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Hi, my name is Judson Dunn.

I like net culture, scifi, zen. I am a computer sympathizer. I work in lab informatics at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
wearing stellar


Only 57.5% of eligible voters actually voted in the last election. And only 42% of eligible 18–34 year-olds. 

Register to vote!

i love tumblr so much…

i love tumblr so much…



Trump tried to pretend he never said climate change is a Chinese hoax

In 2012, Trump did, in fact, perpetuate the notion that climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese in a tweet. He has since claimed that it was “a joke,” but he has in fact stood by the substance of it.

His campaign has already deleted these tweets, btw



Pokemon GO パルクールで逃げまくる ピカチュウとヒトカゲ

Nefeli, look at team rocket looking at pikachu doin’ parkour :P

DUDE. Oh, my god, you can just feel all the effort and love that was put into this video, this is amazing!

We sit in the window and sip our drinks, watching people on the sidewalk stroll past. “Don’t they know,” he said, “how much we’ve been holding back?


Ximon Lee SS17