Andy Fleming


Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.

Joined July 2009

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  1. The growth of Israeli settlements, explained in 5 charts - Vox

  2. Imagine how fast systems would be fixed if it fucked up Parliamentary pensions.

  3. Imagine if your responsible national budget was balanced by sending fake debt notices to poor people.

  4. Me reading about the alt-right civil war that broke out this week.

  5. Miserable fistfight between two women has United States aflame with outrage. DPRK maidens are treasured as future mothers of hero soldiers.

  6. [2.24.16] Denver Activist Shot and Killed by Sheriffs During Standoff

  7. Also in my article: itself is in melt-down. Staff are striking, morale at rock bottom. Interview with a CPSU source:

  8. Interview with a source, from my forthcoming article:

  9. I spoke to a number of sources this week. The government knows its robo-debt algorithm is laughably inaccurate. It doesn't care.

  10. Rare image of a shark stepping on a Lego.

  11. imaginary leftist got owned harder than any imaginary person before

  12. I wrote a breakdown of the problems with Centrelink's data matching system, with a simple example of the numbers:

  13. "You need to find your passion in life" "Art" "Not that" "Love" "Not that" "Philosophy" "Not that" "Uh…supply chain management?" "Perfect!"

  14. Some copy editor's going to have a not-so-nice day.

  15. So the government removed the six year debt collection limit for welfare in its Budget Savings (Omnibus) 2016 Bill

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