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Hi, my name is Judson Dunn.

I like net culture, scifi, zen. I am a computer sympathizer. I work in lab informatics at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
wearing stellar

free them, they need to play!


Conservatives: I hate Muslim people. Look at what that Muslim person did at that Orlando LGBT bar.

LGBT people: So, does that mean you care about LGBT people?

Conservatives: No! Gay people are pedophiles, and transgender women are just men who want to invade women’s restrooms and harass women! WE NEED TO PROTECT WOMEN!

Women: So, does that mean you care about women?

Conservatives: Shut up, feminazi! Women in the United States are not oppressed! If you want to talk about women’s oppression, you should be focusing on how women in other countries are treated!

Refugees: So, does that mean you care about people from other countries?

Conservatives: Stay out of our country! Why should we care about refugees when we have people here who need help?

Homeless People: So, does that mean you care about people who need help?

Conservatives: No! Get a job, freeloader!


Blame the algorithm

  • Me: *successfully avoids social event* Nice
  • Me: *is really lonely* Shit


please don’t forget or ignore that last night at Pulse was Latin Night and was hosted by trans women of color