close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
MeasureRateable Value ($'000)Area (Hectares)
Land Use Net ChangeClosing Stock 2011Closing Stock 2011Closing Stock 2011Closing Stock 2011
Opening Stock 2006Total Net ChangeTotal Net ChangeOpening Stock 2006Total Net ChangeTotal Net Change
ResidentialCommercialIndustrialExtractive Industry and Infrastructure/UtilitiesAgriculture CroppingLivestock GrazingMixed Farming and GrazingHorticulture Fruit and Vegetable Crops & Horticulture - Special Purpose StructureOther Primary ProductionCommunity Services, Sport, Heritage and CultureNational Parks, conservation areas, forest reserves and natural water reservesVacant ResidentialOther Vacant LandUnallocatedNot ClassifiedResidentialCommercialIndustrialExtractive Industry and Infrastructure/UtilitiesAgriculture CroppingLivestock GrazingMixed Farming and GrazingHorticulture Fruit and Vegetable Crops & Horticulture - Special Purpose StructureOther Primary ProductionCommunity Services, Sport, Heritage and CultureNational Parks, conservation areas, forest reserves and natural water reservesVacant ResidentialOther Vacant LandUnallocatedNot Classified
Land UseInformation on itemInformation on itemInformation on item
 Residential183 114 048118 325 98364 788 06558 586 15847 70750 75026 214243 176251 219241 697286 667144 30353 18444 8294 288 78847 606-74 251550 019218 900201 40017 600
7005 0002 3002 7005001001 0004 1001 100
 Commercial15 941 1598 601 6167 339 543168 3306 219 716232 31335 3045 82627 4344 9999 32299181 1462 055381 10011 35229 551130 10512 90011 3001 600300
 Industrial3 048 7031 526 5301 522 173-2 632-31 5131 458 69412 263-362
1 4682401 9806 342-3 09953 117-549
1 50214 40014 000400
 Extractive Industry and Infrastructure/Utilities1 142 182560 147582 0343 38614 8802 352443 8354 6323 675157-8547397 37212 11543 37514 18011 61820 573166 900148 10018 800
700400500-100-4006001 100-1 500
17 600
 Agriculture Cropping637 779533 297104 482-7 092
538-4 151112 17111 922-10 5254 704960-2 625-653-3 813-829
4 315182 600186 700-4 100-700
2 100-7 100300800-100
 Livestock Grazing9 334 4387 719 5261 614 911-51 098-9 562
3 260-1 2341 676 6935 4773 473-26 735760-1 199-5 004-3 346
31 77059 197 30058 954 500242 800-5 000-100-100-400-2 100
-39 100-1 300-12 300300-106 400281 300-1 000-400129 300
 Mixed Farming and Grazing12 372 99610 509 2361 863 761-20 730-263-49657721 44924 6601 806 136-24 21934 894-414-2 758-6 567-1 2792532 7478 261 5008 201 70059 800-2 300
-5007 10039 100
-6 9005 700-600-9 000-4 700-600
32 600
 Horticulture Fruit and Vegetable Crops & Horticulture - Special Purpose Structure2 419 9202 383 52936 391-77 391-2 1981 2922 2623194 87937 137104 083-9 498
-1 791-27 036-2 546
6 589205 600203 9001 700-2 700
100-3001 3006 900
-2 700
-200-1 500-100
 Other Primary Production1 134 867854 412280 455-4 673
-699-1261 15533 98853 38915 189177 390
814-3 363226
7 225373 000358 60014 400-500
-100400-80012 300-5 7002 700
6 000
 Community Services, Sport, Heritage and Culture2 951 6791 784 1811 167 49913 10013 5511 220-4577 1711 3753 335
1 030 476-94737 5204 39912 66045 013
53 100
 National Parks, conservation areas, forest reserves and natural water reserves105 76567 06138 704-3 962-1 713
-1 5701501 2262 01443917798632 5453 069
2 62919 631 20019 452 500178 600-1 000
100-1 100
106 4009 000200-300-53 100
2 600100
118 100
 Vacant Residential8 985 9526 074 0172 911 935-695 58613 54748 42437 865267 610194 161313 892130 83987 831169 62512 3882 248 273-4 130-9 39096 587
-4 100-400-2001 500600-281 3004 7001 500200
-2 600
-1 600
-13 800
 Other Vacant Land310 511160 465150 047-8 407-2 5904 239-4 3134 14013 44110 9436 8362 9422 88023242 85075 260-3471 94119 30016 6002 600-1 100
1 000600100
-1001 600
 UnallocatedInformation on item
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Information on item
Information on item8 700Information on item8 600Information on item200Information on item
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Information on item400Information on item
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Information on item-700Information on item
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Information on item400
 Not Classified
Information on item732 100Information on item1 023 500Information on item-291 400Information on item-600Information on item-200Information on item-200Information on item-17 600Information on item700Information on item-129 300Information on item-32 600Information on item-900Information on item-6 000Information on item400Information on item-118 100Information on item13 800Information on item-400Information on item
Information on item
onil or rounded to zero, including null cells
vnot available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated


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