Will the real Turnbull ever stand up?

Adam Gartrell 12:00 PM   After an election win the real Malcolm Turnbull will emerge from his conservative chrysalis like a beautiful socially-progressive butterfly, right? Don't be so sure.

Hey, Aussies, cut the  forelock-tugging

How Australians will greet the Queen.

Ian Rose 12:00 PM   The Queen's Birthday public holiday is a national disgrace, argues Ian Rose.

Deadly truths you need to know

Not suicide: Terminally ill patients who choose to die using Nembutal experience the antithesis of violent and secretive ...

Rodney Syme 12:00 PM   A Victorian parliamentary committee recommends legalising physician-assisted death. Dr Rodney Syme helps explain why.

Why you should all give a political damn

You could be forgiven for thinking our political system has effectively locked you out, which it has.

Mark Triffitt 12:00 PM   If you don't like what's going on, do something about it, urges Mark Triffitt.

Whose plan is better? Don't ask an economist

Square, dink, dinks, dinkus, head shot, comment, Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon   The battle over the final the weeks of the campaign will be as much for the hearts as the minds of the undecided.

Comments 35

Are we really prepared to let the Reef die?

Sir David Attenborough back at the Great Barrier Reef.

Geoff Cousins   All over the world, the Great Barrier Reef is making front page news. The world is watching how Australia exercises its duty of care over this most loved international icon.

Who was I before I was I?

The author's father, taken in 1945 (sitting on the grass).

Martin Flanagan   Where am I in the photo? I'm not there. I'm not born yet, I don't exist.

Child-free and happy

Child-free households are becoming the norm.

Wendy Squires   What is also being foolishly overlooked is the proportion of single-occupant households in this country, people who are left to pay the bills alone.

The swirling buffet of life's flavours.

Seafood Curry Laksa - accept no substitutes.

Danny Katz   Soup is a mystery to me, it makes no sense, it doesn't even know what it is.

Don't turn Ali into a sanitised caricature

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   We're left with a man of courage who made some awful mistakes, was sincere enough to admit them, but prepared to pay the price of his convictions.

Comments 162

Safety is everyone's business

'I was just a 10-minute walk from home, but now there was no way I would take that familiar route. There were too many ...

Emma Buckley Lennox   Like most women, I'm used to men taking away my right to feel safe in the moment.

Comments 29

What the Stanford rape case can teach our sons

Brock Turner in his January 2015 booking photo, released by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office.

Rex Huppke   I'll tell my boys that only cowards blame rape on alcohol or promiscuity.

Hillary's win is historic but underwhelming


Allison Pearson   Do we really want the first woman president to have been a president's wife?

Comments 42

Why Trump will win the White House

Donald Trump never apologies and never backs down.

Ben Boychuk   Donald Trump will win the 2016 presidential election.

Comments 331

It's question time for Daniel Andrews

Daniel Andrews' position has been difficult to fathom.

Josh Gordon   On Tuesday Matthew Guy used the legal cover of State Parliament to air an unsubstantiated rumour doing the rounds.

Comments 62

The Coalition's promising things it can't afford

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Labor ought to consider reversioning the old 1980's AIDS slogan: "I like sex, but I'm not prepared to die for it."

Comments 119


Less Michael Bay, more Swedish arthouse

Federal election campaigns used to be like Hollywood blockbusters, moving at such a cracking pace, people missed on all the glaring inconsistencies, writes ADAM GARTRELL.

Multiculturalism: not an ideal, but a reality

We need to create human societies from people of many different backgrounds, writes MARTIN FLANAGAN.

Khan's London a symbol of a working democracy

If Donald Trump is elected US president, London's new mayor would be barred from entering the country because he's a Muslim, writes WALEED ALY. 

Gold Logie is more than a win for diversity

The bigots who struggle with Waleed Aly's success fail to understand it has nothing to do with religion.

The biggest issue

Population growth must be addressed to ensure future prosperity and health, writes FARRAH TOMAZIN.

The fight China will take to the brink of war

The world's two greatest powers are competing for military dominance of the western Pacific Ocean and the contest is about to intensify, by PETER HARTCHER.

Surgeons trained on living animals save lives

In emergencies, surgeons, whose training has been as realistic as possible, can make the difference between life and death, by JOHN CUNNINGHAM.

Death in black and white

Imagine if a royal commission was held into a matter of national shame, and it spent tens of millions of dollars, produced a vast report, but the headline indicators of that shame actually went backwards.

Against the odds the stars line up for Labor

Increasing inequality has allowed Labor to start doing something it hasn't done for decades - articulate a worldview.

Better teachers? Better at what, exactly?

We all know it is bureaucratic procedures, lack of funding and poor pay rates that hold back educational standards, not bad teachers, by NED MANNING.

Beauty of science is in the unexpected moment

The CSIRO's pursuit of science will be hampered by the naked hunt for cash, by SURENDRA VERMA.

The sheer stupidity of Trump’s terrifying rise

How would such an ignorant amateur actually run the most powerful country in the world? By JANET DALEY

Gen Y frets over a looming bleak future

Good jobs, affordable homes and peace of mind appear increasingly out of reach for young Australians.