- published: 01 Sep 2015
- views: 17781
Corsica (/ˈkɔːrsɪkə/; French: Corse [kɔʁs]; Corsican and Italian: Corsica [ˈkɔrsika]) is an island in the Mediterranean Sea belonging to France. It is located west of the Italian Peninsula, southeast of the French mainland, and north of the Italian island of Sardinia. Mountains make up two-thirds of the island, forming a single chain.
Corsica is one of the 18 régions of France, although it is designated as a territorial collectivity (collectivité territoriale) by law. As a territorial collectivity, Corsica enjoys some greater powers than other French régions but is referred to as a région in common speech and is almost always listed among them.
The island formed a single department until it was split in 1975 into two departments: Haute-Corse (Upper Corsica) and Corse-du-Sud (Southern Corsica), with its regional capital in Ajaccio, the prefecture city of Corse-du-Sud. Bastia, the prefecture city of Haute-Corse, is the second-largest settlement in Corsica.
After being ruled by the Republic of Genoa since 1284, Corsica was briefly an independent Corsican Republic from 1755 until it was annexed by France in 1769. Due to Corsica's historical ties with the Italian peninsula, the island retains to this day many elements of Italian culture. The native Corsican language, whose northern variant is closely related to Tuscan, is recognised as a regional language by the French government. This Mediterranean island was ruled by various nations over the course of history but had several brief periods of independence.
Belle France - Korsika
Korsika,Sardinie 2014,Vsacantours
Frankreich - Wild und schön E06: Korsika – Schätze am Meeresgrund Doku (2011)
Motorradtour Korsika 2015 Highlight - Triumph Tiger Explorer
الأغنية التي أدت إلى اعتقال مغني الراب " ياسين فلات "
Korsika 2016 / Lamax X7 Mira /Amazing Corsica trip
Korsika: Übergriffe auf Muslime | Fokus Europa
Eine Schmalspurreise auf Korsika - U Trinighellu
Corsica / Korsika Tour 2010 - HD 720p
[Doku] Korsika /Mit dem Zug von Calvi nach Ajaccio
Atemberaubende Luftaufnahmen zeigen die gebirgige Landschaft Korsikas, außerdem werden Inselbewohner vorgestellt, die das reiche Erbe ihrer Region bewahren und mit anderen teilen. In dem kleinen Dorf Piedigriggio, am Fuß der Felsnadeln von Popolasca, bereitet die junge Konditorin Anne süße Köstlichkeiten zu. Jean-François ist in das Land seiner Vorfahren zurückgekehrt und lebt jenseits des Asco-Tals in Moltifao. Hier stellt er in seiner Werkstatt inmitten der Natur eine moderne Version des berühmten korsischen Messers her. Ewa stammt aus Polen und arbeitet als Kunstrestauratorin. In der Castagniccia im östlichen Teil Korsikas bemüht sie sich um die Erhaltung wertvoller Malereien in Kirchen wie der von Sant'Andréa–di-Cotone. Julien absolvierte eine Ausbildung auf dem französischen Festl...
Korsika a Sardinie od cestovní kanceláře Vsacantours nemá chybu, 1.díl - Korsika - upoutávka na krásný ostrov s průvodcem Zdeňkem Vidnerem,jehož znalosti jsou nevyčerpatelné.Jeho láska k tomuto ostrovu se přenášela na nás.Vřele doporučuji.
Motorcycle Tour to Corsica. Eine Motorradreise von Österreich (Tirol) nach Korsika 2015 Motorrad: Triumph Tiger Explorer 1200 Kamera: Sony HDR-AS100V Music by : audiojungle
ramadan karim lkhoooot ------------ رمضان كريم الخووووت لعز hkenifra o ga3 l9nat l3z makan zaw9o klam makanla7so gdam
Korsika je ostrov ležící v západním Středozemním moři. Spadá pod správu Francie. Od té je vzdálena 180 km, od Itálie 80 km. Nejvyšší horou ostrova je Monte Cinto, 2706 m n. m. Oficiálním jazykem je francouzština. Korsika je místem narození Napoleona Bonaparte. Dokument mapuje nejznámější místa na Korsice, které jsme navštívili s CK Quicktour. Záběry jsou pořízené kamerou Lamax X7 Mira a Iphone SE. instagram: @terry.bro email: brozovatereza@centrum.cz
"Kalliste" haben die Griechen sie einst genannt, "die Schöne": ohne Zweifel ist Korsika bis heute eine der attraktivstes Inseln im Mittelmeer. Vor über 120 Jahren wurde quer über die Insel eine Schmalspurbahn mit spektakulärer Streckenführung gebaut: "U trinighellu", "der Zitternde" nennt der korsische Volksmund den Zug dank seiner holprigen Gleise. Um die zerklüftete Bergwelt befahrbar zu machen, mussten unzählige Tunnel durch den Fels gebohrt und Viadukte über Täler und Schluchten angelegt werden. Selbst der große Ingenieur Gustave Eiffel hatte es sich damals nicht nehmen lassen, sich mit einem Entwurf für die 140m lange und 80m hohe Ponte Vecchio daran zu beteiligen. Ein Film von Susanne Mayer-Hagmann Folge 763
Corsica Tour July / August 2010 - Bonifacio Tour
Corsica is widely known as the birthplace of Napoleon. In Ajaccio, everything reminds the traveler of the emperor: his house, the dome where he was christened, a museum, and the monuments… The island is full of high mountains and clear bays, but the most lasting experience is provided by the small cities like Calvi, Coste or Sarténe, with their characteristically Corsican style. Above the nice and various beaches there are many towers built under the Genovese rule. The city cores evoke the medieval France, while the magnificent mountains evoke the Alps. One cannot miss the Porto bay, the little villages famous of their craftsmanship, and Patrimonio with is well-known vineyard. One can take an unforgettable boat trip in the Bonifacio bay and in the sea caverns around the town. In the larger...
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Corsica Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11TGWls Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Corsica, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, located west of Italy. On the third biggest island of the western basin of the Mediterranean Sea, the French tricolor waves in the wind. The 183km long and 83km wide Corsica lies 170km from the mainland, 80kkm from the Italian coast and only 12km from Sardinia. The most southerly settlement of the island is Bonifacio. According to the famous Corsican borne French poet, Paul Valery, this is the most scenic town of the island. His opinion is shared by millions of tourists who go on pilgrimage to this island even every year. In Italian, the place which got its name from the margrave Bonifaz of Tuscany in 8...
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Corsica Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11TGWls Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Porto Vecchio, the third most populated city of Corsica today and its dynamic growth of which can be attributed to tourists. The magical atmosphere of old houses blending into the city wall surround an intimate little piazza and the area of Port Vecchio is primarily famous for its handicrafts. Porto Vecchio is the third most populated city of Corsica today. The dynamic growth of which can be attributed to tourists. From the Genoan Tower, a magnificent view opens up to the harbor, the sea salt distillers and to the entire bay framed by cork oaks and evergreens. The fortress, the building of which began in 1539 incorporating the old town rises above th...
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Corsica Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11TGWls Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Ajacio, the capital of Corsica who's lies in the northern part of the bay with the same name and surrounded by a ring of green mountains, the background given by the Monte d'Oro. The capital of Corsica Ajaccio with its 60000 residents lies in the northern part of the bay of the same name. It's surrounded by a ring of green mountains, the background given by the Monte d'Oro. Here's the seat of the parliament of the province where they deal with the issues of the whole country. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio and his name is associated inseparably with the name of the city. Here, everything is reminiscent of the ruler. But the city with its so...
Travel in unforgettable Corsica island. Corsica is a mountainous Mediterranean island belongs to France. If you are bored with what provided in Paris. Come here and join us to do much more interesting stuff. Subscribe my channel if we are in same hobbies I love to read any comments
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Corsica Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11TGWls Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of L'lle Rousse in Corsica. Many people like L'Ile Rousse in winter for its mild climate, many for its 6km long beach and others for its casino, which otherwise is a rarity in Corsica. L'Ile Rousse, the red island, the name was probably given because of the granite rocks which are red in themselves but they're also colored blood red by the sunset. The landscape seems to be aflame at this time. The town was founded in 1758 by Paoli whose statue stands on the square named after him. The 180km to be done from the capital of the French Riviera can be completed easily by either yacht or private plane so L'Ile Rousse has been a long time favorite resort of Fr...
Take a tour of Corsican Town of Calvi in Calvi, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The picturesque town of Calvi is fifth largest on the northwest coast of French Mediterranean island of Corsica . This prominent port town has seen Roman, Genoese and British occupation, and as such is an amalgam of striking art and architecture. Calvi has long been a popular destination, thanks to its long stretches of beach, pine forests, mountains and views of the Mediterranean. The prodigious and expansive citadel looms over the town and affords a fantastic view of the surrounding area. The local populace claims explorer Christopher Columbus as one of their own, and his rumored home can be found here. Despite its partial destruction du...
Corte was once the capital of Corsica, during the reign of the much fabled Pasquale Paoli, and the city does still hold quite a grandiose air about it - something only enhanced by the monumental mountain scenery that surrounds it. In recent years Corte could have been said to have been in something of a decline, but since the reopening of the city's university in the 1980s it has regained a thriving, cosmopolitan air, with hundreds of foreign students lured in by its growing academic reputation. Now you'll find the city a bustle of pavement cafés and bars, which are a great way to relax after a day exploring the mountains or wandering around the cragged beauty of the citadel.
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Corsica Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11TGWls Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Calvi in Corsica, a protected bay that was visited with fondness even by the Etruscans, the Venetians and the Greek. The protected bay of Calvi was visited with fondness even by the Etruscans, the Venetians and the Greek. The first harbor was built by the Romans. The name Calvi appears several times in history books. This is where Admiral Nelson, the later winner of the Trafalgar battle lost his eye when on the invitation of Paoli, the English troops tried to conquer Corsica from the French. In World War II, the marines of the allied forces departed from here for the invasion of Normandy. The old town built on a 30m high granite rock is surrounded ...
Hörst du den Wind,
Hörst du das Meer,
Sie kennen kein Gebot
Da war der Strand,
Da war sein Haus,
Morgen- und Abendrot
Herzen so heiß,
Augen so kühn,
Und jeder Mann ein Mann
Wo blieb die Zeit
War es ein Traum
Immer denk ich daran...
Wo die Freiheit wohnt,
Wo sich Tag für Tag neu das Leben lohnt
Deine Melodie,
Die ich liebe, die vergesse ich nie
"Komm in mein Haus",
So sagte er,
Rot wie Rubin der Wein
Da war sein Freund,
Er fragte nie,
Er kannte nie ein "nein"
In seinem Arm
Habe ich geträumt
Von einer anderen Zeit.
Hörst du den Wind,
Hörst du das Meer
Und die Vergangenheit
Wo die Freiheit wohnt,
Wo sich Tag für Tag neu das Leben lohnt
Deine Melodie,
Die ich liebe, die vergesse ich nie
La la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
Deine Melodie,