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Journal of the Communist Party of Australia


The Australian Marxist Review welcomes articles from readers and contributions
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ISSUE 61May 2016


Editorial notes

Issue #61 of the Australian Marxist Review is a reflection of the global scale of the capitalist offensive against the working class and other exploited people. It also brings out the extent of the resistance to this assault in the fields of economic and diplomatic relations. There is also the never ending battle of ideas, the contest between capitalist ideology, the application of which threatens the planet with war and environmental devastation and working class ideology, which has already shown its creative potential in many parts of the world.  more ...

Guns, paranoia and social change

Rob Gowland
Yet another mass shooting in the US. Shockingly, they have become so commonplace that no one takes any notice now unless the body count is extreme. But gun deaths in the US are just that: commonplace. With more than 30,000 a year, how could they be anything else?  more ...

Capitalist Trojan Horses: The danger of returning Chinese students

Michael Hooper
Throughout modern Chinese history, students and scholars who studied abroad played important roles in the construction and modernisation of the Chinese nation. From the Qing Dynasty to the Peoples’ Republic, Chinese youth travelled overseas to learn advanced techniques and knowledge to apply to Chinese conditions. While they have traditionally played a positive role in the history of the country, current overseas students pose a serious threat to the socialist future of China.  more ...

The crucifixion of North Korea, The demonisation of the DPRK

Carla Stea
It is impossible to ignore the possibility that Resolution 2270 is intended to facilitate a sinister agenda, which could very likely culminate in large-scale warfare in East Asia, pulverising North Korea, inevitably leading to massive bloodshed in both North and South Korea, and forcing the People’s Republic of China to increase military spending to the detriment of its social programs and its success in raising hundreds of millions of its citizens out of poverty.   more ...

Rescuing the word: socialism

Bob Briton
I was prompted to write these words on the actual meaning of socialism after reading a digitised poster on my Facebook news feed.  more ...

Internationalism – past, present and future

Lars Ulrik Thomsen
The rapid growth of the organised working class in the 1860s was followed by differences within and finally the dissolution of the 1st International.1 This was also the reason for the dissolution of the 2nd International in 1914 and the founding of the 3rd International in 1919, with the Bolsheviks as the leading and driving force.2 The 3rd International from 1919-1943, achieved a rise of scientific socialism all over the world. After World War Two the collaboration between the communist parties was mainly by international conferences and meetings, together with the international magazine Problems of Peace and Socialism. This period was characterised by a tremendous growth of the Communist movement in international perspective, and this made it the most influential political movement in the post-war period.  more ...

Scientific development of agricultural productivity after a socialist revolution

Wadi’h Halabi and Richard Levins
After a socialist revolution, scientific development of agricultural productivity is one of the new state’s most important yet difficult tasks. Obstacles include poverty and the opposition between city and countryside inherited from capitalism. The land reform so essential for the revolution’s victory creates millions of small landholdings which are ultimately incompatible with environmentally and socially sustainable development.  more ...

The myth of terra nullius and Australian sovereignty

David Matters
The 26th January 1788, the day we celebrate as the founding of our nation, was the day that a British aristocrat established the colony of New South Wales. From this moment, the future for many who already inhabited this continent and for some who would be brought here changed.  more ...


Don Wilson
The role of Practice and Theory: In the process of doing our Party’s work, how can we unite with as many people as possible?  more ...


PDF version available.

Editorial Board Members:

Dr Hannah Middleton (editor), Michael Hooper (assistant-editor), David Matters, Bob Briton.

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