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Brian Todd
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Longhorn, so they say. It has provenance but it is an animal welfare issue to have their incredible horns to transport animals.

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Post has attachment Great new format. Thanks AuctionsPlus

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Final Determination Made in Piggery DA
by Hilltops Council | Jul 13, 2017 | Council News |
An Extraordinary Meeting of Council was held on Wednesday 12 July to allow for the final determination to be made on the proposed Eulie Piggery which resulted in the Development Application (DA) formally being refused.
The Extraordinary Meeting followed a public forum in Harden on Tuesday where residents for and against the DA were provided the opportunity to voice their opinion.
General Manager Anthony McMahon explained that while Council was bound by the outcomes of assessments undertaken by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), Council was still obligated to undertake a full planning assessment report.
“The EPA and the OEH both advised Council earlier this year that they would not provide General Terms of Approval (GTA) for the proposal,” Mr McMahon said.
“Council therefore had no choice but to refuse the DA, however Council was still required to undertake a full planning assessment report detailing the reasons for refusal, ensuring all stakeholders are clear on the circumstances surrounding the outcome.
“Far from being a waste of time, this week’s forum was a valuable part of the process, allowing members of the public the opportunity to present their views on the proposed development to the Council’s Administrator prior to the report on the proposed development being considered the following day.
“Each Development Application is different; the circumstances surrounding each application are as varied as the development proposals themselves; each are treated in accordance with long-standing legislation and guidelines, and some take longer to finalise than others, especially when external experts are required to provide advice on complex technical issues.
“In the case of this particular development the multiple versions of the Environmental Impact Statement provided also complicated the assessment process.
“This particular application has taken longer than many would have preferred, but given the scale of the proposal and complexity of the site, the assessment process was indeed multi-layered and involved the input of experts both within and outside the Council,” he said.

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The legal requirement for travellers to declare amounts over AUD $10,000 (or foreign currency equivalent) has not changed.

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Top importer China may seek to replace India, Brazil with more reliable producers

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