- published: 06 Aug 2014
- views: 3667545
Physics (from Ancient Greek: φυσική (ἐπιστήμη) phusikḗ (epistḗmē) "knowledge of nature", from φύσις phúsis "nature") is the natural science that involves the study of matterand its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force.One of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, the main goal of physics is to understand how the universe behaves.
Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines, perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of astronomy. Over the last two millennia, physics was a part of natural philosophy along with chemistry, biology, and certain branches of mathematics, but during the scientific revolution in the 17th century, the natural sciences emerged as unique research programs in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry, and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms of other sciences while opening new avenues of research in areas such as mathematics and philosophy.
Albert Einstein (/ˈaɪnstaɪn/;German: [ˈalbɛɐ̯t ˈaɪnʃtaɪn]; 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). Einstein's work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation"). He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his "services to theoretical physics", in particular his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect, a pivotal step in the evolution of quantum theory.
Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory of relativity. He realized, however, that the principle of relativity could also be extended to gravitational fields, and with his subsequent theory of gravitation in 1916, he published a paper on general relativity. He continued to deal with problems of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, which led to his explanations of particle theory and the motion of molecules. He also investigated the thermal properties of light which laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. In 1917, Einstein applied the general theory of relativity to model the large-scale structure of the universe.
Michio Kaku (/ˈmiːtʃioʊ ˈkɑːkuː/; born January 24, 1947) is a Japanese-American futurist, theoretical physicist and popularizer of science. Kaku is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York. He has written several books about physics and related topics, has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film, and writes online blogs and articles. He has written three New York Times Best Sellers: Physics of the Impossible (2008), Physics of the Future (2011), and The Future of the Mind (2014). Kaku has hosted several TV specials for the BBC, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and the Science Channel.
Kaku was born in San Jose, California, to Japanese American parents. His father, born in California and educated in both Japan and the United States, was fluent in Japanese and English. Both his parents were interned in the Tule Lake War Relocation Center during World War II, where they met and where his older brother was born.
5 Fun Physics Phenomena
The Mystery Of Quantum Physics - Albert Einstein's Nightmare (Documentary)
100 Greatest Discoveries in Physics. FULL 44 min
Physics Lecture - 1 - Introduction to Physics
Electric Current: Crash Course Physics #28
Have we reached the end of physics? | Harry Cliff
Motion in a Straight Line: Crash Course Physics #1
When a physics teacher knows his stuff !!..
Newton's Laws: Crash Course Physics #5
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell
Five cool physics tricks, but how do they work? Explanations: http://youtu.be/jIMihpDmBpY Check out Audible.com: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Leave your ideas in the comments below or subscribe for the answers next week. Chris Hadfield in AUS: http://sciencealert.com.au/spaceoddity/ All tickets now sold out. The Cane Balance: Slide your fingers in from the ends of a horizontal cane to find its centre of mass. Shot and Edited by Pierce Cook at the YouTube Space LA. Music by Amarante: http://bit.ly/VeAmarante
In this My Universe Documentaries, we are going to take you through a journey where you can learn about the mystery of quantum physics, secrets of quantum physics, etc., which are considered as Albert Einstein's Nightmare. By watching this documentary, you can learn everything about the quantum physics, quantum physics mystery, quantum physics theory, mysteries and secrets of quantum physics, Albert Einstein Quantum physics theories, etc. Watch The Mystery Of Quantum Physics - Albert Einstein's Nightmare (Documentary) here. If you would like to watch more universe documentaries, videos about space and cosmos, alien life and planets, black holes, deep space, etc., subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdsE6j4SHwamdHXyYGdFcLQ If you would like to discuss about space,...
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So, electric current works like a river... kinda... Instead of flowing based on elevation, electric current works a little differently. But it's a good metaphor. In this episode of Crash Course Physics, Shini talks to us about electric current, voltaic cells, and how we get electric charge. Get your own Crash Course Physics mug from DFTBA: http://store.dftba.com/products/crash... The Latest from PBS Digital Studios: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... -- Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios -- Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashC... Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse Tumblr - http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Patreon: http://ww...
Why is there something rather than nothing? Why does so much interesting stuff exist in the universe? Particle physicist Harry Cliff works on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and he has some potentially bad news for people who seek answers to these questions. Despite the best efforts of scientists (and the help of the biggest machine on the planet), we may never be able to explain all the weird features of nature. Is this the end of physics? Learn more in this fascinating talk about the latest research into the secret structure of the universe. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Desig...
In this, THE FIRST EPISODE of Crash Course Physics, your host Dr. Shini Somara introduces us to the ideas of motion in a straight line. She talks about displacement, acceleration, time, velocity, and the definition of acceleration. Also, how does a physicist discuss speed as opposed to a police officer? And did you deserve that ticket? You can figure it all out with the help of Physics! -- PBS Digital Studios wants to get to know you better! If you have 10 minutes to spare by filling out a survey you'll be doing us a huge favor AND have a chance to win an awesome PBS Digital Studios shirt! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2016 -- Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios -- Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Faceboo...
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I'm sure you've heard of Isaac Newton and maybe of some of his laws. Like, that thing about "equal and opposite reactions" and such. But what do his laws mean? And how do they help us understand the world around us? In this episode of Crash Course Physics, Shini talks to us about just that. *** Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios Help PBSDS win a Webby Award by voting here: https://pv.webbyawards.com/2016/online-film-video/video-channels-and-networks/science-education Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever: Mark, Eric Kitchen, Jessica Wode...
Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscribe by clicking here: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5 Kaku's latest book is The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (http://goo.gl/kGrVaR). The Universe in a Nutshell: The Physics of Everything Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at CUNY What if we could find one single equation that explains every force in the universe? Dr. Michio Kaku explores how physicists may shrink the science of the Big Bang into an equation as small as Einstein's "e=mc^2." Thanks to advances in string theory, physics may allow us to escape the heat death of the universe, explore the multiverse, and unlock the secrets of existence. While firing up our imaginations about the future, Kaku also presents a succinct hi...
Learn about Centripetal Acceleration of class 10 Science-Physics exclusively on Digital Teacher.
Learn about Centripetal Force of class 10 Science-Physics exclusively on Digital Teacher.
Learn about Cells in Series from the chapter of Electricity of class 10 Science-Physics exclusively on Digital Teacher.
Learn about Cells in Parallel from the chapter of Electricity of class 10 Science-Physics exclusively on Digital Teacher.
Why do a physics degree?
Learn about Bulbs in Series from the chapter of Electricity of class 10 Science-Physics exclusively on Digital Teacher.
Roger Penrose, Theoretical Physicist; Author, Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe In conversation with Dr. David Eisenbud, director, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute and Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley Here’s a chance to meet one of the world’s most renowned scientific thinkers. Sir Roger Penrose, colleague of Stephen Hawking and acclaimed theoretical physicist, will separate fiction from reality when it comes to physics and discuss the fact-based truths of the universe. In his provocative new book, Penrose argues that fashion, faith, and fantasy, while sometimes productive and even essential in physics, may be leading today's researchers astray in three of the field's most important areas—string theory, quantum mechanics ...
The Future of Fundamental Physics Nima Arkani-Hamed The Messenger Lectures, Cornell University -------- This series is part of Cornell University's Messenger Lectures recorded in October, 2010. The Messenger Lectures are an annual lecture series renowned among physicists and academia in general. Thank you to Cornell University for continuing this proud tradition. visit Cornell University's website to find this and other speakers http://www.cornell.edu/video/playlist/nima-arkani-hamed-on-future-of-fundamental-physics http://www.cornell.edu/video/ -------- Quantum Mechanics and Space-time 0:00:00 Standard Models of Particle Physics 1:19:58 Space-time is Doomed 2:47:04 Why a Macroscopic Universe? 4:06:04 What Might We Know by 2020? 5:32:36 Note: The audio during "Standard Models of Pa...
When no one is looking, a particle has near limitless potential: it can be nearly anywhere. But measure it, and the particle snaps to one position. How do subatomic objects shed their quantum weirdness? Experts in the field of physics, including David Z. Albert, Sean Carroll, Sheldon Goldstein, Ruediger Schack, and moderator Brian Greene, discuss the history of quantum mechanics, current theories in the field, and possibilities for the future. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from WSF. Visit our Website: http://www.worldsciencefestival.com/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldsciencefestival Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/WorldSciFest Participants: David Z. Albert, Sean Carroll, Sheldon Goldstein, Ruediger Schack Original Program date: May 29,...
On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of his most famous physics demonstrations to celebrate the publication of his new book For The Love Of Physics: From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time - A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics, written with Warren Goldstein. Note: Due to a serious complaint against Dr. Lewin, MIT has revoked Dr. Lewin's title of Professor Emeritus as of December 2014. See https://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/lewin-courses-removed-1208 and http://tech.mit.edu/V134/N60/walterlewin.html. This video was formerly hosted on the YouTube channel MIT OpenCourseWare. Attribution: MIT OpenCourseWare License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 US To view a copy of t...
The Science and Society conference brought together world leading researchers and scholars in science and world affairs—individuals who have dedicated their careers to addressing the most complex and challenging problems of our time. The one-day conference was organized in honor of Nobel laureate Ahmed Zewail—Caltech's Linus Pauling Professor of Chemistry and professor of physics—as a way to recognize this distinguished scholar for more than 40 years of scientific and scholarly contributions. Zewail was be joined by fellow Nobel laureates and National Academy of Science and National Medal of Science honorees, as well as other leaders in their fields, in a series of lectures ranging from treating disease to quantum physics. http://scienceandsociety.caltech.edu Produced in association with...
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Head in the clouds, feet on the ground,
Earth falling out beneath me, fire in the sky
Singing my brow, it's nowhere safe.
Take me where I'm weightless
Up there in outer space.
From up here, everything below is peaceful.
I'm sincere, when I say I truly miss home.
Physics is a bitch cause I'm up now,
But eventually I gotta come down.
Gimmie one good reason
not to reach those heights again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally nearing the end.
So will you be there,
Whenever I do come down
Will you be there?
A moment's peace, a sigh of relief
Not but what-ifs and maybes unanswered,
While on my feet.
So pick me up, take me to far reaches
While astronomers eyes are shut.
Cause I'm here, I'm shaking in the distance.
No fear, blanked out of existence
Physics is a bitch, the higher I get
The faster and farther I plummet.
Gimmie one good reason
Not to reach those heights again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally nearing the end.
Make me believe I shouldn't risk it all again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally over the edge.
So will you be there,
Whenever I do come down
Will you be there?
Head in the clouds,
Feet on the ground.
Earth falling out,
Never come down...
Gimmie one good reason
Not to reach those heights again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally nearing the end.
Make me believe I shouldn't risk it all again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally over the edge.
So will you be there,
Whenever I do come down
Will you be there?