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  • Tunnerminnerwait & Maulboyheenner Commemoration Committee– the first two people executed in Victoria.

  • Anarchist World This Week - 3CR Podcast

  • Joseph Toscano - Wikipedia - The free encyclopedia

  • People For Constitutional Human Rights - People For Constitutional Human Rights

  • Sedition Charter - Sign the Sedition Charter

  • Direct Democracy Not Parliamentary Rule - Politicians always make the decisions...
    ...but who knows what we need better than we do?
    We are a group that wants to register as a political party so that we can generate the attention to advocate the ideas involved with direct democracy.

  • Defend and Extend Medicare - The Governments changes proposed for Medicare will create a two tier health care system that will see an explosion in health care costs for non concession card holders and the development of a second rate system for concession card holders.

  • Jura Books - are working to create a radically different world: one based on freedom, equality and justice for everyone, as well as environmental sustainability for all life on the planet

  • "L'en dehors" - ...anarchist individualism in France

  • TAO - Organise, Autonomise, Triumph! - Information and links

  • The Memory Hole -  "We are engaged in a publishing project intended to make accessible certain materials otherwise generally unavailable"

  • Social Anarchism - A journey of theory and practice - As both political philosophy and personal lifestyle, social anarchism promotes community self-reliance, direct participation in decision-making, respect for nature, and nonviolent paths to peace and justice.

  • Anarchy Ring -  This WebRing is intended to unite all of us anarchists on the web. To join us, your site must be anarchy-related, of course!"

  • Anarchist Archives - An Online Research Center on the History and Theory of Anarchism

  • @LINKS - Anarchist Groups Of New York

  • Happy Anarchy Radio Show - The Anarchy Show - Anarchist and Non-hierarchical news from Brisbane and beyond on the air for an hour