ABCC Legislation Passes The House Of Representatives

The legislation triggered Malcolm Turnbull's double dissolution.

18/10/2016 6:17 PM AEDT | Updated 18/10/2016 7:08 PM AEDT
Malcolm Turnbull called a double dissolution election when the legislation was blocked in the previous parliament.

The Australian Building and Construction (ABCC) legislation, which will reinstate the building industry watchdog, passed the House of Representatives on Tuesday evening.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a double-dissolution election when the two bills were blocked in the senate.

However, the legislation has already passed the House of Representatives twice in previous Parliaments.

Earlier on Tuesday, Turnbull said "it is now time for the House, and in due course the Senate, to do the right thing and restore the rule of law to our building and construction sector.

"No reasonable observer can deny the extent of unlawfulness in the sector, given the litany of court judgement and fines against construction unions for repeated and unrepented breaches of the law."

The real test for the Turnbull Government will come in getting the bill through the Senate, where they will need the support of crossbenchers, including Democrat Liberal Senator David Leyonhjelm.

The pro-guns Senator has accused the Government of reneging on a deal to soften Australia's gun laws in exchange for supporting the legislation.

The legislation will be debated in the Senate after it resumes on November 7.

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