close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
Region Type
Voluntary Work for an Organisation or GroupTotalVolunteerNot a volunteerVoluntary work not stated
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Hide subtree Persons15 to 191 405 795233 0041 017 026155 765
15 years and over17 363 6933 090 87512 851 3951 421 423
20 to 241 460 675217 3111 124 944118 420
25-34 years2 967 018415 6932 329 482221 843
35-44 years3 063 015599 6772 261 999201 339
45-54 years2 951 546603 3642 161 191186 991
55-64 years2 503 361495 3111 847 507160 543
65-74 years1 627 410354 9591 123 165149 286
75-84 years982 192146 908686 766148 518
85 years and over402 68124 648299 31578 718
Males15 to 19722 376105 005531 74185 630
15 years and over8 506 1751 343 3706 408 128754 677
20 to 24741 12193 855577 95169 315
25-34 years1 474 121177 1131 167 774129 234
35-44 years1 501 685241 3591 146 616113 710
45-54 years1 452 703270 0311 077 994104 678
55-64 years1 235 728223 842925 46786 419
65-74 years798 115158 307566 03473 774
75-84 years441 16463 924312 57764 663
85 years and over139 1629 934101 97427 254
Females15 to 19683 419127 999485 28570 135
15 years and over8 857 5181 747 5056 443 267666 746
20 to 24719 554123 456546 99349 105
25-34 years1 492 897238 5801 161 70892 609
35-44 years1 561 330358 3181 115 38387 629
45-54 years1 498 843333 3331 083 19782 313
55-64 years1 267 633271 469922 04074 124
65-74 years829 295196 652557 13175 512
75-84 years541 02882 984374 18983 855
85 years and over263 51914 714197 34151 464


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