• SDG 1
  • SDG 2
  • SDG 3
  • SDG 4
  • SDG 5
  • SDG 6
  • SDG 7
  • SDG 8
  • SDG 9
  • SDG 10
  • SDG 11
  • SDG 12
  • SDG 13
  • SDG 14
  • SDG 15
  • SDG 16
  • SDG 17
  • SDG 18

Our mission and the Sustainable Development Goals

“The SDGs will help us engage our stakeholders in improving our contribution to eradicating poverty, protecting the environment and empowering people and communities. The framework enables us to have greater impact on these issues through collaboration”


Matt Sparkes, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Linklaters LLP

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were agreed by 193 countries at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015. They set 169 targets and further indicators that every UN member state will use in framing their agendas and political policies until 2030.

Scroll down through the page to see how our work is furthering the SDGs.

Operational since January 2016, the 17 SDGs supersede the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were agreed in 2000 and expired in 2015. The SDGs are ‘a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity’. They seek to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. They are integrated and indivisible and seek to balance the multiple dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental. Aiming to achieve the human rights of all, the SDGs relate to poverty, food security, health, education, the economy, the environment, gender, sustainability and more.

Goal 16 (Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions) is particularly relevant to A4ID, given our commitment to providing development organisations with the highest calibre legal advice. Nevertheless, we provide legal support in pursuit of all the SDGs, with the ultimate goal of eradicating poverty and creating a more equitable global society.

Why Sustainable Development matters to lawyers

The law is critical role in the achievement of the SDGs. Robust legal systems provide an essential pillar for success across all aspects of development: they safeguard human rights, uphold the rule of law and ensure equality and non-discrimination.

The SDGs mark an opportunity for lawyers to make a tangible contribution. They cannot be realised without full, active participation from the international legal community. This has already been recognised by many of the world’s largest law firms that are A4ID legal partners.

Beyond that, the creation of more effective legal systems has manifest commercial benefits for international companies and the international law firms which they use when doing business in developing markets. Likewise, the development of effective legal systems is integral to the growth of developing economies. Through A4ID, law firms and companies can do much to assist.

Sustainable Development Goals Case studies

Sustainable Development Goals Blog

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Sustainable Development GoalsPolicy

Sustainable Development Goals Events

Sustainable Development Goals Resources

12 Sep 2016

Competition Law: Impact on NGOs and Charities

Download this helpful legal guide on Competition Law and how it might affect and be used by charities and NGOs in furthering their aims.

Competition Law: Impact on NGOs and Charities

8 Aug 2016

Checklist for Avoiding Defamation Claims

If you have taken our Online Defamation Training course, download this helpful checklist of key steps for protecting yourself from defamation claims.

A4ID checklist for avoiding defamation claims

1 Oct 2014

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: a guide for the legal profession

A4ID’s firm-specific guide on the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights is the first specific to the legal profession. It is designed to help law firms consider how they can balance the responsibility to respect human rights with their unique professional ethical duties.

A4ID Business and Human Rights Guide

21 Apr 2014

Conference report – India and Post 2015

This paper examines these issues, paying attention to the role that India may play in the months leading up to the September summit.

It is informed by, in particular, an event held by the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law and Advocates for International Development (A4ID) in New Delhi in February 2015 to promote discussion of the rule of law in relation to the international development agenda, and consider lessons to be learned from India. 

Conference report – India and Post 2015

22 Jan 2014

Guide to establishing non-profit organisations in Australia

In Australia, non-profit organisations (whether charities or not) are normally established in one of three ways: companies, trusts and incorporated associations. However, incorporated associations are specifically for organisations that are going to operate just within one of the Australian states. Therefore, in practice, non-profit organisations seeking to establish in Australia should think of starting as a company or as a trust.

Australia Non-Profit Legal Guide 2014

22 Jul 2013

Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting on the London Stock Exchange

This guide provides an overview of the key reporting requirements in connection with environmental, social and governance issues applicable to companies traded on the London Stock Exchange.

London Stock Exchange ESG reporting

22 Mar 2013

WTO Dispute Resolution

This guide describes the process of resolving disputes between states at the World Trade Organisation. The World Trade Organization (“WTO”) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. The WTO is run by its member governments, of which there are currently 158.

Legal Guide to WTO Dispute resolution

12 Mar 2013

Copyright in the UK

This guide addresses UK copyright law as at February 2013. UK law will cover how you can use and protect materials in the UK, even if the materials were created outside the UK.

Legal Guide – UK Copyright

1 Mar 2013

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the “Act”) gives any person access to information held by public authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland subject to certain exceptions. Similar legislation exists in Scotland however this is not covered in this guide. No reason need be given for wanting such information.

This guide provides background and summary of the law.

Legal Guide to Freedom of Information


27 Feb 2013

Clean Development Mechanism: CDM and Development

Part three of this legal guide describes the link between the CDM and development by reviewing both advantages and criticism, finishing with an overview of the future of the CDM.

Clean Development Mechanism Part 3

26 Feb 2013

Clean Development Mechanism: CDM in Practice

Part two of this three part guide explains in more detail the functioning of the CDM by covering the process of project registration, the different types of CDM projects and their locations.

Clean Development Mechanism Part 2

25 Feb 2013

Clean Development Mechanism: CDM and the UNFCCC

Part one of this three part legal guide introduces the Clean Development Mechanism as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It outlines how CDM can lead to projects implemented in and by developing countries that aim to reduce carbon emissions.

Clean Development Mechanism – CDM and the UNFCCC


Sustainable Development Goals Courses