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John Birmingham: Get off your bum, Borobi, being a mascot is a big deal


The Gold Coast Commonwealth Games official mascot has been revealed and the reaction has been swift and mixed, including from our columnist.

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Games mascot drops onto beach

Borobi the surfing koala, the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games mascot, arrives in style at Burleigh on Monday morning. Vision: Channel Seven

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"Dude, seriously, let me pack that cone. You're short on thumbs."

Borobi squinted at me through the thick haze of weed smoke.

"Don't patronise me, JB," he muttered. "I'm special now, bro. You gotta show some respect."

What does Borobi the surfing koala really get up to when he's not being a mascot?

What does Borobi the surfing koala really get up to when he's not being a mascot? Photo: Amanda Abate/Seven News

But he was already three buckets into the wind and it took him a long time time to say this, what with all the coughing and wheezing getting distracted by his breakfast beer.

He necked the last half of the beer in one long pull, belched enormously, and fell back against the front of the brown couch. Traffic roared past outside our flat at Nobby's but Bo' didn't hear it. He just lay there on the floor contentedly drumming his fat, greasy paws on the matted and filthy blue fur of his grossly distended belly.

"Dude, you really gotta cut back on the delivery food," I said. "Not judgin', just sayin' is all. You got this new gig coming up. They're gonna want your A-game. Not your pizza farts."

Borobi "drops in" on the Gold Coast.

Borobi "drops in" on the Gold Coast. Photo: Sunrise

"Pizza farts …" He giggled as he let rip with a shocker. What little remained of the flaking varnish on the scarred wooden floor beneath his hairy blue arse began to bubble and smoke.

He started laughing for real then, and so did I, because, you know, beers and breakfast bongs and pure dumb luck.

It was pure dumb luck he'd got the gig as the Commonwealth Games Mascot. Pure dumb luck he had the look they said they were lookin' for. A surfing koala, a "little champion" who was "tenacious" and "up for a challenge". And blue. Because of the surf and stuff.

Problem was, my fat little friend was blue because the day of his audition he'd "tenaciously" dived into our blocked and overflowing toilet bowl when he dropped his favourite bong in there – the Minion one, with the big-arse test tube. Then the lazy turd just sat in there, stewing in Harpic, because he wasn't "up for the challenge" of climbing out again.

He said it was because of his handicap, but I'd seen him crawl out of plenty of toilets even after he blew his thumb off trying to light a cone with a giant firecracker we bought online. He reckons a flushing toilet is as good as a spa bath, but ours doesn't really flush any more because of all the koala fur clogging it up. And anyway, he's not really handicapped.

He's just a lazy surf bum is all.

"Dude, you awake?" I asked, pushing a toe into his flabby gut. It felt like a giant pudding wrapped in shag pile. "Dude?"

"Fuggoff, JB," he half-yawned, half-snored.

"Dude, you gotta get up. We gotta go meet Occhilupo at this thing."

He snored for real then.

"Dude, there's a helicopter."

That opened his sleepy, gummed-up eyes. One of them at least.

"A helicopter?"

"Don't you remember? We gotta fly in on a helicopter. Meet Occhi. Get a new surfboard and everything."

He started to push himself up off the floor, but it wasn't the promise of a new board. He hadn't been out in the waves for months.

"Fuggin' helicopter," he muttered. "I can use a helicopter, man. We could get down to Nimbin, eh. Drop in on some buds … get it … drop in … and …"

But he couldn't finish the sentence, he was already laughing so hard at his own lame joke.

"Yeah," I said. "Totally. We could do that."

I figured if I could get him moving, I could get him to his first gig. I could use that board even if he couldn't.

"But I'm gonna need another cone," he said. "A traveller."

He blinked slowly, looking around for the fixings of his next bong.

"Hey. Blinky Bill," I said, "seriously, let me pack that cone for you. You got no thumbs."

8 comments so far

  • Oh please let's get the Rio de Janiero Olympics out of the way first. After all it is only the Commonwealth Games and as a sporting event only about a 10th in ranking of importance or skill.

    The Lad
    Date and time
    April 04, 2016, 4:35PM
    • That was a poor extrapolation of surf culture which could have been applied to any mascot they chose. Entertaining - yes - albeit mildly so.
      Used in the right context - against a koala mascot? No.
      Blunt Instrument? Yes - this one certainly missed the mark.

      Frequent Flyer
      Date and time
      April 04, 2016, 4:42PM
      • A blue koala! Surely we are not seriously trying to win anything here. Why couldn't we pick a native animal mascot that would actually strike fear into the opposition? We have plenty of options, funnel webs from Toowoomba, taipans, and salt water crocs from the North. Hand them out to the competition and remind them that these are the things we live with. A bit of hardcore sledging not some wishy washy cuddly wuddly blue invention. Just emphasises that we are not serious about these games - they are just an Olympics also ran.

        Date and time
        April 04, 2016, 5:09PM
        • Are you kidding? Koalas aren't cute & cuddly, they can be very vicious with their claws.. and chlamydia...

          Date and time
          April 05, 2016, 9:06AM
      • Choosing a mascot whose species is suffering an epidemic of chlamydia? Yeah, try explaining that to the rest of the Commonwealth nations!

        Not to mention the 'paint him the same colour as the ocean & shove a surfboard under his arm' level of creativity...

        As for this article's take on Borobi's lifestyle, must be plenty of Australian Blue he's chiefing.

        Very jingoistic GC...
        Date and time
        April 04, 2016, 9:55PM
        • WTF, are you on? if this is suppose to be a humorous piece then it fell way short, and if it's not then it's just plain wrong on so many points. does this media outlet not have any editorial checking of articles. come on Brisbane times pick up your game.

          mt warren pk
          Date and time
          April 05, 2016, 9:06AM
          • My sympathies go to every bong smoking, beer drinking, pizza eating, lazy surfy bum on the Gold Coast who missed out on the gig (all 135,742 of you).

            For once the discriminated against endangered species won the day, even though a mascot based on a bong smoking, beer drinking, pizza eating, lazy surfy bum would have been much more representative.... or perhaps a white-shoe-wearing developer......?????

            Date and time
            April 05, 2016, 9:14AM
            • They can't all be winners

              Date and time
              April 05, 2016, 9:34AM

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