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Data by theme
Region Type
ASGS 2011
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SexSelected Person Characteristics
Hide subtree PersonsInformation on itemHide subtree Total personsInformation on item18 972 35020 061 64621 727 158
Hide subtree Total persons......
Age group 0-4 yearsInformation on item1 248 3881 264 8261 425 548
Age group 5-14 yearsInformation on item2 685 6232 693 0002 736 452
Age group 15-19 yearsInformation on item1 348 2551 377 7721 425 498
Age group 20-24 yearsInformation on item1 276 6801 382 3131 498 464
Age group 25-34 yearsInformation on item2 764 4402 716 6063 011 127
Age group 35-44 yearsInformation on item2 891 9342 962 2563 085 834
Age group 45-54 yearsInformation on item2 591 4792 786 5312 976 487
Age group 55-64 yearsInformation on item1 776 9882 214 4772 532 604
Age group 65-74 yearsInformation on item1 292 4971 387 1021 644 046
Age group 75-84 yearsInformation on item832 474953 131987 572
Age group 85 years and overInformation on item263 592323 632403 533
Overseas visitors203 101206 357219 442
Hide subtree Indigenous persons Total410 003455 028548 368
Indigenous persons - Aboriginal366 429407 701495 754
Indigenous persons -Torres Strait Islander26 04629 51431 407
Indigenous persons - Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderInformation on item17 52817 81321 205
Birthplace Australia13 629 48114 072 94515 017 846
Birthplace ElsewhereInformation on item4 105 6484 416 0335 294 150
Language spoken at home - English only15 013 96515 581 33316 509 291
Language spoken at home - Other languageInformation on item2 853 8513 146 1963 912 935
Australian citizen16 559 77417 095 56618 261 806
MalesInformation on itemHide subtree Total personsInformation on item9 365 9419 896 50010 737 150
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Age group 0-4 yearsInformation on item640 332649 655732 259
Age group 5-14 yearsInformation on item1 378 2301 381 9801 404 738
Age group 15-19 yearsInformation on item686 670704 445730 683
Age group 20-24 yearsInformation on item645 207697 244758 767
Age group 25-34 yearsInformation on item1 362 6511 340 7921 496 121
Age group 35-44 yearsInformation on item1 421 4881 449 7711 513 412
Age group 45-54 yearsInformation on item1 287 8291 371 7341 464 208
Age group 55-64 yearsInformation on item892 6221 105 8781 247 825
Age group 65-74 yearsInformation on item621 272674 781805 906
Age group 75-84 yearsInformation on item347 370414 854443 700
Age group 85 years and overInformation on item82 270105 363139 523
Overseas visitors95 47597 253103 135
Hide subtree Indigenous persons Total202 954224 074270 333
Indigenous persons - Aboriginal181 040200 162244 029
Indigenous persons -Torres Strait Islander13 18415 06815 805
Indigenous persons - Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderInformation on item8 7308 84410 498
Birthplace Australia6 712 7786 931 7577 412 597
Birthplace ElsewhereInformation on item2 031 7112 163 3372 593 755
Language spoken at home - English only7 410 4567 671 5018 147 578
Language spoken at home - Other languageInformation on item1 398 7371 522 7431 893 197
Australian citizen8 158 6438 386 5938 971 740
FemalesInformation on itemHide subtree Total personsInformation on item9 606 40910 165 14610 990 012
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Age group 0-4 yearsInformation on item608 056615 171693 290
Age group 5-14 yearsInformation on item1 307 3931 311 0201 331 714
Age group 15-19 yearsInformation on item661 585673 327694 813
Age group 20-24 yearsInformation on item631 473685 069739 694
Age group 25-34 yearsInformation on item1 401 7891 375 8141 515 004
Age group 35-44 yearsInformation on item1 470 4461 512 4851 572 423
Age group 45-54 yearsInformation on item1 303 6501 414 7971 512 276
Age group 55-64 yearsInformation on item884 3661 108 5991 284 777
Age group 65-74 yearsInformation on item671 225712 321838 141
Age group 75-84 yearsInformation on item485 104538 277543 867
Age group 85 years and overInformation on item181 322218 269264 007
Overseas visitors107 626109 104116 308
Hide subtree Indigenous persons Total207 049230 954278 039
Indigenous persons - Aboriginal185 389207 539251 731
Indigenous persons -Torres Strait Islander12 86214 44615 600
Indigenous persons - Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderInformation on item8 7988 96910 707
Birthplace Australia6 916 7037 141 1887 605 247
Birthplace ElsewhereInformation on item2 073 9372 252 6962 700 391
Language spoken at home - English only7 603 5097 909 8328 361 708
Language spoken at home - Other languageInformation on item1 455 1141 623 4532 019 745
Australian citizen8 401 1318 708 9739 290 065


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