Drug Policy Forum of Texas
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The Drug Policy Forum of Texas [DPFT] began with the basic belief that a well informed public will choose rational policies. DPFT was formed because the War On Drugs not only doesn't work, but is also causing a great deal of unintended damage to society. Most politicians are afraid to discuss alternatives, and the one-sided information given to the public is often distorted or simply wrong.

DPFT members are simply concerned citizens from no particular political or social group, but we are fortunate to include many experts among our leaders and advisors.

See: Key People

Co-founder Dr. G. Alan Robison, is a National Academy of Sciences award winning pharmacologist who chaired the department of pharmacology at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston for over 20 years.

Advisors include: 

Dr. Bryon Adinoff, Distinguished Professor and Director of the Clinical Center for Addictive Diseases at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas 

Dr. Ferad Murad, winner of the Nobel prize for medicine 

Dr. Susan Robbins, Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Houston, teacher of a national award winning TV course, "Drugs and Society" 

Dr. Malcolm Skolnick, former Professor of Technology and Health Law at the School of Public Health at the University of Texas in Houston 

We work closely with many other experts here and around the world.

Our purpose is to increase discussion and implementation of better, evidence based, alternatives that will minimize the damage done by drug abuse and damage caused by the use of thoughtless policies.

What DPFT Does


* Arranges speakers for civic groups and special functions.

* Works with the media to improve accuracy of published information.

* Educates, by directly distributing pamphlets and other materials.

* Provides information to legislators at local, state, and federal levels.

* Answers questions received by letter, telephone or e-mail.

* Maintains a library of tapes and books dealing with drug issues.

* Holds public meetings.

* Maintains an Internet site for rapid distribution of information.

* Communicates with drug reform organizations around the World.

* Sponsors public lectures and debates on drug policy matters.

Key DPFT People

Drugs Crime and Politics


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