Interviewing the Agent

Assuming you have gathered a list of agents to interview, the first thing you need to ask them is how long have they been in the business. Most Singaporeans attach age and seniority with technical prowess and ability and while that may be indicative of the agent's capabilities in some cases, at times, it might prove detrimental to the cause.

14 Jun 2015

Put a price on it!

Pricing your property may be a tricky process. However, there is a general guide for home sellers who wish to learn, at the very least, the basics of the process.

11 Dec 2014

Selling Property Guide

4 Reasons why a resale application is cancelled

The resale application can be cancelled due to various reasons.

15 Oct 2014

5 Cheap ways to spruce up your home

Whether you're spring cleaning, remodelling or selling your property, you're going to want to look for the cheapest and most efficient way to doll up your house. Cheap alternatives exist and in large supply and with the internet, they're not hard to discover. For the sake of brevity, we'll give you our favourite five ways to sprucing up your home;

13 Oct 2014

5 Mistakes to avoid when selling your home

Selling your home is going to take time, effort and a lot of patience. Some homeowners think it's a way to make a lot of money quick which is why many people are flipping properties when they can.

18 Jun 2013

Buying Property Guide

Selling your HDB flat? Here's how! Part 2

If you read Part 1 of our How to Sell your HDB flat guide, you will already be versed in the types of marketing options you have.

15 May 2012

Selling your HDB flat? Here's how! Part 1

As HDB prices surge non-stop, many flat owners are looking at the prospect of selling their homes as a get rich quick scheme. With new flat prices being in the ludicrous ranges of $500,000 onwards, the veritable attractiveness of selling your flat is undeniable.

15 May 2012

5 things which lower the value of your home

Most of our articles were written with the express intent to assist you in preparing and selling your home while some deal with buying a home. When we sell a home, we are focused on ourselves, our needs and wants. Very rarely do we put ourselves in the shoes of our clients.

14 May 2012

Working with the right agent

With information easily obtained by spending a few hours on the internet, most people would challenge the need for a property agent when they feel they can educate themselves on how to buy and/or sell their property in a few hours.

17 Apr 2012

Home Seller's Guide: Selling your property

So you've got that big raise and decide it's time to move.

17 Apr 2012