewas Dihajar Warga di Pabentengan, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, September 2015.
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 187
Video Begal Kebal Peluru, 1 Polisi mati Puluhan Kewalahan Menangkapnya.
Video penyergapan dan perlawanan begal kebal peluru yang dikenal bernama komplotan Ahat. Akhirnya Polisi berhasil menyarangkan 8 peluru ke tubuh pimpinannya Aha...
Video penyergapan dan perlawanan begal kebal peluru yang dikenal bernama komplotan Ahat. Akhirnya Polisi berhasil menyarangkan 8 peluru ke tubuh pimpinannya Ahat, dan 2 anak buahnya juga tewas di tempat, 1 Polisi mati dan beberapa luka".
wn.com/Video Begal Kebal Peluru, 1 Polisi Mati Puluhan Kewalahan Menangkapnya.
Video penyergapan dan perlawanan begal kebal peluru yang dikenal bernama komplotan Ahat. Akhirnya Polisi berhasil menyarangkan 8 peluru ke tubuh pimpinannya Ahat, dan 2 anak buahnya juga tewas di tempat, 1 Polisi mati dan beberapa luka".
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 37
MENEGANGKAN, Penggerebekan Kampung Begal Motor Lampung Utara Polisi Gelontor Tembakan
MENEGANGKAN, Penggerebekan Kampung Begal Lampung Utara Polisi Gelontor Tembakan - Menyingkap Tabir 3/4/2015
begal di bakar masa
begal depok
begal motor di bogo...
MENEGANGKAN, Penggerebekan Kampung Begal Lampung Utara Polisi Gelontor Tembakan - Menyingkap Tabir 3/4/2015
begal di bakar masa
begal depok
begal motor di bogor
begal motor di depok
begal di depok
begal lampung
begal motor di lampung
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begal ancam depok
begal bekasi
begal bandung
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begal sadis
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MENEGANGKAN, Penggerebekan Kampung Begal Lampung Utara Polisi Gelontor Tembakan - Menyingkap Tabir 3/4/2015
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- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 7
Raja Begal Tewas Mengenaskan, Diarak Massa & Didor polisi [Begal Sadis]
Petugas Polisi dari kesatuan Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsul menembak mati Karim alias Sultan, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah sedang beraksi di jl. Urip Sumoha...
Petugas Polisi dari kesatuan Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsul menembak mati Karim alias Sultan, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah sedang beraksi di jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Panakkukang, Makassar, pada Sabtu (19/9/2015). petugas menembak tersangka tepat mengenai rusuk kiri dan betis.
Sebelumya ia diarak oleh ratusan massa di tengah jalan dengan kondisi lemah tanpa perlawanan, massa di tahan oleh aparat untuk mencegah main hakim sendiri (dibakar.
Sebelumnya, petugas membawa tersangka untuk menunjukkan TKP di sekitar waduk manggala, tapi ia berusaha untuk melawan. Tembakan peringatan dari petugas tidak dihiraukannya. akhirnya petugas polisi menembaknya hingga tewas.
wn.com/Raja Begal Tewas Mengenaskan, Diarak Massa Didor Polisi Begal Sadis
Petugas Polisi dari kesatuan Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsul menembak mati Karim alias Sultan, tersangka begal yang tertangkap basah sedang beraksi di jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Panakkukang, Makassar, pada Sabtu (19/9/2015). petugas menembak tersangka tepat mengenai rusuk kiri dan betis.
Sebelumya ia diarak oleh ratusan massa di tengah jalan dengan kondisi lemah tanpa perlawanan, massa di tahan oleh aparat untuk mencegah main hakim sendiri (dibakar.
Sebelumnya, petugas membawa tersangka untuk menunjukkan TKP di sekitar waduk manggala, tapi ia berusaha untuk melawan. Tembakan peringatan dari petugas tidak dihiraukannya. akhirnya petugas polisi menembaknya hingga tewas.
- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 3434
Bombay, India Travel Guide - The Bagel Shop (Mumbai)
If you are craving for bagels in India, check out the Bagel Shop. Location Bandra Address 30 Pali Mala Road, Bandra (West) Phone/Contact Info 91 22 26050178 ...
Kolkata (India) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 213 Hotels in Kolkata - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/vLvuTI
Travel video about destination Kolkata in India.
Calcutta, or Kolkata as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India.
A city of contrasts that could not be more striking with slums, poverty and degrading conditions, while nearby, the wealthy enjoy all the finer things
Bangladesh North Bengal-The Heritage Path Package Holidays Dhaka Bangladesh Travel Guide
See this package holiday on http://www.tobangladesh.com Experience Bangladesh's ancient relics and ruins in Sonargaon, Bogra and Rajshahi with the charm and colours of the metropolis of Dhaka. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
To Bangladesh Bengal Archaeology Package Holidays Dhaka Bangladesh Travel Guide
see this package holiday on http://www.tobangladesh.com Rediscover archaic Bangladesh at this century old city full of sacred Hindu and Buddhist archaeology ...
West Bengal The Complete Tourist Destination
A Short Documentary on West Bengal Tourism. Best time is Durgapuja-The Great Festival of Bengal followed by Package Tour to Mangrove Forest in Sundarvan and ...
Murshidabad - India (HD)
Murshidabad - India Tourism (HD), Murshidabad - India Vacation Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World...
Darjeeling, India - Travel Guide and Attractions
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Darjeeling, India, is located in the very Northern part of the West Bengal state. Coming from Kolkata, it's hard to believe that Darjeeling is actually in the same state, it's such a vastly different place.
In ord
West Bengal | Tourist Attractions in West Bengal | Tour Places in West Bengal - West Bengal Tourism
West Bengal | Tourist Attractions in West Bengal | Tour Places in West Bengal - West Bengal Tourism Visit: https://www.myinfoline.com.
30 Things to do in Montreal | Top Attractions Travel Guide
When visiting Montreal consider the following top 35 things to do in Montreal as a travel video guide for all of the best attractions in the city. There is no other city in Canada or the United States of America that can compare with Montreal in terms of its diversity and European flare. As a city of festivals (during the winter, fall, spring and summer) you're left with an inexhaustible amount
Visit Canada - Montreal and Quebec City Travel Guide and Top Attractions
For those looking to experience Canadian culture look no further than Montreal and Quebec City. As two of Canada's most historic cities you'll find world class festivals, arts and entertainment that rival any city in North America or even Europe.
Whether you're eating poutine or trying other French Canadian food your stomach will always be satisfied. For a slice of Canadian culture check out th
Montreal Travel Guide & Cuisine Tour: Summer and Winter Top Attractions
Montreal is a world class city any given time of year. The following is a summer and winter travel guide offering up top attractions, things to do and cuisine worth trying. This gem of a city located in Québec, Canada offers something for everyone. If you only have time to only visit one big city in Canada let it be Montréal.
30 Things to do in Montreal Summer Edition:
1) Museum of Fine Arts -
India (Asia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 11.765 Hotels in India - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/ozuFIW
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land of legend, fantasy and reality.A country that extends from the Himalayas in the north to the semi-desert terrain and tropics of the south. A place of incredible contrasts and fascinating splendour. Delhi is the political and administrat
Things to do in Montreal Winter Travel Guide: One Day Itinerary
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11 Things To Do In Kolkata (Calcutta), India
Here's my travel guide article about Kolkata - http://migrationology.com/2013/03/kolkata-calcutta-travel-guide-tips/ Kolkata, India, was the first city I vis...
Dakshineswar Kali Temple, Video, Kolkata, West Bengal, Travel
Video of Dakshineswar Kali Temple devoted to goddess Kali is located on the banks of the holy river of Hindus, Ganga in Kolkata, West Bengal state. For more ...
Mulkharka Lake: Amazing North Bengal
North Bengal Village Trek: Trek to Mulkharka lake Follow my blog for more: http://man-with-no-name.blogspot.in/2013/06/mulkharka-lake-trek.html- Mulkharka Tr...
Kolkata (Calcutta) - India HD
Kolkata (Calcutta) - India Tourism - Kolkata, India Culture HD
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kolkata known historically in English as Calcutta /kælˈkʌtə/, is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Located on the east bank of the Hooghly river, it is the principal commercial, cultural, and educational centre of East Ind
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Boat sinking: 20+ dead in Bay of Bengal tourist boat accident
Originally published on January 27, 2014
Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at http://newsdirect.nma.com.tw/Reuters.aspx
At least 21 tourists were killed when a private tourist boat capsized at around 4:00 p.m. in the sea off Port Blair in the Bay of Bengal on Sunday (J
Diamond Harbour in Kolkata (Calcutta) West Bengal
Diamond Harbour is a well-known place situated in the southern suburbs of Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal state of India.
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Bombay, India Travel Guide - The Bagel Shop (Mumbai)
If you are craving for bagels in India, check out the Bagel Shop. Location Bandra Address 30 Pali Mala Road, Bandra (West) Phone/Contact Info 91 22 26050178 ......
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wn.com/Bombay, India Travel Guide The Bagel Shop (Mumbai)
If you are craving for bagels in India, check out the Bagel Shop. Location Bandra Address 30 Pali Mala Road, Bandra (West) Phone/Contact Info 91 22 26050178 ...
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- views: 1548
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Kolkata (India) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 213 Hotels in Kolkata - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/vLvuTI
Travel video about destination Kolkata in India.
Calcutta, or Kolkata as it has been kn...
✱ 213 Hotels in Kolkata - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/vLvuTI
Travel video about destination Kolkata in India.
Calcutta, or Kolkata as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India.
A city of contrasts that could not be more striking with slums, poverty and degrading conditions, while nearby, the wealthy enjoy all the finer things of life. Once a humble village on the Hooghly River, Kolkata became the capital of British India.
Close to the Victoria Memorial is the Orient's first Anglican cathedral, St. Paul's, a remarkable sacred building. Of Indo-Gothic design, it was built between 1839 and 1847 and is a legacy of British colonial rule on the banks of the Gulf of Bengal. The red brick Writers´ Building was formerly the headquarters of the East India Company and it was from there that trade was carried out across the entire world. It was also the administrative centre for Bengal, Burma and Pakistan.
Kalighat is the oldest pilgrimage destination in the world. Narrow pathways lead to a Shiva temple along with stalls selling souvenirs and religious offerings.T he sanctuary was built in 1809 and is still busy today as taxis and bicycle rickshaws wait for the thousands of pilgrims that go there each day. In Kolkata, the Hindu doctrine of a better life after rebirth is, for many, the only hope that they can cling to.
Nevertheless, Kolkata is one of the most fascinating metropolises in the world and also one in which chaos reigns supreme!
wn.com/Kolkata (India) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 213 Hotels in Kolkata - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/vLvuTI
Travel video about destination Kolkata in India.
Calcutta, or Kolkata as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India.
A city of contrasts that could not be more striking with slums, poverty and degrading conditions, while nearby, the wealthy enjoy all the finer things of life. Once a humble village on the Hooghly River, Kolkata became the capital of British India.
Close to the Victoria Memorial is the Orient's first Anglican cathedral, St. Paul's, a remarkable sacred building. Of Indo-Gothic design, it was built between 1839 and 1847 and is a legacy of British colonial rule on the banks of the Gulf of Bengal. The red brick Writers´ Building was formerly the headquarters of the East India Company and it was from there that trade was carried out across the entire world. It was also the administrative centre for Bengal, Burma and Pakistan.
Kalighat is the oldest pilgrimage destination in the world. Narrow pathways lead to a Shiva temple along with stalls selling souvenirs and religious offerings.T he sanctuary was built in 1809 and is still busy today as taxis and bicycle rickshaws wait for the thousands of pilgrims that go there each day. In Kolkata, the Hindu doctrine of a better life after rebirth is, for many, the only hope that they can cling to.
Nevertheless, Kolkata is one of the most fascinating metropolises in the world and also one in which chaos reigns supreme!
- published: 13 Aug 2013
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Bangladesh North Bengal-The Heritage Path Package Holidays Dhaka Bangladesh Travel Guide
See this package holiday on http://www.tobangladesh.com Experience Bangladesh's ancient relics and ruins in Sonargaon, Bogra and Rajshahi with the charm and col...
See this package holiday on http://www.tobangladesh.com Experience Bangladesh's ancient relics and ruins in Sonargaon, Bogra and Rajshahi with the charm and colours of the metropolis of Dhaka. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
wn.com/Bangladesh North Bengal The Heritage Path Package Holidays Dhaka Bangladesh Travel Guide
See this package holiday on http://www.tobangladesh.com Experience Bangladesh's ancient relics and ruins in Sonargaon, Bogra and Rajshahi with the charm and colours of the metropolis of Dhaka. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- published: 24 May 2010
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To Bangladesh Bengal Archaeology Package Holidays Dhaka Bangladesh Travel Guide
see this package holiday on http://www.tobangladesh.com Rediscover archaic Bangladesh at this century old city full of sacred Hindu and Buddhist archaeology ......
see this package holiday on http://www.tobangladesh.com Rediscover archaic Bangladesh at this century old city full of sacred Hindu and Buddhist archaeology ...
wn.com/To Bangladesh Bengal Archaeology Package Holidays Dhaka Bangladesh Travel Guide
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West Bengal The Complete Tourist Destination
A Short Documentary on West Bengal Tourism. Best time is Durgapuja-The Great Festival of Bengal followed by Package Tour to Mangrove Forest in Sundarvan and ......
A Short Documentary on West Bengal Tourism. Best time is Durgapuja-The Great Festival of Bengal followed by Package Tour to Mangrove Forest in Sundarvan and ...
wn.com/West Bengal The Complete Tourist Destination
A Short Documentary on West Bengal Tourism. Best time is Durgapuja-The Great Festival of Bengal followed by Package Tour to Mangrove Forest in Sundarvan and ...
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Murshidabad - India Tourism (HD), Murshidabad - India Vacation Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World...
Darjeeling, India - Travel Guide and Attractions
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.fac...
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Darjeeling, India, is located in the very Northern part of the West Bengal state. Coming from Kolkata, it's hard to believe that Darjeeling is actually in the same state, it's such a vastly different place.
In order to get to Darjeeling, India, it's easiest to take the train to the nearest station which is located at New Jalpaiguri (known just as NJP by the train code). There's little to do in NJP, but from right outside the train station you can then board to a shared jeep and for 200 Rupees, you can take the jeep straight to Darjeeling. The jeep normally takes about 4 hours to reach the town and they will often stop for a few bathroom and snack breaks. The ride to Darjeeling is very windy and very uphill into the mountains, so if you get sick easily, be sure to take motion sickness medication. You will have some amazing views on the road!
Darjeeling, India, is an old hill station that offers beautiful views of the Himalayas. It's a small town and unlike other huge Indian cities, it's much quieter, peaceful, and it's a very nice place to just explore on foot (though not all the attractions are accessible on foot). So after arriving in Darjeeling, I first set off to explore the Chowrasta Square, which is a non-vehicle area with shops restaurants and cafes. There are also many trails leading from the square to other parts of the town. I explored a few of the footpaths leading in various directions to discover Buddhist Tibetan temples and other residential areas.
Probably the most famous thing about Darjeeling, India, is its production of tea; It's one of the most famous places in the world for tea. The climate, elevation, and rich Himalayan soil make it prime growing conditions. Surrounding Darjeeling you'll have a chance to see rolling tea fields and if you have time you can even visit a tea farm such as Happy Valley. Don't forget to buy plenty of tea in Darjeeling before you depart.
At the top of the main hill in Darjeeling is the Mahakal Temple, one of the most famous Hindu / Buddhist temples in the city. The temple is fully decorated by Tibetan colorful flags and there are lots and lots of monkeys, that can at times be aggressive. You can also walk around the area and explore the cave. Just be careful of the scammers in this area that try to ask you for donations. Another one of the most famous attractions in Darjeeling, India, is the Darjeeling Himalayan railroad which is better known as the Toy Train. It's an old locomotive train that runs of burning coal. You can go to the railroad station and purchase tickets daily for the joy ride, which is a 1.5 hour circuit that takes you on a leisurely ride from Darjeeling to Ghoom, the highest elevation railroad station in all of India. The railroad is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center is a center for Tibetan refugees where you'll find handicrafts and other things to purchase. When I went it was quite quiet and there actually wasn't much to do there. Other really popular attractions in Darjeeling, India, include the Himalayan Zoo and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, which are located on the same compound and accessed with the same entrance ticket fee. The zoo was interesting and included a snow leopard and lots of red pandas. The mountaineering institute is a museum that houses many artifacts from Himalayan mountain climbing expeditions.
While many choose to wake up and go to Tiger Hill for the sunrise of the beautiful Himalayan mountain range, I was so cold that I didn't wake up and just stayed on the balcony of my hotel to view the gorgeous sunrise over the mountains. Darjeeling, India, is a beautiful little town and you'll have a great and relaxing time when you travel there!
Follow my food adventures at http://migrationology.com/ & http://www.eatingthaifood.com/ Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/
Bangkok Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/ebook-101-things-to-do-in-bangkok/
Thai Food Guide: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/eating-thai-food-guide/
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wn.com/Darjeeling, India Travel Guide And Attractions
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Darjeeling, India, is located in the very Northern part of the West Bengal state. Coming from Kolkata, it's hard to believe that Darjeeling is actually in the same state, it's such a vastly different place.
In order to get to Darjeeling, India, it's easiest to take the train to the nearest station which is located at New Jalpaiguri (known just as NJP by the train code). There's little to do in NJP, but from right outside the train station you can then board to a shared jeep and for 200 Rupees, you can take the jeep straight to Darjeeling. The jeep normally takes about 4 hours to reach the town and they will often stop for a few bathroom and snack breaks. The ride to Darjeeling is very windy and very uphill into the mountains, so if you get sick easily, be sure to take motion sickness medication. You will have some amazing views on the road!
Darjeeling, India, is an old hill station that offers beautiful views of the Himalayas. It's a small town and unlike other huge Indian cities, it's much quieter, peaceful, and it's a very nice place to just explore on foot (though not all the attractions are accessible on foot). So after arriving in Darjeeling, I first set off to explore the Chowrasta Square, which is a non-vehicle area with shops restaurants and cafes. There are also many trails leading from the square to other parts of the town. I explored a few of the footpaths leading in various directions to discover Buddhist Tibetan temples and other residential areas.
Probably the most famous thing about Darjeeling, India, is its production of tea; It's one of the most famous places in the world for tea. The climate, elevation, and rich Himalayan soil make it prime growing conditions. Surrounding Darjeeling you'll have a chance to see rolling tea fields and if you have time you can even visit a tea farm such as Happy Valley. Don't forget to buy plenty of tea in Darjeeling before you depart.
At the top of the main hill in Darjeeling is the Mahakal Temple, one of the most famous Hindu / Buddhist temples in the city. The temple is fully decorated by Tibetan colorful flags and there are lots and lots of monkeys, that can at times be aggressive. You can also walk around the area and explore the cave. Just be careful of the scammers in this area that try to ask you for donations. Another one of the most famous attractions in Darjeeling, India, is the Darjeeling Himalayan railroad which is better known as the Toy Train. It's an old locomotive train that runs of burning coal. You can go to the railroad station and purchase tickets daily for the joy ride, which is a 1.5 hour circuit that takes you on a leisurely ride from Darjeeling to Ghoom, the highest elevation railroad station in all of India. The railroad is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center is a center for Tibetan refugees where you'll find handicrafts and other things to purchase. When I went it was quite quiet and there actually wasn't much to do there. Other really popular attractions in Darjeeling, India, include the Himalayan Zoo and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, which are located on the same compound and accessed with the same entrance ticket fee. The zoo was interesting and included a snow leopard and lots of red pandas. The mountaineering institute is a museum that houses many artifacts from Himalayan mountain climbing expeditions.
While many choose to wake up and go to Tiger Hill for the sunrise of the beautiful Himalayan mountain range, I was so cold that I didn't wake up and just stayed on the balcony of my hotel to view the gorgeous sunrise over the mountains. Darjeeling, India, is a beautiful little town and you'll have a great and relaxing time when you travel there!
Follow my food adventures at http://migrationology.com/ & http://www.eatingthaifood.com/ Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/
Bangkok Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/ebook-101-things-to-do-in-bangkok/
Thai Food Guide: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/eating-thai-food-guide/
Finally, subscribe so you don't miss the next tasty adventure http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 129572
West Bengal | Tourist Attractions in West Bengal | Tour Places in West Bengal - West Bengal Tourism
West Bengal | Tourist Attractions in West Bengal | Tour Places in West Bengal - West Bengal Tourism Visit: https://www.myinfoline.com....
West Bengal | Tourist Attractions in West Bengal | Tour Places in West Bengal - West Bengal Tourism Visit: https://www.myinfoline.com.
wn.com/West Bengal | Tourist Attractions In West Bengal | Tour Places In West Bengal West Bengal Tourism
West Bengal | Tourist Attractions in West Bengal | Tour Places in West Bengal - West Bengal Tourism Visit: https://www.myinfoline.com.
- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 2861
author: myinfoline
30 Things to do in Montreal | Top Attractions Travel Guide
When visiting Montreal consider the following top 35 things to do in Montreal as a travel video guide for all of the best attractions in the city. There is no ...
When visiting Montreal consider the following top 35 things to do in Montreal as a travel video guide for all of the best attractions in the city. There is no other city in Canada or the United States of America that can compare with Montreal in terms of its diversity and European flare. As a city of festivals (during the winter, fall, spring and summer) you're left with an inexhaustible amount of things to see and do in the city during all four seasons. Compared to other Canadian cities, Montreal offers world class arts, dining, architecture, entertainment, arts and festivals showcasing the best of Canadian culture and Canadian food. Eating poutine, watching a Montreal Canadiens hockey game for fun and taking in a mesmerizing Cirque du Soleil were the highlights of our visit. If you only have time to one destination in Canada let it be Montréal, Québec:
1) Visit the Museum of Fine Arts - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
2) Hike up Mount Royal Park - Mont Royal
3) Check out Le Plateau Neighborliness - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
4) Tam Tams drumming on Sundays in Mount Royal Park - Les Tam-Tams du Mont Royal
5) Wander around the campus area of McGill University - l'Université McGill
6) Eat poutine - cantines or casse-croûtes
7) Visit the historic area of Old Montreal - Vieux-Montréal
8) Lookout point from Mount Royal Park - Parc du Mont-Royal
9) Go shopping at Bonsecours Market - Marché Bonsecours
10) Habitat 67 - Expo 67
11) Check out the many summer and winter festivals in Montreal including the Highlands games, Rogers cup, Tango events and Blues festival.
12) Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal - Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal
13) Visit the Montreal Biodome - Biodôme de Montréal
14) Montreal's Olympic Stadium 'The Big O' - Stade Olympique de Montréal
15) Montreal Botanical Garden - Jardin botanique de Montréal
16) Watch a Habs game the Montreal Canadiens - Les Canadiens de Montréal
17) Eat Montreal smoked meat at Schwartz's - viande fumée
18) Notre-Dame Cathedral - Notre-Dame Basilica
19) Cirque du Soleil 'Circus of the sun'
20) Montreal street art and graffiti
21) Go shopping and people watching along Saint Catherine Street - Rue Sainte-Catherine
22) Go shopping or warm up under Montreal's Underground City - RÉSO or La Ville Souterraine
23) Relax, exercise or have a picnic at La Fontaine Park - Parc La Fontaine)
24) Montreal's Gay Village - Le Village gai
25) Eat Montreal bagels at St-Viateur Bagel - petit pain
26) Ride a bicycle around the city
27) Visit Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral - Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde
28) Visit the Old Port of Montreal - Vieux-Port de Montréal
29) Take the Metro around Montreal - Métro de Montréal
30) In-line skate or bicycle around Lachine Canal - Canal de Lachine
Head to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for a look at some of the free current exhibitions. We're here at Park Mount Royal to walk around and head to the lookout point for amazing city views. We chose to stay in the neighborhood of Le Plateau-Mont Royal. On Sunday afternoons you'll find a huge drumming circle on the east end of Mount Royal called Tam Tams. McGill University is one of the most prestigious universities in all of Canada. Poutine, a French Canadian dish, it is basically french fries with gravy and cheese curds on top. For a taste of French charm, wander down the cobbled streets of Old Montreal. For fine dining and shopping in trendy boutiques, you can pop into the Bonsecours Market. Habitat 67 is a unique housing complex and is an architectural landmark. Whether you visit Montreal in the summer or winter, there are always festivals going on. Tonight we're at the Cirque du Soleil for a circus performance. The biodome is a popular attraction for families with children. Olympic Stadium is the former home of the Montreal Expos. The botanical gardens are home to beautiful gardens. Bell Center is home to the Montreal Canadiens, one of the most celebrated NHL franchises. There is no better place ot eat smoked meat in Montreal than Schwartz. The Notre Dame Basilica is located in the historic district of Old Montreal. If you enjoy checking out graffiti around Saint Catherine street which is also a shopping district. Most of the downtown area is interconnected by underground shopping areas so you don't have to be out in the cold. Parc Lafontaine is located in the borough of Le Plateau Mont-Royal and it's a popular hangout spot on weekends. Le Village is a vibrant neighbourhood which is home to many gay bars and clubs. Eat St. Viateur bagels, which are really famous here in Montreal. This store is so popular that they actually produce twelve thousand bagels a day. A great way to get around the city is by Bixi bike. Montreal's Old Port is worth a wander. This video features songs available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
wn.com/30 Things To Do In Montreal | Top Attractions Travel Guide
When visiting Montreal consider the following top 35 things to do in Montreal as a travel video guide for all of the best attractions in the city. There is no other city in Canada or the United States of America that can compare with Montreal in terms of its diversity and European flare. As a city of festivals (during the winter, fall, spring and summer) you're left with an inexhaustible amount of things to see and do in the city during all four seasons. Compared to other Canadian cities, Montreal offers world class arts, dining, architecture, entertainment, arts and festivals showcasing the best of Canadian culture and Canadian food. Eating poutine, watching a Montreal Canadiens hockey game for fun and taking in a mesmerizing Cirque du Soleil were the highlights of our visit. If you only have time to one destination in Canada let it be Montréal, Québec:
1) Visit the Museum of Fine Arts - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
2) Hike up Mount Royal Park - Mont Royal
3) Check out Le Plateau Neighborliness - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
4) Tam Tams drumming on Sundays in Mount Royal Park - Les Tam-Tams du Mont Royal
5) Wander around the campus area of McGill University - l'Université McGill
6) Eat poutine - cantines or casse-croûtes
7) Visit the historic area of Old Montreal - Vieux-Montréal
8) Lookout point from Mount Royal Park - Parc du Mont-Royal
9) Go shopping at Bonsecours Market - Marché Bonsecours
10) Habitat 67 - Expo 67
11) Check out the many summer and winter festivals in Montreal including the Highlands games, Rogers cup, Tango events and Blues festival.
12) Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal - Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal
13) Visit the Montreal Biodome - Biodôme de Montréal
14) Montreal's Olympic Stadium 'The Big O' - Stade Olympique de Montréal
15) Montreal Botanical Garden - Jardin botanique de Montréal
16) Watch a Habs game the Montreal Canadiens - Les Canadiens de Montréal
17) Eat Montreal smoked meat at Schwartz's - viande fumée
18) Notre-Dame Cathedral - Notre-Dame Basilica
19) Cirque du Soleil 'Circus of the sun'
20) Montreal street art and graffiti
21) Go shopping and people watching along Saint Catherine Street - Rue Sainte-Catherine
22) Go shopping or warm up under Montreal's Underground City - RÉSO or La Ville Souterraine
23) Relax, exercise or have a picnic at La Fontaine Park - Parc La Fontaine)
24) Montreal's Gay Village - Le Village gai
25) Eat Montreal bagels at St-Viateur Bagel - petit pain
26) Ride a bicycle around the city
27) Visit Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral - Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde
28) Visit the Old Port of Montreal - Vieux-Port de Montréal
29) Take the Metro around Montreal - Métro de Montréal
30) In-line skate or bicycle around Lachine Canal - Canal de Lachine
Head to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for a look at some of the free current exhibitions. We're here at Park Mount Royal to walk around and head to the lookout point for amazing city views. We chose to stay in the neighborhood of Le Plateau-Mont Royal. On Sunday afternoons you'll find a huge drumming circle on the east end of Mount Royal called Tam Tams. McGill University is one of the most prestigious universities in all of Canada. Poutine, a French Canadian dish, it is basically french fries with gravy and cheese curds on top. For a taste of French charm, wander down the cobbled streets of Old Montreal. For fine dining and shopping in trendy boutiques, you can pop into the Bonsecours Market. Habitat 67 is a unique housing complex and is an architectural landmark. Whether you visit Montreal in the summer or winter, there are always festivals going on. Tonight we're at the Cirque du Soleil for a circus performance. The biodome is a popular attraction for families with children. Olympic Stadium is the former home of the Montreal Expos. The botanical gardens are home to beautiful gardens. Bell Center is home to the Montreal Canadiens, one of the most celebrated NHL franchises. There is no better place ot eat smoked meat in Montreal than Schwartz. The Notre Dame Basilica is located in the historic district of Old Montreal. If you enjoy checking out graffiti around Saint Catherine street which is also a shopping district. Most of the downtown area is interconnected by underground shopping areas so you don't have to be out in the cold. Parc Lafontaine is located in the borough of Le Plateau Mont-Royal and it's a popular hangout spot on weekends. Le Village is a vibrant neighbourhood which is home to many gay bars and clubs. Eat St. Viateur bagels, which are really famous here in Montreal. This store is so popular that they actually produce twelve thousand bagels a day. A great way to get around the city is by Bixi bike. Montreal's Old Port is worth a wander. This video features songs available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
- published: 13 Jul 2014
- views: 84119
Visit Canada - Montreal and Quebec City Travel Guide and Top Attractions
For those looking to experience Canadian culture look no further than Montreal and Quebec City. As two of Canada's most historic cities you'll find world class...
For those looking to experience Canadian culture look no further than Montreal and Quebec City. As two of Canada's most historic cities you'll find world class festivals, arts and entertainment that rival any city in North America or even Europe.
Whether you're eating poutine or trying other French Canadian food your stomach will always be satisfied. For a slice of Canadian culture check out the talented street performers or take in the Cirque du Soleil.
Visit Canada - Montreal and Quebec City Attractions Travel Guide:
30 Things to do in Montreal | Top Attractions Travel Guide
1) Visit the Museum of Fine Arts - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
2) Hike up Mount Royal Park - Mont Royal
3) Check out Le Plateau Neighborliness - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
4) Tam Tams drumming on Sundays in Mount Royal Park - Les Tam-Tams du Mont Royal
5) Wander around the campus area of McGill University - l'Université McGill
6) Eat poutine - cantines or casse-croûtes
7) Visit the historic area of Old Montreal - Vieux-Montréal
8) Lookout point from Mount Royal Park - Parc du Mont-Royal
9) Go shopping at Bonsecours Market - Marché Bonsecours
10) Habitat 67 - Expo 67
11) Check out the many summer and winter festivals in Montreal including the Highlands games, Rogers cup, Tango events and Blues festival.
12) Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal - Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal
13) Visit the Montreal Biodome - Biodôme de Montréal
14) Montreal's Olympic Stadium 'The Big O' - Stade Olympique de Montréal
15) Montreal Botanical Garden - Jardin botanique de Montréal
16) Watch a Habs game the Montreal Canadiens - Les Canadiens de Montréal
17) Eat Montreal smoked meat at Schwartz's - viande fumée
18) Notre-Dame Cathedral - Notre-Dame Basilica
19) Cirque du Soleil 'Circus of the sun'
20) Montreal street art and graffiti
21) Go shopping and people watching along Saint Catherine Street - Rue Sainte-Catherine
22) Go shopping or warm up under Montreal's Underground City - RÉSO or La Ville Souterraine
23) Relax, exercise or have a picnic at La Fontaine Park - Parc La Fontaine)
24) Montreal's Gay Village - Le Village gai
25) Eat Montreal bagels at St-Viateur Bagel - petit pain
26) Ride a bicycle around the city
27) Visit Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral - Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde
28) Visit the Old Port of Montreal - Vieux-Port de Montréal
29) Take the Metro around Montreal - Métro de Montréal
30) In-line skate or bicycle around Lachine Canal - Canal de Lachine
10 Things to do in Quebec City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Plains of Abraham - Bataille des Plaines d'Abraham
2) Citadelle of Quebec - Citadelle de Québec
3) Chateau Frontenac - Fairmont Le Château Frontenac
4) Dufferin Terrace - Terrasse Dufferin
5) Quartier Petit Champlain
6) Our Lady of Quebec City - Catherdral Basilica of Notre Dame de Quebec
7) St. Paul Street - Rue St. Paul
8) Museum of Civilization - Musée de la civilisation à Québec
9) Port of Quebec - Port de Québec
10) Catch a Street Performance - Artistes de Rue
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
This is part of our Travel in Canada series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Canadian culture, Canadian arts, Canadian foods, Canadian religion and Canadian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
wn.com/Visit Canada Montreal And Quebec City Travel Guide And Top Attractions
For those looking to experience Canadian culture look no further than Montreal and Quebec City. As two of Canada's most historic cities you'll find world class festivals, arts and entertainment that rival any city in North America or even Europe.
Whether you're eating poutine or trying other French Canadian food your stomach will always be satisfied. For a slice of Canadian culture check out the talented street performers or take in the Cirque du Soleil.
Visit Canada - Montreal and Quebec City Attractions Travel Guide:
30 Things to do in Montreal | Top Attractions Travel Guide
1) Visit the Museum of Fine Arts - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
2) Hike up Mount Royal Park - Mont Royal
3) Check out Le Plateau Neighborliness - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
4) Tam Tams drumming on Sundays in Mount Royal Park - Les Tam-Tams du Mont Royal
5) Wander around the campus area of McGill University - l'Université McGill
6) Eat poutine - cantines or casse-croûtes
7) Visit the historic area of Old Montreal - Vieux-Montréal
8) Lookout point from Mount Royal Park - Parc du Mont-Royal
9) Go shopping at Bonsecours Market - Marché Bonsecours
10) Habitat 67 - Expo 67
11) Check out the many summer and winter festivals in Montreal including the Highlands games, Rogers cup, Tango events and Blues festival.
12) Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal - Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal
13) Visit the Montreal Biodome - Biodôme de Montréal
14) Montreal's Olympic Stadium 'The Big O' - Stade Olympique de Montréal
15) Montreal Botanical Garden - Jardin botanique de Montréal
16) Watch a Habs game the Montreal Canadiens - Les Canadiens de Montréal
17) Eat Montreal smoked meat at Schwartz's - viande fumée
18) Notre-Dame Cathedral - Notre-Dame Basilica
19) Cirque du Soleil 'Circus of the sun'
20) Montreal street art and graffiti
21) Go shopping and people watching along Saint Catherine Street - Rue Sainte-Catherine
22) Go shopping or warm up under Montreal's Underground City - RÉSO or La Ville Souterraine
23) Relax, exercise or have a picnic at La Fontaine Park - Parc La Fontaine)
24) Montreal's Gay Village - Le Village gai
25) Eat Montreal bagels at St-Viateur Bagel - petit pain
26) Ride a bicycle around the city
27) Visit Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral - Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde
28) Visit the Old Port of Montreal - Vieux-Port de Montréal
29) Take the Metro around Montreal - Métro de Montréal
30) In-line skate or bicycle around Lachine Canal - Canal de Lachine
10 Things to do in Quebec City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Plains of Abraham - Bataille des Plaines d'Abraham
2) Citadelle of Quebec - Citadelle de Québec
3) Chateau Frontenac - Fairmont Le Château Frontenac
4) Dufferin Terrace - Terrasse Dufferin
5) Quartier Petit Champlain
6) Our Lady of Quebec City - Catherdral Basilica of Notre Dame de Quebec
7) St. Paul Street - Rue St. Paul
8) Museum of Civilization - Musée de la civilisation à Québec
9) Port of Quebec - Port de Québec
10) Catch a Street Performance - Artistes de Rue
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
This is part of our Travel in Canada series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Canadian culture, Canadian arts, Canadian foods, Canadian religion and Canadian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
- published: 05 Aug 2014
- views: 6862
Montreal Travel Guide & Cuisine Tour: Summer and Winter Top Attractions
Montreal is a world class city any given time of year. The following is a summer and winter travel guide offering up top attractions, things to do and cuisine ...
Montreal is a world class city any given time of year. The following is a summer and winter travel guide offering up top attractions, things to do and cuisine worth trying. This gem of a city located in Québec, Canada offers something for everyone. If you only have time to only visit one big city in Canada let it be Montréal.
30 Things to do in Montreal Summer Edition:
1) Museum of Fine Arts - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
2) Mount Royal Park - Mont Royal
3) Le Plateau Neighborliness - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
4) Tam Tams drumming
5) McGill University - l'Université McGill
6) Poutine - cantines or casse-croûtes
7) Historic area of Old Montreal - Vieux-Montréal
8) Lookout Mount Royal Park - Parc du Mont-Royal
9) Bonsecours Market - Marché Bonsecours
10) Habitat 67 - Expo 67
11) Montreal Festivals
12) Saint Joseph's Oratory
13) Montreal Biodome - Biodôme de Montréal
14) Montreal's Olympic Stadium - Stade Olympique de Montréal
15) Montreal Botanical Garden - Jardin botanique de Montréal
16) Montreal Canadiens hockey game Les Canadiens de Montréal
17) Montreal smoked meat at Schwartz's - viande fumée
18) Notre-Dame Cathedral - Notre-Dame Basilica
19) Cirque du Soleil 'Circus of the sun'
20) Montreal street art and graffiti
21) Saint Catherine Street - Rue Sainte-Catherine
22) Montreal's Underground City - RÉSO or La Ville Souterraine
23) Picnic at La Fontaine Park - Parc La Fontaine)
24) Montreal's Gay Village - Le Village gai
25) Eat Montreal bagels at St-Viateur Bagel - petit pain
26) Ride a bicycle around the city
27) Queen of the World Cathedral
28) Old Port of Montreal - Vieux-Port de Montréal
29) Montreal Metro - Métro de Montréal
30) Lachine Canal - Canal de Lachine
Montreal during the wintertime offers many unique activities and things to do compared with all of the summer festivals. One can consider ice skating, showshoeing, dog sledding, cross country skiiing while checking out parks such as Jean-Drapeau for Fête des neiges de Montréal. To warm up grab a poutine at La Banquise, gobble up Montreal style bagels at St-Viateur and eat smoked meat sandwiches at Schwartz's Deli.
Montreal Travel Guide & Cuisine Tour: Summer and Winter Top Attractions Playlist:
1) 30 Things to do in Montreal | Top Attractions Travel Guide
2) Things to do in Montreal Winter Travel Guide: One Day Itinerary
3) Eating Poutine in Montreal Quebec Canada
4) Eating a Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich
This is part of our Travel in Canada series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Canadian culture, Canadian arts, Canadian foods, Canadian religion, Canadian cuisine and Canadian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/Montreal Travel Guide Cuisine Tour Summer And Winter Top Attractions
Montreal is a world class city any given time of year. The following is a summer and winter travel guide offering up top attractions, things to do and cuisine worth trying. This gem of a city located in Québec, Canada offers something for everyone. If you only have time to only visit one big city in Canada let it be Montréal.
30 Things to do in Montreal Summer Edition:
1) Museum of Fine Arts - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
2) Mount Royal Park - Mont Royal
3) Le Plateau Neighborliness - Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
4) Tam Tams drumming
5) McGill University - l'Université McGill
6) Poutine - cantines or casse-croûtes
7) Historic area of Old Montreal - Vieux-Montréal
8) Lookout Mount Royal Park - Parc du Mont-Royal
9) Bonsecours Market - Marché Bonsecours
10) Habitat 67 - Expo 67
11) Montreal Festivals
12) Saint Joseph's Oratory
13) Montreal Biodome - Biodôme de Montréal
14) Montreal's Olympic Stadium - Stade Olympique de Montréal
15) Montreal Botanical Garden - Jardin botanique de Montréal
16) Montreal Canadiens hockey game Les Canadiens de Montréal
17) Montreal smoked meat at Schwartz's - viande fumée
18) Notre-Dame Cathedral - Notre-Dame Basilica
19) Cirque du Soleil 'Circus of the sun'
20) Montreal street art and graffiti
21) Saint Catherine Street - Rue Sainte-Catherine
22) Montreal's Underground City - RÉSO or La Ville Souterraine
23) Picnic at La Fontaine Park - Parc La Fontaine)
24) Montreal's Gay Village - Le Village gai
25) Eat Montreal bagels at St-Viateur Bagel - petit pain
26) Ride a bicycle around the city
27) Queen of the World Cathedral
28) Old Port of Montreal - Vieux-Port de Montréal
29) Montreal Metro - Métro de Montréal
30) Lachine Canal - Canal de Lachine
Montreal during the wintertime offers many unique activities and things to do compared with all of the summer festivals. One can consider ice skating, showshoeing, dog sledding, cross country skiiing while checking out parks such as Jean-Drapeau for Fête des neiges de Montréal. To warm up grab a poutine at La Banquise, gobble up Montreal style bagels at St-Viateur and eat smoked meat sandwiches at Schwartz's Deli.
Montreal Travel Guide & Cuisine Tour: Summer and Winter Top Attractions Playlist:
1) 30 Things to do in Montreal | Top Attractions Travel Guide
2) Things to do in Montreal Winter Travel Guide: One Day Itinerary
3) Eating Poutine in Montreal Quebec Canada
4) Eating a Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich
This is part of our Travel in Canada series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Canadian culture, Canadian arts, Canadian foods, Canadian religion, Canadian cuisine and Canadian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 27
India (Asia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 11.765 Hotels in India - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/ozuFIW
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a l...
✱ 11.765 Hotels in India - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/ozuFIW
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land of legend, fantasy and reality.A country that extends from the Himalayas in the north to the semi-desert terrain and tropics of the south. A place of incredible contrasts and fascinating splendour. Delhi is the political and administrative capital of India and a melting pot of both culture and religion. A constantly expanding metropolis built on the site of twelve former cities and centre of power for almost a thousand years. Jama Masjid, the Friday Mosque, is one of ancient Delhi’s main landmarks that was bequeathed to the city by the mogul king, Shah Jahan and close to the mosque is the bazaar district of Chandni Chowk, a busy commercial area. The white temples of Ranakpur are the sanctuaries of the Jains and are situated in a picturesque valley to the west of the Aravalli Mountains north of Udaipur. At around the same time that Buddhism was introduced to the area, Jainism also arrived, the religion of the country’s great hero, Mahavira. Rajasthan is the Land Of The Maharajas in all its splendour, a living fairytale beneath the desert sky. Agra was once the imposing metropolis of the mogul monarchy and today the city has lost nothing of its mediaeval atmosphere. Calcutta, or Kolkata, as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India. A city of contrasts that could not be more striking. Each morning hundreds of people go to the Howrah Bridge to bathe on the banks of the Hooghly River, a tributary of the sacred River Ganges. In 1853 Bombay had its first railroad and the Indian rail network was soon extended. The Victoria Terminus was built, one of the most impressive train stations in the world. Incredible India, a remarkable country that has always fascinated travellers by the amazing diversity of its people, culture and landscapes.
wn.com/India (Asia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 11.765 Hotels in India - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/ozuFIW
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land of legend, fantasy and reality.A country that extends from the Himalayas in the north to the semi-desert terrain and tropics of the south. A place of incredible contrasts and fascinating splendour. Delhi is the political and administrative capital of India and a melting pot of both culture and religion. A constantly expanding metropolis built on the site of twelve former cities and centre of power for almost a thousand years. Jama Masjid, the Friday Mosque, is one of ancient Delhi’s main landmarks that was bequeathed to the city by the mogul king, Shah Jahan and close to the mosque is the bazaar district of Chandni Chowk, a busy commercial area. The white temples of Ranakpur are the sanctuaries of the Jains and are situated in a picturesque valley to the west of the Aravalli Mountains north of Udaipur. At around the same time that Buddhism was introduced to the area, Jainism also arrived, the religion of the country’s great hero, Mahavira. Rajasthan is the Land Of The Maharajas in all its splendour, a living fairytale beneath the desert sky. Agra was once the imposing metropolis of the mogul monarchy and today the city has lost nothing of its mediaeval atmosphere. Calcutta, or Kolkata, as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India. A city of contrasts that could not be more striking. Each morning hundreds of people go to the Howrah Bridge to bathe on the banks of the Hooghly River, a tributary of the sacred River Ganges. In 1853 Bombay had its first railroad and the Indian rail network was soon extended. The Victoria Terminus was built, one of the most impressive train stations in the world. Incredible India, a remarkable country that has always fascinated travellers by the amazing diversity of its people, culture and landscapes.
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 87910
Things to do in Montreal Winter Travel Guide: One Day Itinerary
As part of my action plan to embrace winter while in Canada, I decided to head to Montréal, Québec for the weekend to experience a full day adventure of outdoor...
As part of my action plan to embrace winter while in Canada, I decided to head to Montréal, Québec for the weekend to experience a full day adventure of outdoors winter sports and local comfort foods. While wandering around outside I visited Parc Lafontaine, Mount Royal Park (Parc du Mont-Royal) and Parc Jean-Drapeau for Fête des neiges de Montréal. Although I didn't have the gear to participate - aside from walking - I witnessed others enjoying ice skating, cross country skiing, tubing, snowshoeing and dog sledding to name just a few. With temperatures (with windchill) dropping down to nearly -30 degrees Celsius, I had to bundle up with my warmest jacket, vest, toque and scarf. What saved me were the frequent stops I made for comfort food. First up, I visited La Banquise for poutine. Secondly, I checked out St-Viateur for Montreal style bagels. Last, but certainly not least, I gobbled down a delicious smoked meat sandwich from Schwartz's Deli. Overall, it was the perfect way to spend a full day in Montreal, Quebec during winter months. I hope my example itinerary will help you plan your trip to Montreal when you're considering things to do in the city and winter themed attractions worth checking out.
Things to do in Montreal Winter Travel Guide: One Day Itinerary Video Transcript
Hey guys, as part of my plan to embrace winter while being back in Canada, I'm in Montreal for the weekend. And this is the view from the guesthouse I'm staying at in the Latin Quarter area. I'm stoked about going outside. I'm going to be doing all kinds of crazy stuff today. Hopefully some dog sledding, snowshoeing and maybe some skating. I'm also going to be devouring poutine and I can't wait to show you what a cool city Montreal is in the wintertime.
It is seriously cold out today guys. I'm all bundled up but apparently with windchill it is almost minus thirty. Woo hoo!
I'm in serious need of some comfort food to warm up. It's time to head over for my morning poutine brunch. Oh, my precious - La Banquise - open twenty four seven for all your poutine needs.
Oh my, the moment I've been waiting for. Everything I expected and more. La Banquise has the best poutine in Montreal.
Woah, that seriously did not last long - pure gluttony over here.
So this is one of the more unique entrances I've ever seen towards a subway station.
Mickey Mouse is in the house.
Hey guys, my life would not be complete without a Montreal bagel.
Okay, now the million dollar question is should I go for a bagel sandwich or just go with spread on a bagel? Decisions, decisions.
Alright, it's a raisin cinnamon bagel and apple cinnamon cream cheese for the win.
Alright guys, time for the first bite. Mmmm. Amazing.
So it appears we've got some snow cricket going on over hear. It doesn't get too much more Canadian than this.
Oh. Yes, yes!
Alright, it is time to complete the trifecta of must have foods when you're in Montreal. I'm going for - of course - a smoked meat sandwich.
And when you want the best you come to Schwartz's. Seriously it pays to come here in the winter. The is the first time I've ever been here where there hasn't been a massive lineup.
Now that really hit the spot. One thing to keep in mind when eating at these popular restaurants in Montréal is that some of them are cash only. You can only pay with cash. Some allow debit card but very few take credit card.
Now it is time to burn some calories guys. It is kind of embarrassing thing for me to admit is that I consumed most of those calories within a two hour period.
I'm at Mount Royal Park right now and there are all kinds of people doing totally different types of exercises from snowshoeing to cross country skiing to skating.
So this is the reward for the long climb up Mount Royal. I'm near the top of the peak here and there is going to be some spectacular views. I just know it.
And the last stop of the day is at Fête des neiges de Montréal.
This is part of our Travel in Canada series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Canadian culture, Canadian arts, Canadian foods, Canadian religion, Canadian cuisine and Canadian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/Things To Do In Montreal Winter Travel Guide One Day Itinerary
As part of my action plan to embrace winter while in Canada, I decided to head to Montréal, Québec for the weekend to experience a full day adventure of outdoors winter sports and local comfort foods. While wandering around outside I visited Parc Lafontaine, Mount Royal Park (Parc du Mont-Royal) and Parc Jean-Drapeau for Fête des neiges de Montréal. Although I didn't have the gear to participate - aside from walking - I witnessed others enjoying ice skating, cross country skiing, tubing, snowshoeing and dog sledding to name just a few. With temperatures (with windchill) dropping down to nearly -30 degrees Celsius, I had to bundle up with my warmest jacket, vest, toque and scarf. What saved me were the frequent stops I made for comfort food. First up, I visited La Banquise for poutine. Secondly, I checked out St-Viateur for Montreal style bagels. Last, but certainly not least, I gobbled down a delicious smoked meat sandwich from Schwartz's Deli. Overall, it was the perfect way to spend a full day in Montreal, Quebec during winter months. I hope my example itinerary will help you plan your trip to Montreal when you're considering things to do in the city and winter themed attractions worth checking out.
Things to do in Montreal Winter Travel Guide: One Day Itinerary Video Transcript
Hey guys, as part of my plan to embrace winter while being back in Canada, I'm in Montreal for the weekend. And this is the view from the guesthouse I'm staying at in the Latin Quarter area. I'm stoked about going outside. I'm going to be doing all kinds of crazy stuff today. Hopefully some dog sledding, snowshoeing and maybe some skating. I'm also going to be devouring poutine and I can't wait to show you what a cool city Montreal is in the wintertime.
It is seriously cold out today guys. I'm all bundled up but apparently with windchill it is almost minus thirty. Woo hoo!
I'm in serious need of some comfort food to warm up. It's time to head over for my morning poutine brunch. Oh, my precious - La Banquise - open twenty four seven for all your poutine needs.
Oh my, the moment I've been waiting for. Everything I expected and more. La Banquise has the best poutine in Montreal.
Woah, that seriously did not last long - pure gluttony over here.
So this is one of the more unique entrances I've ever seen towards a subway station.
Mickey Mouse is in the house.
Hey guys, my life would not be complete without a Montreal bagel.
Okay, now the million dollar question is should I go for a bagel sandwich or just go with spread on a bagel? Decisions, decisions.
Alright, it's a raisin cinnamon bagel and apple cinnamon cream cheese for the win.
Alright guys, time for the first bite. Mmmm. Amazing.
So it appears we've got some snow cricket going on over hear. It doesn't get too much more Canadian than this.
Oh. Yes, yes!
Alright, it is time to complete the trifecta of must have foods when you're in Montreal. I'm going for - of course - a smoked meat sandwich.
And when you want the best you come to Schwartz's. Seriously it pays to come here in the winter. The is the first time I've ever been here where there hasn't been a massive lineup.
Now that really hit the spot. One thing to keep in mind when eating at these popular restaurants in Montréal is that some of them are cash only. You can only pay with cash. Some allow debit card but very few take credit card.
Now it is time to burn some calories guys. It is kind of embarrassing thing for me to admit is that I consumed most of those calories within a two hour period.
I'm at Mount Royal Park right now and there are all kinds of people doing totally different types of exercises from snowshoeing to cross country skiing to skating.
So this is the reward for the long climb up Mount Royal. I'm near the top of the peak here and there is going to be some spectacular views. I just know it.
And the last stop of the day is at Fête des neiges de Montréal.
This is part of our Travel in Canada series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Canadian culture, Canadian arts, Canadian foods, Canadian religion, Canadian cuisine and Canadian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 48
11 Things To Do In Kolkata (Calcutta), India
Here's my travel guide article about Kolkata - http://migrationology.com/2013/03/kolkata-calcutta-travel-guide-tips/ Kolkata, India, was the first city I vis......
Here's my travel guide article about Kolkata - http://migrationology.com/2013/03/kolkata-calcutta-travel-guide-tips/ Kolkata, India, was the first city I vis...
wn.com/11 Things To Do In Kolkata (Calcutta), India
Here's my travel guide article about Kolkata - http://migrationology.com/2013/03/kolkata-calcutta-travel-guide-tips/ Kolkata, India, was the first city I vis...
- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 97996
author: Mark Wiens
Dakshineswar Kali Temple, Video, Kolkata, West Bengal, Travel
Video of Dakshineswar Kali Temple devoted to goddess Kali is located on the banks of the holy river of Hindus, Ganga in Kolkata, West Bengal state. For more ......
Video of Dakshineswar Kali Temple devoted to goddess Kali is located on the banks of the holy river of Hindus, Ganga in Kolkata, West Bengal state. For more ...
wn.com/Dakshineswar Kali Temple, Video, Kolkata, West Bengal, Travel
Video of Dakshineswar Kali Temple devoted to goddess Kali is located on the banks of the holy river of Hindus, Ganga in Kolkata, West Bengal state. For more ...
Mulkharka Lake: Amazing North Bengal
North Bengal Village Trek: Trek to Mulkharka lake Follow my blog for more: http://man-with-no-name.blogspot.in/2013/06/mulkharka-lake-trek.html- Mulkharka Tr......
North Bengal Village Trek: Trek to Mulkharka lake Follow my blog for more: http://man-with-no-name.blogspot.in/2013/06/mulkharka-lake-trek.html- Mulkharka Tr...
wn.com/Mulkharka Lake Amazing North Bengal
North Bengal Village Trek: Trek to Mulkharka lake Follow my blog for more: http://man-with-no-name.blogspot.in/2013/06/mulkharka-lake-trek.html- Mulkharka Tr...
Kolkata (Calcutta) - India HD
Kolkata (Calcutta) - India Tourism - Kolkata, India Culture HD
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1T...
Kolkata (Calcutta) - India Tourism - Kolkata, India Culture HD
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kolkata known historically in English as Calcutta /kælˈkʌtə/, is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Located on the east bank of the Hooghly river, it is the principal commercial, cultural, and educational centre of East India, while the Port of Kolkata is India's oldest operating port as well as its sole major riverine port. As of 2011, the city had 4.5 million residents; the urban agglomeration, which comprises the city and its suburbs, was home to approximately 14.1 million, making it the third-most populous metropolitan area in India. As of 2008, its economic output as measured by gross domestic product ranked third among South Asian cities, behind Mumbai and Delhi.[6] As a growing metropolitan city in a developing country, Kolkata confronts substantial urban pollution, traffic congestion, poverty, overpopulation, and other logistic and socioeconomic problems.
In the late 17th century, the three villages that predated Kolkata were ruled by the Nawab of Bengal under Mughal suzerainty. After the Nawab granted the East India Company a trading license in 1690,[7] the area was developed by the Company into an increasingly fortified mercantile base. Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah occupied Kolkata in 1756, and the East India Company retook it in the following year and by 1772 assumed full sovereignty. Under East India Company and later under the British Raj, Kolkata served as the capital of India until 1911, when its perceived geographical disadvantages, combined with growing nationalism in Bengal, led to a shift of the capital to New Delhi. The city was the centre of the Indian independence movement; it remains a hotbed of contemporary state politics. Following Indian independence in 1947, Kolkata—which was once the centre of modern Indian education, science, culture, and politics—witnessed several decades of relative economic stagnation. Since the early 2000s, an economic rejuvenation has led to accelerated growth.
As a nucleus of the 19th- and early 20th-century Bengal Renaissance and a religiously and ethnically diverse centre of culture in Bengal and India, Kolkata has established local traditions in drama, art, film, theatre, and literature that have gained wide audiences. Many people from Kolkata—among them several Nobel laureates—have contributed to the arts, the sciences, and other areas, while Kolkata culture features idiosyncrasies that include distinctively close-knit neighbourhoods (paras) and freestyle intellectual exchanges (adda). West Bengal's share of the Bengali film industry is based in the city, which also hosts venerable cultural institutions of national importance, such as the Academy of Fine Arts, the Victoria Memorial, the Asiatic Society, the Indian Museum, and the National Library of India. Though home to major cricketing venues and franchises, Kolkata differs from other Indian cities by giving importance to association football and other sports.
Culture Kolkata
Kolkata is known for its literary, artistic, and revolutionary heritage; as the former capital of India, it was the birthplace of modern Indian literary and artistic thought. Kolkata has been called the "City of Furious, Creative Energy" as well as the "cultural [or literary] capital of India". The presence of paras, which are neighbourhoods that possess a strong sense of community, is characteristic of Kolkata. Typically, each para has its own community club and, on occasion, a playing field. Residents engage in addas, or leisurely chats, that often take the form of freestyle intellectual conversation. The city has a tradition of political graffiti depicting everything from outrageous slander to witty banter and limericks, caricatures, and propaganda.
Kolkata has many buildings adorned with Indo-Islamic and Indo-Saracenic architectural motifs. Several well-maintained major buildings from the colonial period have been declared "heritage structures"; however, others are in various stages of decay.Established in 1814 as the nation's oldest museum, the Indian Museum houses large collections that showcase Indian natural history and Indian art. Marble Palace is a classic example of a European mansion that was built in the city. The Victoria Memorial, a place of interest in Kolkata, has a museum documenting the city's history. The National Library of India is the leading public library in the country.
wn.com/Kolkata (Calcutta) India Hd
Kolkata (Calcutta) - India Tourism - Kolkata, India Culture HD
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kolkata known historically in English as Calcutta /kælˈkʌtə/, is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Located on the east bank of the Hooghly river, it is the principal commercial, cultural, and educational centre of East India, while the Port of Kolkata is India's oldest operating port as well as its sole major riverine port. As of 2011, the city had 4.5 million residents; the urban agglomeration, which comprises the city and its suburbs, was home to approximately 14.1 million, making it the third-most populous metropolitan area in India. As of 2008, its economic output as measured by gross domestic product ranked third among South Asian cities, behind Mumbai and Delhi.[6] As a growing metropolitan city in a developing country, Kolkata confronts substantial urban pollution, traffic congestion, poverty, overpopulation, and other logistic and socioeconomic problems.
In the late 17th century, the three villages that predated Kolkata were ruled by the Nawab of Bengal under Mughal suzerainty. After the Nawab granted the East India Company a trading license in 1690,[7] the area was developed by the Company into an increasingly fortified mercantile base. Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah occupied Kolkata in 1756, and the East India Company retook it in the following year and by 1772 assumed full sovereignty. Under East India Company and later under the British Raj, Kolkata served as the capital of India until 1911, when its perceived geographical disadvantages, combined with growing nationalism in Bengal, led to a shift of the capital to New Delhi. The city was the centre of the Indian independence movement; it remains a hotbed of contemporary state politics. Following Indian independence in 1947, Kolkata—which was once the centre of modern Indian education, science, culture, and politics—witnessed several decades of relative economic stagnation. Since the early 2000s, an economic rejuvenation has led to accelerated growth.
As a nucleus of the 19th- and early 20th-century Bengal Renaissance and a religiously and ethnically diverse centre of culture in Bengal and India, Kolkata has established local traditions in drama, art, film, theatre, and literature that have gained wide audiences. Many people from Kolkata—among them several Nobel laureates—have contributed to the arts, the sciences, and other areas, while Kolkata culture features idiosyncrasies that include distinctively close-knit neighbourhoods (paras) and freestyle intellectual exchanges (adda). West Bengal's share of the Bengali film industry is based in the city, which also hosts venerable cultural institutions of national importance, such as the Academy of Fine Arts, the Victoria Memorial, the Asiatic Society, the Indian Museum, and the National Library of India. Though home to major cricketing venues and franchises, Kolkata differs from other Indian cities by giving importance to association football and other sports.
Culture Kolkata
Kolkata is known for its literary, artistic, and revolutionary heritage; as the former capital of India, it was the birthplace of modern Indian literary and artistic thought. Kolkata has been called the "City of Furious, Creative Energy" as well as the "cultural [or literary] capital of India". The presence of paras, which are neighbourhoods that possess a strong sense of community, is characteristic of Kolkata. Typically, each para has its own community club and, on occasion, a playing field. Residents engage in addas, or leisurely chats, that often take the form of freestyle intellectual conversation. The city has a tradition of political graffiti depicting everything from outrageous slander to witty banter and limericks, caricatures, and propaganda.
Kolkata has many buildings adorned with Indo-Islamic and Indo-Saracenic architectural motifs. Several well-maintained major buildings from the colonial period have been declared "heritage structures"; however, others are in various stages of decay.Established in 1814 as the nation's oldest museum, the Indian Museum houses large collections that showcase Indian natural history and Indian art. Marble Palace is a classic example of a European mansion that was built in the city. The Victoria Memorial, a place of interest in Kolkata, has a museum documenting the city's history. The National Library of India is the leading public library in the country.
- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 37351
Trams Kolkata Calcutta West Bengal
Tram services are the cheapest mode of traveling in Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal state in India. It is undertaken by Calcutta Tramways Company (CTC). More de...
Tram services are the cheapest mode of traveling in Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal state in India. It is undertaken by Calcutta Tramways Company (CTC). More details click- http://www.indiavideo.or...
wn.com/Trams Kolkata Calcutta West Bengal
Tram services are the cheapest mode of traveling in Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal state in India. It is undertaken by Calcutta Tramways Company (CTC). More details click- http://www.indiavideo.or...
Boat sinking: 20+ dead in Bay of Bengal tourist boat accident
Originally published on January 27, 2014
Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at http://newsdirect.nma.com.tw/Reuters.aspx
Originally published on January 27, 2014
Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at http://newsdirect.nma.com.tw/Reuters.aspx
At least 21 tourists were killed when a private tourist boat capsized at around 4:00 p.m. in the sea off Port Blair in the Bay of Bengal on Sunday (January 26), according to The Hindu.
R. Gajendra Kumar, one of the survivors of the accident and Deputy Superintendent of Police (Police Training College), Chennai said the boat was far in excess of capacity, and passengers aboard the "Aqua Marine" asked for life jackets, but were told security measures were in place and that they needn't worry.
The boat, carrying passengers who were mostly from Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu, was traveling to North Bay and Ross Island at the time of the accident. The vessel was carrying 46 passengers and three crew members.
"We could even see a defence vessel and other ships anchored along the harbour ... as I almost lost hope a boat operator came and dropped some life jackets. Some private divers rescued us," Kumar said. According to Kumar, more would have survived if life jackets been given or help had come sooner.
Inspector-General of Coast Guard and Regional Commander (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) V.S.R. Murthy confirmed that 21 people died died in the accident, while 27 others were rescued. One person remained missing.
"In less than an hour, we launched a helicopter and vessels to rescue the victims. We were able to pull out some from the sea and shift them to the hospital. It has been confirmed that 21 were brought dead and 11 were undergoing treatment," Murthy said.
It is not known what caused the the boat to capsize, but the weather was normal at the time of the accident, according to Murthy.
Next Media Animation's News Direct service provides daily, high-quality, informative 3D animated news graphics that fill in for missing footage and help viewers understand breaking news stories or in-depth features on science, technology, and health.
To subscribe to News Direct or for more info, please visit:
wn.com/Boat Sinking 20 Dead In Bay Of Bengal Tourist Boat Accident
Originally published on January 27, 2014
Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at http://newsdirect.nma.com.tw/Reuters.aspx
At least 21 tourists were killed when a private tourist boat capsized at around 4:00 p.m. in the sea off Port Blair in the Bay of Bengal on Sunday (January 26), according to The Hindu.
R. Gajendra Kumar, one of the survivors of the accident and Deputy Superintendent of Police (Police Training College), Chennai said the boat was far in excess of capacity, and passengers aboard the "Aqua Marine" asked for life jackets, but were told security measures were in place and that they needn't worry.
The boat, carrying passengers who were mostly from Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu, was traveling to North Bay and Ross Island at the time of the accident. The vessel was carrying 46 passengers and three crew members.
"We could even see a defence vessel and other ships anchored along the harbour ... as I almost lost hope a boat operator came and dropped some life jackets. Some private divers rescued us," Kumar said. According to Kumar, more would have survived if life jackets been given or help had come sooner.
Inspector-General of Coast Guard and Regional Commander (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) V.S.R. Murthy confirmed that 21 people died died in the accident, while 27 others were rescued. One person remained missing.
"In less than an hour, we launched a helicopter and vessels to rescue the victims. We were able to pull out some from the sea and shift them to the hospital. It has been confirmed that 21 were brought dead and 11 were undergoing treatment," Murthy said.
It is not known what caused the the boat to capsize, but the weather was normal at the time of the accident, according to Murthy.
Next Media Animation's News Direct service provides daily, high-quality, informative 3D animated news graphics that fill in for missing footage and help viewers understand breaking news stories or in-depth features on science, technology, and health.
To subscribe to News Direct or for more info, please visit:
- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 16293
Diamond Harbour in Kolkata (Calcutta) West Bengal
Diamond Harbour is a well-known place situated in the southern suburbs of Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal state of India.
For more information on this video cli...
Diamond Harbour is a well-known place situated in the southern suburbs of Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal state of India.
For more information on this video click -
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Second Hooghly Bridge
Howrah Bridge, Kolkata
Kolkata city
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wn.com/Diamond Harbour In Kolkata (Calcutta) West Bengal
Diamond Harbour is a well-known place situated in the southern suburbs of Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal state of India.
For more information on this video click -
Related Videos
Second Hooghly Bridge
Howrah Bridge, Kolkata
Kolkata city
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- published: 23 Jun 2010
- views: 6010
Travel viewfinder _01 - Bakkhalli (West Bengal)
Indulge yourself in pure serenity of Bakkhali .(South 24 Parganas, West Bengal).
One of the most underrated sea beaches compared to any other beach destinations...
Indulge yourself in pure serenity of Bakkhali .(South 24 Parganas, West Bengal).
One of the most underrated sea beaches compared to any other beach destinations in the north eastern coast...yes, any other beach....
Its cleaner,barely crowded and the best part about it is that its a Pocket Friendly destination.
Being a camera nerd couldn't help myself and compiled this video.
Watch,Like,Share,Repeat :P
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/neil006
Shot with : Canon 70D and Sony DSC hx200v
editing : Premiere CC (2014 version)
Color Correction/grading : Speedgrade CC
Music : J.T. Peterson - Alexandrea
(license : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Thanks to Peter for the logo reveal
Follow him on : sccal.Wordpress.com
wn.com/Travel Viewfinder 01 Bakkhalli (West Bengal)
Indulge yourself in pure serenity of Bakkhali .(South 24 Parganas, West Bengal).
One of the most underrated sea beaches compared to any other beach destinations in the north eastern coast...yes, any other beach....
Its cleaner,barely crowded and the best part about it is that its a Pocket Friendly destination.
Being a camera nerd couldn't help myself and compiled this video.
Watch,Like,Share,Repeat :P
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/neil006
Shot with : Canon 70D and Sony DSC hx200v
editing : Premiere CC (2014 version)
Color Correction/grading : Speedgrade CC
Music : J.T. Peterson - Alexandrea
(license : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Thanks to Peter for the logo reveal
Follow him on : sccal.Wordpress.com
- published: 18 Apr 2015
- views: 33
West Bengal Tourist Destinations - Magical Bengal
Here you can see a few photos of Popular and also offbeat tourist destinations of Bengal... here is the list of sites at adina, adisaptagram, bakkhali, bansb......
Here you can see a few photos of Popular and also offbeat tourist destinations of Bengal... here is the list of sites at adina, adisaptagram, bakkhali, bansb...
wn.com/West Bengal Tourist Destinations Magical Bengal
Here you can see a few photos of Popular and also offbeat tourist destinations of Bengal... here is the list of sites at adina, adisaptagram, bakkhali, bansb...
The Sundarbans, Bangladesh (Home of Tiger)
The Sundarbans, Bangladesh (Home of Tiger)
An Adventure Tour in Dangerous & Largest Mangrove Forest on Earth- Sundarbans, Bangladesh (The Home Of Bengal The Ben...
The Sundarbans, Bangladesh (Home of Tiger)
An Adventure Tour in Dangerous & Largest Mangrove Forest on Earth- Sundarbans, Bangladesh (The Home Of Bengal The Bengal Tiger)
It is a cluster of Islands the single largest chunks of productive mangrove forest in the world and the world heritage site. The Bangladesh part of Sundarbans Reserved Forest covers 6,017 kilometers of areas in the Southwest corner of Bangladesh. This largest mangrove contains 333 species of plant, 400 species of fishes, 270 species of local birds and another 45 species of migratory birds, 35 species of amphibians and 42 species of mammals. The forest is dense and continuous and the forest vegetation is evergreen which grows chiefly on muddy sheltered shores of coastal areas subject to the periodic submergence by tidal waters. The characteristic of Sunderban forest is a low-lying tidal riparian forest intersected by an elaborate network of rivers, canals and creeks. The forest has gained two naturalists attraction from all over the world for her magnificent reservoir of genetic bio diversity and majestic Royal Bengal Tiger of Sundarbans forest, the priceless heritage of mankind. The forest is accessible only by boat during whole of the year.
The Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest of the world is a cluster of islands spanning over 10,000 sq. km. Out of which 6017 sq. km. Within Bangladesh territory and further extended for another 3983 sq. km. Into Indian territory. The forest is considered as the most biologically productive of an unique ecosystems. Subdarbans meaning beautiful forest offer splendid wildlife habitat supporting 333 species of plant, 400 spices of fishes and 425 species of wildlife among of which 49 species mammals, 315 bird species, 53 reptiles and 8 amphibians. The larger terrestrial mammals are Royal Bengal Tiger, spotted deer, Rhesus macaque and Indian smooth otter. The giant salt-water crocodiles, Rock Python, Monitor lizards and king cobra are the prominent species of reptile group.
Considering the great value of Sundarbans it has become now the part of world heritage area which is equally important to the nature loving tourists as wel as to the naturalist, ecologist, biologist and for the scientific researcher.
The tiger being the most attractive wild animal is now internationally endangered species of which the Sundarbans contain the largest surviving tiger population. Although tiger is seldom rare to see but the probability of seeing tiger in Sundarbans forest is low-lying tidal riparian forest intersected by an elaborate network of river, canals & creeks. So the journey to this wonderful jungle will be very much rewarding to know the unknown. This unsurpassed jungle is only accessible by boat.
Asia, Bangladesh, Khulna, Barisal, Khulna Division, Sundarbans National Park, tiger facts, youtube video, documentary on sundarban, home of tiger, mangrove forest, time to visit, information of sundarban, information on tiger, deer, crabs, otters, heron, bird watching, tiger picture, cheap tour packages, snake, king kobra, monkey, tiger, bengal tiger video, bengal tiger facts, hd travel video, hd documentary on sundarban, west bengal tourism sundarban, west bengal tourism sundarban package tour, sundarban tour packages, sundarban tout operators, sundarban tourism, tours, tour the sundarban, the royal sundarban tourist boat, sundarban tour guide, Sundarban Tour and Trip Package in Bangladesh, Sundarbans, Bangladesh, Disaster in the Sundarbans, bird watching, সুন্দরবন, সুন্দরবন, Sundarban, Bangladesh, Kotka, Dublarchor, Hiron Point, Xeontory, Sundarbans, Sundarban, Bangladesh, Forest, Sundarbans Forest
Mangrove, Mangrove Forest, UNESCO World Heritage Site, World Heritage, Animal, Wild, Canal, Deer
Information sources: www.dhakaholidays.com/sundarbans-wildlife-bangladesh.html
And www.whc.unesco.org/en/list/798
wn.com/The Sundarbans, Bangladesh (Home Of Tiger)
The Sundarbans, Bangladesh (Home of Tiger)
An Adventure Tour in Dangerous & Largest Mangrove Forest on Earth- Sundarbans, Bangladesh (The Home Of Bengal The Bengal Tiger)
It is a cluster of Islands the single largest chunks of productive mangrove forest in the world and the world heritage site. The Bangladesh part of Sundarbans Reserved Forest covers 6,017 kilometers of areas in the Southwest corner of Bangladesh. This largest mangrove contains 333 species of plant, 400 species of fishes, 270 species of local birds and another 45 species of migratory birds, 35 species of amphibians and 42 species of mammals. The forest is dense and continuous and the forest vegetation is evergreen which grows chiefly on muddy sheltered shores of coastal areas subject to the periodic submergence by tidal waters. The characteristic of Sunderban forest is a low-lying tidal riparian forest intersected by an elaborate network of rivers, canals and creeks. The forest has gained two naturalists attraction from all over the world for her magnificent reservoir of genetic bio diversity and majestic Royal Bengal Tiger of Sundarbans forest, the priceless heritage of mankind. The forest is accessible only by boat during whole of the year.
The Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest of the world is a cluster of islands spanning over 10,000 sq. km. Out of which 6017 sq. km. Within Bangladesh territory and further extended for another 3983 sq. km. Into Indian territory. The forest is considered as the most biologically productive of an unique ecosystems. Subdarbans meaning beautiful forest offer splendid wildlife habitat supporting 333 species of plant, 400 spices of fishes and 425 species of wildlife among of which 49 species mammals, 315 bird species, 53 reptiles and 8 amphibians. The larger terrestrial mammals are Royal Bengal Tiger, spotted deer, Rhesus macaque and Indian smooth otter. The giant salt-water crocodiles, Rock Python, Monitor lizards and king cobra are the prominent species of reptile group.
Considering the great value of Sundarbans it has become now the part of world heritage area which is equally important to the nature loving tourists as wel as to the naturalist, ecologist, biologist and for the scientific researcher.
The tiger being the most attractive wild animal is now internationally endangered species of which the Sundarbans contain the largest surviving tiger population. Although tiger is seldom rare to see but the probability of seeing tiger in Sundarbans forest is low-lying tidal riparian forest intersected by an elaborate network of river, canals & creeks. So the journey to this wonderful jungle will be very much rewarding to know the unknown. This unsurpassed jungle is only accessible by boat.
Asia, Bangladesh, Khulna, Barisal, Khulna Division, Sundarbans National Park, tiger facts, youtube video, documentary on sundarban, home of tiger, mangrove forest, time to visit, information of sundarban, information on tiger, deer, crabs, otters, heron, bird watching, tiger picture, cheap tour packages, snake, king kobra, monkey, tiger, bengal tiger video, bengal tiger facts, hd travel video, hd documentary on sundarban, west bengal tourism sundarban, west bengal tourism sundarban package tour, sundarban tour packages, sundarban tout operators, sundarban tourism, tours, tour the sundarban, the royal sundarban tourist boat, sundarban tour guide, Sundarban Tour and Trip Package in Bangladesh, Sundarbans, Bangladesh, Disaster in the Sundarbans, bird watching, সুন্দরবন, সুন্দরবন, Sundarban, Bangladesh, Kotka, Dublarchor, Hiron Point, Xeontory, Sundarbans, Sundarban, Bangladesh, Forest, Sundarbans Forest
Mangrove, Mangrove Forest, UNESCO World Heritage Site, World Heritage, Animal, Wild, Canal, Deer
Information sources: www.dhakaholidays.com/sundarbans-wildlife-bangladesh.html
And www.whc.unesco.org/en/list/798
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 340