
1. Who owns ReachTEL Pty Ltd?

ReachTEL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Veda - the ASX listed data analytics business. We are not owned by, or affiliated with any political party, media outlet, union or special interest group.

2. Do you provide services internationally?

Yes. Currently we provide Voice & SMS Broadcast services into Australia and New Zealand.

3. Do you call mobiles?

Yes. We call land line and mobile telephones. The proportion of land lines to mobile telephones that we call varies depending on the location of the area we are targeting.

4. Why have you called me when I'm on the Do Not Call Register?

Firstly, we apologise for any inconvenience that our call may have caused you.

The Do Not Call Register covers calls that are intended to advertise or promote goods or services and the Act has specific exemptions that allows market research calls. The ACMA website has more information on the specific exemptions:


We are happy to remove your telephone number from our calling lists to ensure that we never call you again. To opt-out, simply head to this form.

5. When will you be releasing a survey that I participated in?
Can I get more results data on a particular survey?

We are commissioned to conduct market research for a variety of organisations including media outlets, political organisations, special interest groups and private individuals. Our customers have the final say on if and when a research piece may be released. We endeavour to publish all publicly released polls on our blog.

6. Where did you get my telephone number from?

Telephone numbers are chosen at random from a large data set of available numbers. Our data is sourced from a number of reputable list suppliers.

7. I hung up before completing all the questions. Was I included in your results?

No, you won't be included in our results. Only respondents that complete all questions including demographic questions will be included in the final results.

8. How does your sample weighting work?

The automated nature of our calls means that we sometimes over-sample some demographic segments. To overcome this and to ensure that we have a sample that accurately reflects the population, we apply a statistical weighting. We rely on the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics demographics data to achieve this industry standard practise.