Michael BachelardVerified account


Investigations editor, The Age. Former Fairfax Media Indonesia Correspondent, 2012-2014

Joined October 2009

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  1. There's no freedom of speech under defamation law. You can't even critically review a restaurant! Rich people's "offend and insult"

  2. American journalists always sweetly naive about the intransigence and lack of transparency we endure in Australia

  3. The Age This is where Yoshe Ann Taylor has spent the past three years. The 44-year-old…

  4. . Lots more to come in the coming weeks and months! Watch this space!

  5. That most magnificent folly: a media commentator railing against other commentators for commenting. Onya Sly!

  6. The young man who blew up the bank in Springvale said to be an asylum seeker from Myanmar on a bridging visa

  7. Will we continue to be weak by pretending to be tough, or will we look to Scotland the Brave? Another great Sly read

  8. He might be a disaster for the world etc etc but Donald Trump is creating boom times for political cartooning

  9. In tomorrow's GW: profiles the fascinating Anne Aly, first Muslim woman in federal parliament and a counter-terrorism expert

  10. Will the Aussie deal to resettle refugees in America restart the boats? Not according to the people on the ground

  11. Your private data, held by offshore call centres, might be for sale for as little as $350

  12. Listened to The Age's podcast yet? Get into it. Latest episode: mattresses and how they are a bit of a scam

  13. I wonder how Trump decides which signature campaign promises to abandon and which to keep. Is there a system? Just gut instinct?

  14. Did it ever occur to you fruit and veggies sold in Australia in 2016 are likely produced with indentured labour?

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